Brokered Republican Convention


Diaper Dandy
Oct 2, 2009
Is this really going to happen?

Trumo wins all the votes, but is going to spoon feed us Jeb Bush or Little Marco or Lyin' Teddy?

ADP, is this really going to happen? It can't, can it?
Is this really going to happen?

Trumo wins all the votes, but is going to spoon feed us Jeb Bush or Little Marco or Lyin' Teddy?

ADP, is this really going to happen? It can't, can it?

Say Trumo gets to the 1175-1215 delegate range, would they really not have him be the nominee? And if they did do that then could Trumo run as a third party candidate? And even if he didn't do that, then wouldn't all his supporters say screw this, I'm not voting for Jeb, Marco, etc? I just stick it up the establishment's ass and give my vote to the Dems?

Lastly, I thought I heard last night that if Trumo gets close to the inner then he might be able to get the number by securing current unpledged delegates.
That's what I am asking. All other candidates have now been So the only way for Trumo not to win is to have a where steals it from Trumo and gives it to or some other patsy.

They wouldn't really do that, would they? I have to think that would be a disaster. But maybe they think my girl Hillary would just lose to whoever they put up so why not run Jeb Bush and see what happens?
I have to admit. The .com after everything cracks me up.

Where's ADP to answer these pertinent questions?
Trumo can still get to 1237. Indiana is yuuuuugggge.

The establishment will definitely try to steer into a competitive convention. Can't blame them. If trumo gets the non it's basically over for all them.
I don't know why any republican would want Trumo to be the nominee.

I'd love him as a third party candidate. We haven't had an animated TPC in a while. Might as well toss in Bernie on the Green party ticket too. Make it a disaster.