How will the establishment stop TRUMO?

Aug 24, 2010
hes going to get the most votes. That's a given.

So how will the special interest groups stop TRUMO?

Adp98, you are a fan of the establishment, right? What are they going to? Brokered convention? If so, who gets it? Little Marco? Lying Teddy? Paul Ryan?

And with TRUMO bringing out such masses of people, how will the establishment justify this to the people? Can that really be a recipe for success? Forcing a candidate that nobody wanted on the people? "Hey guys, we know you all want TRUMO, but we are going to give you Little Marco!"
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Lyin Ted is ok but was hoping Trumo would go for the jugular with "Turd Cruz"
I thought that the establishment found that the best way to influence billionaires is with corporate handouts. That would probably be the best move here. Trumo enterprises will be tax exempt for both of President Kasich's terms.
hes going to get the most votes. That's a given.

So how will the special interest groups stop TRUMO?

Adp98, you are a fan of the establishment, right? What are they going to? Brokered convention? If so, who gets it? Little Marco? Lying Teddy? Paul Ryan?

And with TRUMO bringing out such masses of people, how will the establishment justify this to the people? Can that really be a recipe for success? Forcing a candidate that nobody wanted on the people? "Hey guys, we know you all want TRUMO, but we are going to give you Little Marco!"
If the establishment ignores the votes of the people and picks a candidate, the Republican Party will be relegated to a minority party for decades to come. #MyVoteMatters!
If the establishment ignores the votes of the people and picks a candidate, the Republican Party will be relegated to a minority party for decades to come. #MyVoteMatters!
Under this line of reasoning there is no need to get a majority of delegates, just the most. That isn't how it works, though, so if Trumo doesn't get to the magic number delegates can vote how they want. That's the process. It has nothing to do with the establishment picking a nominee. Delegates will do that.
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Under this line of reasoning there is no need to get a majority of delegates, just the most. That isn't how it works, though, so if Trumo doesn't get to the magic number delegates can vote how they want. That's the process. It has nothing to do with the establishment picking a nominee. Delegates will do that.
I know how the system works. But, let's be honest. The vast number of people have no clue about the process and believe their votes determine the candidate. The establishment is making matters even worse with their public attempts to block Trumo as evidenced by today's meeting in DC.
Under this line of reasoning there is no need to get a majority of delegates, just the most. That isn't how it works, though, so if Trumo doesn't get to the magic number delegates can vote how they want. That's the process. It has nothing to do with the establishment picking a nominee. Delegates will do that.

So dan McGuire is a real establishment guy,,huh?
I'm a Kasich guy so I guess so. adp told me two years ago my support for Kasich was futile because he couldn't raise money, and adp has largely been proven correct.
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On a personal note, I like kasich.

But in the real world, how could the ESTABLISHMENT justify forcing kasich down people's throats if he gets 20% of the voters and TRUMO is up in the 40% range?
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I'm voting for Hillary. I just registered for the Hawaii Democratic Party Preference Poll next week. (Wtf is that? The primary is held after the party's national convention, so they do a preference poll in March).

Anyway, on a serious note, how can the republicans expect to win in move,bet if they don't put the people's choice on the ballot? Are they going to let the lobbyists and special interest groups override the voice of the people?

And if so, could TRUMO run as a third party?
I'm a Kasich guy so I guess so. adp told me two years ago my support for Kasich was futile because he couldn't raise money, and adp has largely been proven correct.

Will Kasich win another state? Smart move by establishment keeping him around thru Ohio. Had to make sure Trump didn't snag those winner-take-all 66 delegates.
We're not talking about OTPHJs here. We're talking about making this country a winner again. We have gotten too soft and Trumo will change that.
So that was high school for you? That sucks.
The problem is that all the people who want to make America gr8 again are voting for TRUMO. But even if he gets the most votes ESTABLISHMENT guys like Dan McGuire will insist the pat TRUMO can't be the republican nominee because the special interests groups don't want TRUMO becaus eTRUMO runs a self funded campaign and cannot be bought. The ESTABLISHMENT guys don't care about making america gr8 again, they just want their special interest groups to be happy.

I love it!
The problem is that all the people who want to make America gr8 again are voting for TRUMO. But even if he gets the most votes ESTABLISHMENT guys like Dan McGuire will insist the pat TRUMO can't be the republican nominee because the special interests groups don't want TRUMO becaus eTRUMO runs a self funded campaign and cannot be bought. The ESTABLISHMENT guys don't care about making america gr8 again, they just want their special interest groups to be happy.

I love it!
I'm not insisting that Trumo not be the nominee. I just won't crown him if he arrives in Cleveland with 40% of the delegates. Trust the process.
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The problem is that all the people who want to make America gr8 again are voting for TRUMO. But even if he gets the most votes ESTABLISHMENT guys like Dan McGuire will insist the pat TRUMO can't be the republican nominee because the special interests groups don't want TRUMO becaus eTRUMO runs a self funded campaign and cannot be bought. The ESTABLISHMENT guys don't care about making america gr8 again, they just want their special interest groups to be happy.

I love it!

They'll come around soon enough as soon as they realize that Hillart is the only alternative.
Exactly. Remembet, he's got 7 months to prove he's somewhat normal. He wins the nomination, moderates, picks a sensible VP we will be having a much different conversation. Ifn he appears to be off the rails he will take the gop senate with him. There will be a big bear hug if he gets the nomination. Was with a guy yesterday who endorsed him and convinced he wins big. Who knows, everyone including myself has been wrong thus far on trump.
Exactly. Remembet, he's got 7 months to prove he's somewhat normal. He wins the nomination, moderates, picks a sensible VP we will be having a much different conversation. Ifn he appears to be off the rails he will take the gop senate with him. There will be a big bear hug if he gets the nomination. Was with a guy yesterday who endorsed him and convinced he wins big. Who knows, everyone including myself has been wrong thus far on trump.

And here is the bull case on Trumo. Really all the GOP has left to hope for at this point. Every other outcome looks disastrous.

Maybe a 25% chance the bull case plays out at best? Disappointing given how weak a candidate Hilllart is.
Was with a guy yesterday who endorsed him and convinced he wins big.
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