Despite her trail of death and destruction she most likely will be the next president. The bottom line, most of the electorate have allowed themselves to become corrupted. 45% pay no federal income tax, close to 50 million on food stamps, throw in the millions that work for all levels of government and are guaranteed large pensions.
Bottom line, people want free stuff and could care less where the money to pay for it comes from.
20 trillion in debt, a declining military that no longer has the ability to enagage in a major conflict, with Russia, China, Iran, deteriorating infrastructure, open borders, high un-employment (not the phoney number reported) will not be the issues the media will focus on. Instead we will hear about faux issues like $15 minimum wage, equal pay for women, global cooling, warming, or whatever it is now called, police brutality, etc.
Hillary will take the same states that Obama did in 2012, too much early voting, same day registering, corrupted voter rolls, and street money to change the outcome. Add in the college kids who are being taught that Western civilization has ruined the world and it becomes very difficult for anyone but a Democrat to win.