Dylann Roof

Got owned by a crazy old man, son. #bitchSlapped

Not really if you know how to read, and it's not the first time he's tried to use this. This chart is about he value of the program itself, not how much is being paid out or number of people on it per capita. But it's not a bad chart, it shows that we even take care of our most needy better than the south. Not surprised.

I was referring more to how the south continues to be a major major tax suck on this nation, unable to pull their own weight and receiving a boatload more in federal assistance than they are able to generate. They get tons of handouts, yet still have the worst schools in the US. They are a cultural, economic and educational drain of this country. The Northeast, CA and few others, as always, pay for them and the rest. Pathetic region full of Waffle Hosues, guns and tattoos. Guess who leads the nation right now in federal hand outs> South Carolina. Food stamps? 8 of the top 10 are in the south. Place is a shit show. They talk a good game about how they hate the gov't , but all they do is take form it, and stick us with the bill. Bunch of assholes.

Again, he didn't have to look far to find someone taking a handout. He's probably getting handouts himself. Should have just killed himself.

As for yourself, I am the HNIC. Feel free to read and get yourself some knowledge.
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"What the resulting map shows is that the most “dependent states,” as measured by the composite score, are Mississippi and New Mexico, each of which gets back about $3 in federal spending for every dollar they send to the federal treasury in taxes. Alabama and Louisiana are close behind.

If you look only at the first measure—how much the federal government spends per person in each state compared with the amount its citizens pay in federal income taxes—other states stand out, particularly South Carolina: The Palmetto State receives $7.87 back from Washington for every $1 its citizens pay in federal tax."

"The reddest states on that map at the top—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine—have exceptionally high poverty rates and thus receive disproportionately large shares of federal dollars. Through a variety of social programs, the federal government disburses hundreds of billions of dollars each year to maintain a “safety net” intended to help the neediest among us."

One approach is to shine light on the red-states (south) -as takers paradox: Dominated by Republican voters who profess their distaste for the federal government and its social programs, these are the very states that rank highest on the dependency index.
Not really if you know how to read, and it's not the first time he's tried to use this. This chart is about he value of the program itself, not how much is being paid out or number of people on it per capita. But it's not a bad chart, it shows that we even take care of our most needy better than the south. Not surprised.

I was referring more to how the south continues to be a major major tax suck on this nation, unable to pull their own weight and receiving a boatload more in federal assistance than they are able to generate. They get tons of handouts, yet still have the worst schools in the US. They are a cultural, economic and educational drain of this country. The Northeast, CA and few others, as always, pay for them and the rest. Pathetic region full of Waffle Hosues, guns and tattoos. Guess who leads the nation right now in federal hand outs> South Carolina. Food stamps? 8 of the top 10 are in the south. Place is a shit show. They talk a good game about how they hate the gov't , but all they do is take form it, and stick us with the bill. Bunch of assholes.

Again, he didn't have to look far to find someone taking a handout. He's probably getting handouts himself. Should have just killed himself.

As for yourself, I am the HNIC. Feel free to read and get yourself some knowledge.
More proof:
Scroll down to the minimum wage/welfare statistics where only VA is in the top 10.
More proof:
Scroll down to the minimum wage/welfare statistics where only VA is in the top 10.

Again, this is how much the welfare recipient receives - not how much that state is paying in Welfare. What are you not getting here? The South leads in federal charity, food stamps and hand outs. They are drag on education. These are simple facts. SC is receiving almost EIGHT DOLLARS for every dollar it pay the fed. No wonder why they can keep taxes low - just have Delaware, NJ and MN pay for it! Bunch of takers.

Use your own link - next page. 8.6% of NJ uses food stamps. 18% in SC, and 8 of the top 13 are southern states. Place is a mess. Just face it - the region is killing us.
Again, this is how much the welfare recipient receives - not how much that state is paying in Welfare. What are you not getting here? The South leads in federal charity, food stamps and hand outs. They are drag on education. These are simple facts. SC is receiving almost EIGHT DOLLARS for every dollar it pay the fed. No wonder why they can keep taxes low - just have Delaware, NJ and MN pay for it! Bunch of takers.

