Trump vs. Pope Francis

When we played he had Jersey State Troopers doing detail. He had his own body guy and that was it. I'm sure the Secret Service cleared it, but they were not on the course with us. All done by Troopers and his personal security guy (who was secret service). It was fine and not intrusive at all.
To answer your question. It was nothing. Maybe because Bayonne gets maybe 8 rounds per day. There is never anyone out there so it was no big deal. We had drinks the clubhouse, hung out and it was cool. It was like 4 guys just hanging out, making jokes about women and playing golf. Insert ND's smart comment right now.
Unfortunately we're not that cool .For the sake of legend, let's say yes.
Guy is awesome, just awesome. That guy is gone.

"Well, you know I... I never got to brag about my womanizing in the public. I would have liked to have had that chance. Just once. To stare down a big league politician. To stare him down, and just as he goes into his self-righteous rant, pantomime a bj"
history has proved he dunks..."handily".
Pope indicates that Trump isn't a Christian........he should also mention that Bernie Sanders isn't a Christian........