Tsarnaev Verdict

I think capital punishment should be painful. Not torturous or grotesque to watch, but painful.
Why? What's the point?
Use their own theology to determine their punishment. Then we'll be acting within their own professed beliefs. It sure would turn the tables on the people who are bitching about the death penalty. Sharia law is very clear that he should be put to death. Do we really want to deny him his rights to have his religion freely practiced?
In his mind, and the minds of many others like him, he's being martyred. That bugs me.
In his mind, and the minds of many others like him, he's being martyred. That bugs me.

He wouldn't have run back down Boylston street if he wanted to be martyred. This kid does not want to die, he wants his Xbox back.
He wouldn't have run back down Boylston street if he wanted to be martyred. This kid does not want to die, he wants his Xbox back.

Last martyr to die on Boylston street

Matthew Levitt, a former FBI counterterrorism intelligence analyst and now a terrorism expert at The Washington Institute, said the death sentence will resonate differently around the world.

"Are jihadists going to look to him as some kind of martyr figure? The answer is likely yes. To a certain extent they already do," said Levitt, who testified for the prosecution at Tsarnaev's trial.

Nicholas Burns, a professor of diplomacy and international relations at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, cautions against underestimating Tsarnaev's influence among hard-liners bent on using violence — and a life sentence would have tamped that down.

"Tsarnaev is a criminal and a terrorist responsible for one of the most reprehensible attacks in Boston's history," he said. "I do fear that the death penalty could cause some Islamic terrorist groups to paint him as a martyr."
Matthew Levitt, a former FBI counterterrorism intelligence analyst and now a terrorism expert at The Washington Institute, said the death sentence will resonate differently around the world.

"Are jihadists going to look to him as some kind of martyr figure? The answer is likely yes. To a certain extent they already do," said Levitt, who testified for the prosecution at Tsarnaev's trial.

Nicholas Burns, a professor of diplomacy and international relations at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, cautions against underestimating Tsarnaev's influence among hard-liners bent on using violence — and a life sentence would have tamped that down.

"Tsarnaev is a criminal and a terrorist responsible for one of the most reprehensible attacks in Boston's history," he said. "I do fear that the death penalty could cause some Islamic terrorist groups to paint him as a martyr."

"A professor of diplomacy and IR at Harvard": Just write, some massive liberal said. These crazy people will always find more reasons to hate American and if able they will kill Americans. Let's not get confused and start believing killing this piece of shit changes anything in regards to this equation as liberals want you to believe. So silly. Bad people will do bad things. They don't need "extra" motivation.
I think there's value in them knowing that even though the U.S. executes very few people, we draw the line at certain things, like when it comes to the sort of wastes of life that engages in these sorts of attacks on random civilians. You're not going to do something like this at 20 years old and spend your entire natural life getting fan mail from the Arab world. Go through your appeals if you like and you will be around for longer than you deserve or many countries would allow, sure, but eventually, you'll be strapped to a gurney or whatever. And you're not likely to get much of a Mumia Abu Jamal following over here.

Also, in part based on that, my guess is relatively speaking time his appeals will go more quickly than others. Evidence is pretty strong. Bob Dylan won't be writing songs trying to save him. People who want to get involved in death penalty cases can find better opportunities elsewhere.