Crooked Hillary


Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed
Sep 10, 2003
After successfully branding Rubio "Liddle Marco" and Cruz as "Lyin Ted," Trump revealed his nickname for Hillary over the weekend calling her "Crooked Hillary."
I cannot believe our country has fallen to such shit that Donald Trump is truly the republican nominee.

What an awful place filled with awful people.
Wade, there's nobody running worth voting for in this race.
I voted for Hillary in the primary

I heard Trumo will not be the republican nominee. He won't hit the required number of delegates so the establishment is going to be able to hand pick someone like jeb bush or little Marco or Paul Ryan.
It is good to know that Trump supports "crooked" HRC. How many times did he donate to her foundation and her various campaigns?
I thought he Paterno reference was funny...but it looks like Trumo topped it yesterday, sadly

“It’s very close to my heart,” Trump told the huge rally.

“I watched our police and our firemen down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down, and I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action.”

9-11 Remembered. It's now 7- Eleven.
Crooked Hillart isn't losing NY. If open primary, yes she would lose. But it's closed and for a supposedly forward thinking state the ability to register or change affiliation to be able to vote in the primary is about nil. All the groundswell of support in NY (independent voters and young people aspiring to vote) is for the Bern. But they won't get to vote. So Hillart will hold off the Bern in NY, and that will probably give her enough to all but mathematically eliminate him. But her campaign is adrift with all the voter enthusiasm nationwide going for the other guy. It's actually possible that she could lose to whatever the clown show produces in the fall. Going to be interesting. I favor a Hillart-Trumo final game for entertainment purposes, although Bern-Trumo wouldn't be bad. Hillart-Cruz would be awful.
It's worth voting against Hillary's Shrill Voice. It could single-handedly bring down civilizations.
Funny, JoeyCat! She spends all her time screaming and it sure is annoying.
Hope he keeps hammering her on the Russian, Canadian, uranium deal that she personally benefited from
Got mad reports coming in from zoo York,..

Obviously deck is stacked, but even crooked Hillary can only cheat so far-
Never heard of that Box, what's the skinny?
New York Times, 4-23-15, nit exactly a right wing paper, "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal"
Basically the foundation received 2.5 million, Bill received $500,000 For a speaking in Russia, Hillary signed off on the Russians purchasing Uranium One from a Canadian company that owned uranium mines in the United States. As a result the Russians own 1/5 of known US uranium.
Thanks Box1,


F*d up if true.. but what foreign powers haven't the Clintons sold us out to
Last time I looked, you can only cheat on an election by about 8% max.

Wonder how much Clinton will win tonite?

Trumo kills it.
Trumo can collect all the votes in the world, #TheEstablishment will never let him be the nominee. It is going to be Jeb Bush.


Hey cleanwave, are you ready for my girl to be the next POTUS?
Dream final coming together.

Soon Hillary can stop pandering to the Bern crowd as well, allows her to avoid adopting more of his whack positions prior to the finals.

Trumo will get the necessary delegates, he will sweep the rest of the east next week and it will give him enough momentum to seal the deal.

Trumo-Hillary, book it.
Despite her trail of death and destruction she most likely will be the next president. The bottom line, most of the electorate have allowed themselves to become corrupted. 45% pay no federal income tax, close to 50 million on food stamps, throw in the millions that work for all levels of government and are guaranteed large pensions.
Bottom line, people want free stuff and could care less where the money to pay for it comes from.
20 trillion in debt, a declining military that no longer has the ability to enagage in a major conflict, with Russia, China, Iran, deteriorating infrastructure, open borders, high un-employment (not the phoney number reported) will not be the issues the media will focus on. Instead we will hear about faux issues like $15 minimum wage, equal pay for women, global cooling, warming, or whatever it is now called, police brutality, etc.
Hillary will take the same states that Obama did in 2012, too much early voting, same day registering, corrupted voter rolls, and street money to change the outcome. Add in the college kids who are being taught that Western civilization has ruined the world and it becomes very difficult for anyone but a Democrat to win.

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