Ben Carson


Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed
Sep 10, 2003
Phenomenal success story. There was a mini bio on him on TV tonight. His story is truly the American story of raising himself up from nothing - one of 3 kids raised by a mother with only a third grade education. In a really funny part he explains how his mother only allowed the kids to watch 2 TV shows a week and they had to read two books a week and do book reports for their mother. They didn't know she couldn't read. There is a movie about his life called "Gifted Hands" with Cuba Gooding. He may well be the most knowledgeable candidate to ever run for the office of president. I hope he gets a fair chance from the media to get his message out during the campaign!
Phenomenal success story. There was a mini bio on him on TV tonight. His story is truly the American story of raising himself up from nothing - one of 3 kids raised by a mother with only a third grade education. In a really funny part he explains how his mother only allowed the kids to watch 2 TV shows a week and they had to read two books a week and do book reports for their mother. They didn't know she couldn't read. There is a movie about his life called "Gifted Hands" with Cuba Gooding. He may well be the most knowledgeable candidate to ever run for the office of president. I hope he gets a fair chance from the media to get his message out during the campaign!
More knowledgeable than Thomas Jefferson?
Remarkable story, gifted surgeon I'm sure, would be a terrible President and thankfully has no chance.
Remarkable story, gifted surgeon I'm sure, would be a terrible President and thankfully has no chance.
I didn't realize he was part of the surgical team that separated the first set of Siamese Twins in the U.S. Rayhad, I think if he gets a fair chance to get his message of individual empowerment out by the media, people are going to be surprised how much traction he gets.
TJC, please weigh in on the following points:
1) Is he better than "self made Americans" Alan Keyes and Herman Cain?
2) What does a surgeon know about economics, government, law, politics?
3) In the past, he has called for getting rid of for profit health insurance companies (essentially an EXPANSION of Obamacare). Are you on board with this?
4) Thinks pot is a gateway drug.
5) It's cute to let him participate to temper the eventual selection of a typical southern hatemonger.
What, you didn't care for that whole 'gay is a choice' thing?...Well how do you explain all that prison sex????

"No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition (of marriage)."

He's kind of awesome. I'm thrilled that this crackpot decided to join the Republican circus.

"I don't believe in evolution...I simply don't have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, and plan, and have a moral sense of what's right and wrong, just appeared."
The Affordable Care Act is "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery". --Dr. Ben
The GoP ripped Obama for years saying he was 'not experienced', and yet now they want a guy with literally zero elected experience. Which, you know, I can get on board with ideally, but the problem is the waters are already poisoned, and they will never allow a new fish to swim in at that level. His biggest problem is his own party. In fact, that's the same problem for almost everyone who is running for POTUS at the moment, except for maybe Hillary. (and I predict she will have plenty of problems between now and the primaries - dont think she can win, and when the Dems realize that, she'll be in trouble too).
The GoP ripped Obama for years saying he was 'not experienced', and yet now they want a guy with literally zero elected experience.

In defense of the GOP, they really DON'T want this guy to be President. Best as I can tell, TJC is his only fan.
Great surgeon and inspiring life story. My high school advisor gave me Gifted Hands as a gift when I was like 15 and I read it because I thought I wanted to be a doctor at the time. He has a tremendous life story and I consider him to be a personal hero of mine, but he is only running for president because a bunch of Viagra-aged Fox News viewers got boners when he made a defiantly conservative speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with the president sitting right next to him.

The likelihood that I will vote Republican in 2016 is above 99 percent, but if every other candidate was devoured by wolves and Ben Carson was nominated, I would do what I did in the 2014 Pennsylvania Governor's election and write in my father.
TJC, please weigh in on the following points:
1) Is he better than "self made Americans" Alan Keyes and Herman Cain?
2) What does a surgeon know about economics, government, law, politics?
3) In the past, he has called for getting rid of for profit health insurance companies (essentially an EXPANSION of Obamacare). Are you on board with this?
4) Thinks pot is a gateway drug.
5) It's cute to let him participate to temper the eventual selection of a typical southern hatemonger.

