Wendell Middlebrooks Remembered

High Life isn't a bad choice from the BMC beers, but it's still garbage - Won't Miss

Wait...I forgot.

'Murican beer isn't brewed with water/barley/hops by guys who started their businesses in their's brewed by multinational corporations with corn syrup.
Seems like two issues raised there, spg10987hinkie.
Do you object to BMC due to their compromising their beers with crappy filler ingredients to make it cheaper (or more addictive)? Or because you disagree with their distribution system and corporate structure?

Would you drink their beer if they made it real beer? Or do you only detest their distribution system, their intimidation and abuse of smaller competitors and their international reach?
I don't have any problem with the BMCs, and would definitely like it/drink it if they made a quality product. They probably will at some point, but hesus, not Blue Moon.

My "problem" is with the consumer who maintains;

1. It's more "American" than craft. Craft started as a cottage industry created by industrious American Patriots. BMCs are largely foreign owned conglomerates.

2. Beer tastes "better" when corn syrup is used for fuel. An individual consumer may like BMC better, but people like The Departed, not to laugh at, but because they think it's a gr8 movie. There's no fixing that.

3. Beer is supposed to taste like sh_t and can only be yellow because that's how it used to be here (before that, it used to be something different, incidentally).

4. It's "cheaper". Maybe not when counting by ABV. Plus, you live in a McMansion and drive a BMW, not a Civic, let's stop pretending there's any point in saving money on beer/food (stop saving money on food, chances are you'll save many multiples of that on "medicine").



B. It's not really a "problem" with the BMC consumer, it's more like this...


eBonus Question: Does the "fake" cancer really have "stages"?

This post was edited on 3/11 9:54 AM by spg109876ers
I only drink beer that confirms with the German purity law. Water, barley, hops, yeast. Nothing else needed. Don't give me any of that rice or corn shit.

If you want variety, toast the barley or switch up the hopping process; maybe do a little dry hopping if you want the pale ale like nose.
So what beer should I drink so as to not be a shill for big corporations? How do I figure out if a bear conforms to German purity laws? Can you buy anything at a normal liquor store that isn't full of fillers?

Back to Mr. Middlebrooks, he "died suddenly" at his home at age 36, and no foul play is involved. So it was either suicide, overdose, or autoerotic asphyxiation.
BMC could make cheap "real" beer. Apparently their choice way of getting into that now is either buying breweries (ex: Goose Island), taking a piece of the action through distribution deals (ex: Red Hook) or covertly buying a share in some breweries (strong rumors about Victory). They prob realize that if they did it directly (Budweiser Imperial Stout!!!) it would be like Wal-Mart making luxury collar stays.

The "mom and pop operation" piece of some arguments doesn't hold much weight for me. Get the best product for your price point and taste. If all else is equal, i prefer efficient operations.