Use your own link - next page. 8.6% of NJ uses food stamps. 18% in SC, and 8 of the top 13 are southern states. Place is a mess. Just face it - the region is killing us.
Then prove it instead of just making broad generalizations. It stands to reason that if those northern states are paying so much higher welfare amounts then they are also the leaders in income redistribution which means taking money from one group of people to give to another. But, enough of this nonsense. Enjoy living in the tax hungry north.
The northeast is just paying uncle Sam back with the same money they took from the taxpayers in 2008. Let's not get all self rigtious here.
You are not getting it - please click on link from the Atlantic above - because I did prove it. The south is actually the welfare state - taking from 14 or so states to help themselves. It's a simple incontrovertible truth. They rely on the fed to carry them and the fed is supplied by states like NY, IL, MN, MA and NJ. Look at the data - NJ gets .70 cents for every dollar it sends the fed - SC is getting 8 bucks back - they are takers - plain and simple. And they use foodstamps more and yes, welfare more. Forget how much each individual gets - that means nothing because the larger percentage of the southern populace is on welfare and foodstamps - that's why all the federal money heads that way.
Dmils inexplicable hard on for tax relief rears its ugly head again. In a thread about mass murder no less. Unreal.
Glad to educate you. Just setting the record straight. This kid could have thrown a rock and hit an welfare patient. If this fact disturbs you, I dont apologize - you jumped to agree with TJC and got owned. Just give full marks, apologize and move on. Knob.
Guess we learned the tax base in states like NY and California is higher thats surprising.
Love how this murder has spurred this great movement to remove the Confederate flag. Typical simpleminded media reaction. Let's blame a flag. Whe it's a school shooting, let's blame video games.

How bout some people are unhinged crazy asshole terrorists and themselves are to blame.
Guess we learned the tax base in states like NY and California is higher thats surprising.

Is Delaware's tax base higher than SC? Because they pay a lot and don't get much back. Not about the total dollar amount, it's about what they pay and what they cost. Severe deficits.
Love how this murder has spurred this great movement to remove the Confederate flag. Typical simpleminded media reaction. Let's blame a flag. Whe it's a school shooting, let's blame video games.

How bout some people are unhinged crazy asshole terrorists and themselves are to blame.
The media itself is perhaps the only outside influence you can definitively point fingers at. There's about a 100% chance that this guy is a narcissist, so the fact that his name and face are plastered everywhere is something he likely enjoys. It will also inspire the next narcissist to do the same thing, because it seems like the easiest way for an insignificant, but psychopathic narcissist to finally gain the the recognition they feel they deserve.

These things wouldn't happen as often if the media didn't make celebrities out of the killers. The fact that the Sandy Hook kid was like an expert on mass shootings bears this out.
They had legally purchased weapons that no law anyone is proposing would have stopped them from getting.
why do people mention the 2nd amendmen

its amazing to me people can get a gun with no background check. In PA anyone can go to the Oaks Gun show each Spring and walk out with a gun no questions asked. and people dont think thats wrong?

That's only for long guns, I think. I agree though.

I also think people are on the right track holding the gun purchaser accountable. The mother of that loon in Connecticut was patially to blame for that incident. Unfortunately, there is no legislation that can prevent all tragedies.
Right. Something tells me they wouldn't achieve the hit count they do if they had to use knife
I didn't say that. I said that this gun was legally purchased and nobody is proposing a law that would have prevented the psychopath from getting it.

Also, let's talk about things on a large scale and in comparison of other countries. After the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre, Australia, already in the midst of a gradual decline in homicides instituted some of the strictest gun laws in the world. So based on that, you would think that homicides in Australia would decline at a greater rate than in the United States? Well, that's wrong. American homicide rates have plummeted and Australian homicide rates have continued their gradual decline at essentially the pre-1996 rates.