1) Better than Alan Keyes/Herman Cain - Yes. If you take the time to listen to him, he exudes knowledge but, more importantly, "wisdom." His sincerity in this day and age of skepticism shines through everything he says whether you agree with him or not. Imagine having a Presudent you can actually trust.
2) He will be giving a speech on his economic policies in the near future. I want to hear that first. As far as government and politics are concerned, please name me the last time we had a well functioning/efficient government? The President suggests policies so as long as his ideas/plans for the country's future are good/realistic, I'm on board. The law? That's really funny when you consider our current lawyer/law professor President has run roughshod over the law at his every whim. The Congress is the legislative body and the courts are the safeguard of Congress's decisions.
3)Health care. The system has been broken for a long time. Obamacare has exasperated the system even more.
I believe we need an entirely new system that combines tax exempt health savings accounts, private companies offering individual plans across all state lines, a Medicare type system but one that requires you to also buy a supplemental policy and, finally, a safety net program for the poor.
4) Pot. In a sense I agree pot may be a gateway drug for some people who are addiction prone. My guess is for most people it is not but I don't really know. Carson's comments were made in the context of all the drug dealing that goes on in poor inner city environments which is pretty indisputable and must be viewed in that light.
5) Another thing I like about him is that he is so polite that he doesn't get into a broad based slander of a group of people. i.e. Calling anyone a southern hate monger! That's what's wrong with our political system today. It simply cheapens any dialogue and prevents meaningful dialogue and any chance for consensus.
The GoP ripped Obama for years saying he was 'not experienced',

yeah and how has he worked out? The worst POTUS in modern times - a complete disaster.
1) he exudes knowledge but, more importantly, "wisdom."

2)Health care. The system has been broken for a long time. Obamacare has exasperated the system even more.
I believe we need an entirely new system that combines tax exempt health savings accounts, private companies offering individual plans across all state lines, a Medicare type system but one that requires you to also buy a supplemental policy and, finally, a safety net program for the poor.
3) Pot. In a sense I agree pot may be a gateway drug for some people who are addiction prone. My guess is for most people it is not but I don't really know. Carson's comments were made in the context of all the drug dealing that goes on in poor inner city environments which is pretty indisputable and must be viewed in that light.
4) Another thing I like about him is that he is so polite

1) In other words, he is SO well spoken?
2) Sounds socialist, no?
3) What does "inner city drug dealing environments" have to do with the nature of addiction?
4) Polite and WELL SPOKEN!?! Sign him up for the "look, we're not bigots!" slot in the primaries.
1) In other words, he is SO well spoken?
2) Sounds socialist, no?
3) What does "inner city drug dealing environments" have to do with the nature of addiction?
4) Polite and WELL SPOKEN!?! Sign him up for the "look, we're not bigots!" slot in the primaries.
If you don't like him, ND, just say so. Well spoken has no particular connotation attached to it. It simply means he is very adroit at expressing his ideas in a very cohesive understandable manner. Some people are able to do that and others are not able to do it. He is extremely interesting to listen to because he's definitely not just full of political catch phrases trying to get votes. It's very refreshing. IMHO, the country is headed down the wrong path and we've been led there by spineless arrogant lying politicians. It's time to try something different. You don't get to be a world renowned brain surgeon without having a tremendous intellect. He simply is trying to channel that intellectual prowess into what I believe is a good faith effort to try to change and improve the country and make life better for our citizens. He is offering hope not sarcasm/disdain/lies as a future course for all of us. What's wrong with that?
If you don't like him, ND, just say so. Well spoken has no particular connotation attached to it. It simply means he is very adroit at expressing his ideas in a very cohesive understandable manner. Some people are able to do that and others are not able to do it. He is extremely interesting to listen to because he's definitely not just full of political catch phrases trying to get votes. It's very refreshing. IMHO, the country is headed down the wrong path and we've been led there by spineless arrogant lying politicians. It's time to try something different. You don't get to be a world renowned brain surgeon without having a tremendous intellect. He simply is trying to channel that intellectual prowess into what I believe is a good faith effort to try to change and improve the country and make life better for our citizens. He is offering hope not sarcasm/disdain/lies as a future course for all of us. What's wrong with that?

There is no hope with past, current, and as it looks, future Congresses. No president can cut through, out run or rise above K street, special interests, super pacs and billion dollar donors. 2016 will see 2B spent on a single election, and the cost of victory is always repaid. I'm afraid the sale is already final. The well has been poisoned for good, and it aint coming back. #TALO
Interesting that white people are rarely if ever described as being "well spoken."

