Is there a parallel

To be drawn between the Arab Spring and the anti-colonialist wars fought between 1946 and 1963?

I don't know enough about the Pre World War II history of North Africa, but the inter world war years certainly saw a power play for assets in Asia and Africa.

I wonder how a Kissinger or Robert McNamara would view the events

Paul Short Inv.

Men win Gold race
McEntee 4th -- 24:13 Mildenhall 7th -- 24:22 Williamsz 9th --24:23 Morrin 23rd and Denault 26th but listed with the same time -- 24:37 (a spread of 24 sec.)

William & Mary 2nd Georgetown 3rd Dartmouth 4th Providence 5th

Women 7th in Gold race
Akande 8th 20:33 Cook 29th 21:02 Lipair 44th Schappert 50 Venables 53 21:24 (a spread of 51 sec.)

Mimic won the women's open
This post was edited on 9/28 1:01 PM by excattyguy

xc 2012

a tweet at villanovarunning has McEntee breaking Curtis's Haverford 4-mile record. Also, it should be noted that Williamsz's time was also under the old record.

Interestingly, Akande is now listed as the Villanova record holder at Haverford. The obvious question is: Did Reid, Huber, Zajac, O'Sullivan, or Rhines ever run that 3-mile course?

What's happening in Libya and Egypt is fascinating

This is a politics board, so take this as a political post.

The day after our Embassy is attacked in Libya, thousands of Libya are out protesting Islamists and waving American flags.

A day later, President Morsi tells, essentially his constituents, to go home and leave the Americans alone. What a balancing act that is - to balance his hard line constituency with the economic necessity of working with the West on debt relief and foreign aid.

While some of those protesting are Islamists like we see in Pakistan and Indonesia...look at the people who were protesting - young, unemployed men wearing Western clothes. How much of this comes from lack of education, jobs and a semblance of opportunity.

Another question I would like answered is the participation rate in these protests. Egypt was ugly. But not protesting Mubarak ugly.

Just fascinating. Nothing is ever black and white.

"Arab Spring" Working Out Well For Us

The administration's initial response to yesterday's havoc:

"The Embassy
of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided
individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims ? as we condemn efforts
to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are
honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to
the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of
American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the
universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."


Official Response

Democrats changing symbol from a donkey

The Democrat's New Symbol

The Democratic Party today announced that it is changing

its symbol from the Donkey to a Condom because it more

accurately reflects the Party's political stance. A condom

allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation,

protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security

while you're actually being screwed!

Darn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that!
No need to thank me. I'm just doing my civic duty...