Now as to the issue of mass shootings. Basing public policy off of anomalies such as these is basically a road map for how to create bad laws. And to repeat myself, no one has yet proposed a law that would prevent any of these shootings from happening.
How do guns prevent hate. This psycho may have burned down the church if he couldn't get a gun. The gun didnt kill these people the guy pulling the trigger did. Lets face it race relations due to the politically climate are as bad as I have seen in my lifetime. Our president does nothing but fan the flames instead of leading. We are now more divided then ever.
Again, the common theme here is guns. Not sure what to do about it. To ignore that guns are a common factor in all mass murders is insanity.
That's only for long guns, I think. I agree though.

I also think people are on the right track holding the gun purchaser accountable. The mother of that loon in Connecticut was patially to blame for that incident. Unfortunately, there is no legislation that can prevent all tragedies.
The idea that you can walk into a gun show and walk out with any gun you want without getting a background check is a specious one. Most sellers at gun shows are Federal Firearms Licencees, so naturally, the majority of guns purchased from said shows are sold by FFLs, who are required by law to perform a criminal background check before selling a gun to anyone.

The "loophole" that gun control advocates make such a big deal about only applies to private transactions between private citizens. By closing this loophole, you're basically saying that no one should be allowed to sell a gun to a friend or family member or give them one as a gift without running a background check, a massive pain in the ass. Despite this loophole, it is still illegal for someone to sell or give a gun to a prohibited person.
How do guns prevent hate. This psycho may have burned down the church if he couldn't get a gun. The gun didnt kill these people the guy pulling the trigger did. Lets face it race relations due to the politically climate are as bad as I have seen in my lifetime. Our president does nothing but fan the flames instead of leading. We are now more divided then ever.

I'm not saying you said this - but I'd imagine a lot of the people who say Obama is responsible for the race relations in this country will also argue to the death that the confederate flag isn't rooted in racism.

I don't think we are more divided than ever. Let's look at the living conditions of black people in the US before 1970. That was true division. But white people back then weren't confronted with the opinions of black people because they had no voice. Just because you are hearing the opinions of people unlike yourself more often, it doesn't mean we are more divided - it means we are more equal. Pretty easy to say that when black faces are representively as common as white ones on our news networks. Confrontation does not equal division for them, only for us - white people just don't have the same ignorance is bliss situation they used to enjoy.
Haven't heard any cries to shutdown US military industrial complex, maybe the media needs to frame that argument
I'm saying in nearly every instance of mass murder, a gun is used. The NRA and the right wing say "focus on the person, not the gun". Well, it's the person and the gun. Without the gun he struggles to kill ore than one.
the kid should already have been put to sleep.
the father should be in prison awaiting trial for accessory to murder.
Again, this is how much the welfare recipient receives - not how much that state is paying in Welfare. What are you not getting here? The South leads in federal charity, food stamps and hand outs. They are drag on education. These are simple facts. SC is receiving almost EIGHT DOLLARS for every dollar it pay the fed. No wonder why they can keep taxes low - just have Delaware, NJ and MN pay for it! Bunch of takers.

Use your own link - next page. 8.6% of NJ uses food stamps. 18% in SC, and 8 of the top 13 are southern states. Place is a mess. Just face it - the region is killing us.
corbsie, just admit that the south sucks off the government, it's statistically correct. Instead of arguing, just say "thanks for all you hard work up there guys"
It's very obvious we have stupid/way too lax gun laws. However, Foye raises a fair point: what law are people suggesting that would have prevented this act? It's very hard to put the genie back in the bottle due to the prevalence of guns in our society. Regardless, we should be able to tighten up the laws as you must start somewhere.
Again, What pharmaceutical drugs was he taking?

It's very obvious we have stupid/way too lax gun laws. However, Foye raises a fair point: what law are people suggesting that would have prevented this act? It's very hard to put the genie back in the bottle due to the prevalence of guns in our society. Regardless, we should be able to tighten up the laws as you must start somewhere.
It's amazing that no grandstanding politician has ever proposed a revision or outright repeal of the second amendment. It would have little chance of even coming to a vote, but that's how these things should be done.
Can't have a serious discussion on these young nut ball killers, without talking about what chemical altering "legal" drugs they take.

Never even heard a anti gun folk talk about taking away a legal gun license if you are on some serious anti-depressant.

Start that convo if you want gun ownership to be reduced.