Why is that?
You seem hell-bent on proving to everyone that you can support a black man. Just saying...
Also, Ben Carson might be a smart guy, even a nice guy... but that doesn't mean he should be the PRESIDENT!!!
I'm doing a lot of nodding in this thread. To much to post under every single post.

I'm really enjoying TJC's "well-spoken" commentary.
You seem hell-bent on proving to everyone that you can support a black man. Just saying...
That's not the case, Sal. I was just astonished when I watched his announcement speech (all spontaneous and no TelePrompTer) and his follow up interview last night with Megan Kelly filing in his amazing autobiography. We should be so lucky as to have more people like him willing to serve the country and trying to reset the nation in a more positive direction based on a culture of hope and personal achievement rather than division and class envy. His sincerity is both impressive and obvious. I choose the people I vote for by what's in their minds as expressed by their words, transparency and perceived honesty. He meets all three of those criteria in my book. The morons (not you) who use my choice of words - "well spoken" - to try to stir up some stupid racist motivation are so indicative of what's wrong with our once great country. Idiots like that are why the country is so polarized and nothing can ever get done to benefit the people of our country. They are detestable fools who would rather mouth off with their uninformed and baseless attacks instead of seeking new and innovative solutions. I understand that Carson probably hasn't got a chance to be President but that doesn't mean he hasn't got a better plan and one that I would support instead of the usual "lesser of two evils" candidates the machine always puts before us. This could be my last Presidential election. I'd really like to go to the polls to vote for a candidate I can trust, admire and be excited about!
1) serve the country and trying to reset the nation in a more positive direction based on a culture of hope
2) I understand that Carson probably hasn't got a chance to be President
1) Sounds familiar
2) Why not? He's just a straw man candidate? Pulled out of nowhere (joined republican party < 6 months ago) to be a distraction and advance the REAL part candidates.
1) Sounds familiar
2) Why not? He's just a straw man candidate? Pulled out of nowhere (joined republican party < 6 months ago) to be a distraction and advance the REAL part candidates.
2) Why not? Do you really need an answer to that? Because the mega bundlers, the good old boy network and the special interest groups want to hand pick the candidate. I always hope the people will finally wake up but, sadly, that doesn't ever seem to happen. Only once in my lifetime did the public do that - JFK. I want to live in a country filled with hope again. Real hope.....not hope from speeches read from teleprompters!
I avoided this thread: my bad. Carson is a nut job.
I avoided this thread: my bad. Carson is a nut job.
Carson is the personification of what our country is supposed to be all about. A kid who grew up in a Detroit ghetto who, with the help of his uneducated mother who instilled the values that you can achieve your dreams in this country if you put your mind and your will to it, rose above insurmountable odds to become a world renowned brilliant surgeon. For all you cynics, what's wrong with that story? How does that make this man a nutcase? I'm assuming most of us who post on this newsgroup have no idea what starting out life in the conditions he faced would be like. What's wrong with having personal heros? Have we become so jaded as a society that we can't give credit where credit is due? Is it better to attack someone or accept them? Should we be happy for the accomplishments of our fellow man or be jealous and condescending toward them?
Love TJC spouting the typical nonsense that with good values and hard work you can get out the ghetto! Just like this guy!

It fits perfectly into his republican narrative that the problem with inner city kids is they just don't care or work hard enough.
Love TJC spouting the typical nonsense that with good values and hard work you can get out the ghetto! Just like this guy!

It fits perfectly into his republican narrative that the problem with inner city kids is they just don't care or work hard enough.
Like I said, it's really sad that society has degenerated into a state where positive accomplishments and overcoming adversity are now the target of idiots who would rather divide the nation than try to help to unite it to benefit all of our citizens.
Like I said, it's really sad that society has degenerated into a state where positive accomplishments and overcoming adversity are now the target of idiots who would rather divide the nation than try to help to unite it to benefit all of our citizens.

Not sure this is the case, or even if it shouldn't be the case. I dont know much about Carson to be honest - but we are talking about the presidency of the Unites States here - all correspondence and reporting about the man is fair game. It's great that he has a feel good story, but it's also fair to note some of the things he's already said that have not sounded particularly smart. (evolution, being gay etc). It's the presidency - tearing down the people who wish the hold that position is part of the process. It's essential. It's not sad. It's healthy.