George Zimmerman


Bleeds Villanova Blue
Aug 29, 2001
Tweeting pics of Travon Martin's body apparently? Looks like he learned his "remembered" tweets from BWers. Still don't understand why people love to celebrate this guy.
Who cares what this clown does? He is an idiot and things like this just keep him relevant.

If someone shot your son dead, you probably wouldn't be cool with the shooter posting images of the corpse. At least I wouldn't.
If someone shot your son dead, you probably wouldn't be cool with the shooter posting images of the corpse. At least I wouldn't.
No, I am not saying I am ok with it. Just saying what he does should never be relevant. He should count his blessings that he is not rotting away in jail - not antagonizing people with dumb shit like this. But again, nothing he does or says should be relevant.
Agree. But it popped up in my FB feed so I felt compelled to share. This is what women do.
1. He was not guilty of murder under any reasonable test of evidence.
2. He's a veritably horrendous human being.
He's an asshole and I hope he gets AIDS but the case against him was doomed from the start.
Potentially the OJ Simpson scenario in play here?
Interesting take. I could imagine that happening. If he finally gets convicted of domestic violence or something, the judge will probably hammer him Having exposed himself as an unrepentant scumbag.