Greg Hardy

That piece is tough to get through, some of the pics just make you want to vomit. What a scumbag person (and organization and league for allowing him to keep playing).
But I would be lying if I didn't say I am hoping he at least misses the game on Sunday.
Similar to the approach with obituaries... you may as well get the shell article about this dude killing someone queued up if your a media outlet.
God doesnt care about sports but he may care about disgusting abuse. Wanna sign Hardy, Jerrah, it's all good, go ahead and put winning above all and I'll send an Eagle down and remove your QB for 3 months.
I happened to catch Eskin talking to a radio station in Dallas. They were "not defending Hardy", but instead were using the "I wasn't there, I don't know what really happened" line.


They also tried the angle that there was a lot of alcohol and cocaine, so you know something bad was going to happen. They didn't go so far as to say she was asking for it, but they came damn close.
Woman beater. And the dog killer went to jail. Served his time and has been a decent guy during this time.

Wasn't Greg hardy acquitted?

So why would he need to go to jail and serve his time to be alright in your eyes?

Michael Vick is a convicted puppy killer. Greg hardy is not a convicted domestic abuser.
How long must they be in jail? What's the minimum? 18 days?

That's a great question. When a defense attorney gets a guy off of an alleged charge, what should his advise be to the client as to how much time he should voluntarily spend in jail to be alright in burrsies eyes? (Because apparently, with Michael Vick, the fact that he spent time in jail is what makes his puppy killing okay moving forward. So with hardy, how much time should he spend in jail to be okay with burrsies?

(As an aside, before the case was dropped prior to jury trial there was a bench trial and he was convicted, but even after conviction he was not sentenced to any active jail time. Which makes burrsies stance even odder considering even if there was an upheld hardy would not have done jail time)
And btw, I think Greg hardy is a scumbag and Dallas is within its own right to take measures regarding their employee. Hertz doesn't have to re-hire oj after his acquittal either.
Nicole Holder was paid off. What other conclusion could one come to? She stopped attending the trial proceedings. Probably paid off....and threatened. Not a leap to assume.
There are many prosecutors who would have proceeded to trial even without the girl cooperating or being available. There was a prior trial where she testified under oath and was subject to cross examination by defendant, so if she was unavailable at the subsequent trial that testimony could be admitted substantively and been the basis for a conviction.

So we are either dealing with a lazy prosecutor or there were other holes in the case. The old Kobe Bryant defense of paying off the victim doesn't really fly these days in domestic violence cases.

Nickels, to answer your question I think it is a pretty low percentage of cases where the victim is actually recanting or withdrawing their complain out of physical fear. The fear of physical repercussion victims do exist, but I believe it is a small percentage of the cases. It is usually based more on a victim not wanting their spouse to have a criminal record and hurt employment opportunities or do probation (inconvenience for the family) or have to pay for domestic violence classes (financial fear) or the couple is reunited and the victim feels as though they worked out the issue, and another percentage feel that it was a mutual fight and they played just as large a role in its initiation and then exaggerated the situation. The conviction rate for abuse cases in honolulu is less than 5%. It's a huge controversy due to the amount of resources out into prosecuting cases where they can't get a conviction more than one out of twenty cases.
There are solutions. I think it starts with prosecutors using better discretion in identifying the cases they want to use their office resources on to fight. The prosecutor should identify the real abusive situations and let the stupid cases go. The guy who sends his girl to the hospital but now the girl claims she fell down, or the guy who has 5 prior arrests in the past three years but no convictions because of recanting witnesses should be the ones that the prosecutors target and aggressively pursue. The mid-50's guy with no history who got in an argument with his wife and she claimed he bumped into her while exiting the room as she was blocking the door and she felt pain, but looking back on it she thinks she might have exaggerated because she was upset is not a case that the state should waste resources on. The girl who was arguing with her boyfriend and tried to grab his phone away and he got a scratch on his finger does not need to be prosecuted. The couple who were arguing in public and a concerned third party reported that the guy was up real close to the girl and may have bumped her a bit, but the couple claims there was no pushing and shoving, does not need to be prosecuted. Even the case where the 45 yr old with no priors hits his wife and is willing to admit it, you can work a deal where he can get a reduced charge provided he does domestic violence classes.

Unfortunately you have untrained prosecutors living in a bubble world who are afraid to drop the stupid cases and use too much of their resources on cases that should not be prosecuted that the real bad guys get lost in the shuffle.

That's where the focus on reform needs to start. Not with more aggressively criminalizing confrontations between couples, or by being over zealous in every reported incident of abuse no matter how weak the case is, but by allowing the prosecutors to use their discretion to evaluate the cases that deserve aggressive prosecution and those that can be sent away.

But a major problem with this solution is that prosecutor's offices receive grant money for refuses to drop DV cases, so the priority becomes to gain as high a conviction percentage as possible which results in more stupid cases being aggressively pursued to keep the numbers up while many of the more aggregious offenders slip through the cracks. (And by high conviction percentage I really mean a low dismissed by the state percentage, as the state eventually loses most of these cases anyway)
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It's nice to see some of the players calling him out.
Collinsworth said something at the top of the broadcast. Essentially they are in a no-win position. IMO, the players need to step up and force this guy out. Of course, that is somewhat self-serving if you have to play the Cowboys. However, I think it's great to hear comments from the players calling the league out for allowing him to play.
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Easy for the Eagles to do it after the game knowing they won't see him again this year (or maybe ever the way the thing is headed), but Lane Johnson and Kelce have some great quotes about Hardy. Ranging from attacks on what he did to Johnson just saying he isn't that good and wasn't playing hard all the time.

By the way, that interior lineman for Dallas is a beast -- can't believe Andy left him out there for 'boys to grab off the Chiefs' practice squad. Eagles guards have issues, but still impressive.
Easy for the Eagles to do it after the game knowing they won't see him again this year (or maybe ever the way the thing is headed), but Lane Johnson and Kelce have some great quotes about Hardy. Ranging from attacks on what he did to Johnson just saying he isn't that good and wasn't playing hard all the time.

By the way, that interior lineman for Dallas is a beast -- can't believe Andy left him out there for 'boys to grab off the Chiefs' practice squad. Eagles guards have issues, but still impressive.
I respect Kelce and Johnson - they have always come across as normal, nice, down to earth guys - but I thought those quotes were unnecessary. It just opens them up to be branded as hypocrites if they have every played/been associated with a teammate/friend/family member who has had legal problems as well. Just let your play do the talking. Does this mean that Kelce and Johnson take it easier against "good" guys?
Speaking honestly.... Ive been badgered verbally by a woman well after i decided it was best to leave a situation alone. Ive also been hit and jumped on by a woman, and looking back i wish i had thrown her across an effing room.

Just being honest.
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How did she jump on you? Was this a cage match?

She was a drunk mess. Tears, yelling, etc.

I said i was done with the conversation and tried to go to sleep in another room. She jumps on me, yelling at me to listen to her, yada yada yada.

Total pain in the ass and deserved a toss across the room. Especially given the fact that i was trying to escape the situation. But theres this whole concept of bros like, "bro, you NEVER lay a hand on a woman."
So they have carte blanche to be physical with no repercussions.

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