Rewatched our Oklahoma game..

...Buddy was good not great...threw up some bricks...we jacked up a ton of ill-advised threes...shot selection overall was bad...average D at best...Ochefu got few touches but when he did was very effective...had a great move with a monster slam and an unbelievable drive from the 3 point line for a bucket...we played no half court trap defense so they had almost a full shot clock every possession...we played no zone...will be interesting to see if Jay uses either/both this time around with their heady 3 point shooting....Oklahoma hit some lucky this-is-our-day shots...absolutely no reason we can't win tomorrow...feel even more confident after rewatching the game...
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Our Bookstore is a Joke

Was so excited about the final 4 - bought 4 tshirts for myself - paid for 2 day shipping - they still haven't shipped.

I know they're facing a massive influx - but seriously?

I called - no offer for money back on shipping - no insight as to when they'd ship and he made a vague reference to maybe I wasn't going to get my stuff.

So frustrating - I could have bought on but I assume our book store gets a better cut if I buy from them - next time I'll think twice.
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D'Angelo Russell

No one has posted about him snitching on Nick Young cheating on Iggy Azalea? He took video of Swaggy P saying he took some 19 year old girl from the club. Stephen Jackson was on ESPN saying "snitches get stitches." I get the kid didn't leak it himself but wtf is he doing with that video and why did he take it in the first place?!

Interesting article on $$$'s for NCAA Tourney

Talks about how the big runs by the ACC will provide a nice payout for the conference over the next several years. The American conference is still raking in huge $$$'s because of the old Big East and the agreements in place with the schools that left. Question does anyone know how we structured the deal when we left?

OUR Team

"At around 1pm on Saturday, Wright added a final line to the sheet on which he'd handwritten his play calls for the KU game: "If we win", it said, "have the last be first." He wanted one more symbol, for an overachieving team with no true star, that everyone on the roster was the same, and thus the final snips of the net- typically reserved for an MVP- were made by senior walk on Henry Lowe, who played zero minutes against the Jayhawks."- Luke Winn Sports Illustrated

Sums it all up. Love this team and staff.

fun way to help Villanova students who make the trip ...

I am thinking of a way for VUSports folks to show appreciation for the kind of student spirit and motivation it takes for them to make it to Houston to root on the Cats (by helping offset the cost of their trip).

It is similar to what DC_VU_Chapter did in Louisville ...

What I am thinking is that we start a thread (maybe this one) and anyone from the VUSports board that is going to Houston can post their board "handle" and a $ amount that they pledge to hand (on the spot) (I was thinking $40 would be a good starting point "donation" since that is the price of a student ticket) to any current Villanova student who does the following:
a) locate the subscriber at any point during the weekend
b) take a "selfie" with the poster (and anyone else that wants in on the picture
c) tweet the photo out with the hashtags #LetsMarchNova and @VUSportsdotcom

Please let me know what people think.

Some examples:

"WaywardSon" pledges to give $50 each to the first 5 students who find me in Houston and tweets a VUSports selfie

"TheSportsBoss" pledges $40 each to the first two students who find me in Houston and tweets a VUSports selfie

"JiggieAgent" pledges $150 to the first student who finds me in Houston and tweets a VUSports selfie

A student who put in a lot of work could potentially pay for a lot of their trip. A modestly industrious one could easily make what they paid for their tickets.

I'm pickin' up good vibrations

When Oklahoma won last weekend, I was bummed out – would have much rather played Oregon, especially as the Sooners (by the way what is a sooner?) handed us our asses last time around. But as the week has gone by, I have changed my tune. I am just getting real good vibes on this whole thing and we will take them. Never seen it all come together like this before, from the support on this board, to all the students getting behind the team, selling out the school allotment, the team itself having super good Chemistry (that is what won it in 85) and playing at their peak and even the city of Philly starting to come around.

All in all, I'm pickin' up good vibrations - and giving me excitations - Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations - Good good good good vibrations.

Going to be a great night tonight.

The ACC and Nova

I want to preface this by saying this is pure speculation on my part. There can't be a bigger hater of the nBE than Swofford and the ACC. There are no positives in our league being successful from their perspective, but our league failing is what they truly want (ESPN for that matter as well). Seeing us lay the wood to Miami must have turned their collective stomachs. Then taking out KU to reach the F4 must have been the last thing they wanted to see, well taking out UNC in the final would be that.

So it got me thinking, and I certainly discussed with a few people in Louisville. I wonder if the ACC starts to think the best way to kill the BE as a top notch basketball conference is to take their best team? Now, the money we are talking about may seem like peanuts to them compared to football, but follow my logic for a moment:

ESPN has a lot invested in the ACC, they are in the same boat as the ACC when it comes to wishing nothing but failure for the nBE (and Fox Sports). I could honestly see a scenario where they see a benefit in helping to fund our football stadium to entice Villanova to move up in football and join the ACC. Long term, it would be devastating to the Big East. We are starting to carry that much power.

If offered, do we do it? My knee-jerk answer is, "Hell yes!", but then I wonder if we don't have the perfect situation going for us right now? I think ultimately, the Football 5 win out and if you have the chance to join, you take it. I will say, seeing Villanova succeed like this has to make Swofford and the ACC consider the possibility, despite how successful their league has been this March.

