
Bill Maher shockingly took a pretty anti-liberal stance on this one and basically said that because young Muslims have such a history of blowing shit up, we should be wary of them, throw political correctness out the window and err on the side of caution.

Not trying to make a racial issue out of this but I'm guess Maher would never take that same logic and apply it to blacks when it comes to violence. Couldn't he easily also say that the rest of society should profile blacks because they have a history of committing crime? Same principal I think. Yet he doesn't blink when going after Muslims with this rant

How big of a douche does Mark Cuban come off as in that clip? "I talked to the kid. I talked to the people at the school to find out what happened. That school is near me. I know people dammit!!!!!"

STFU and go run your basketball team, TV show and fake tequila company
The difference between people pretending to have guns and this - is that those people pretended to have guns. This kid made a damn clock. His intentions are pure.

The only lesson he learned is that it sucks to be a Muslim
The difference between people pretending to have guns and this - is that those people pretended to have guns. This kid made a damn clock. His intentions are pure.

The only lesson he learned is that it sucks to be a Muslim

Gr8 post.
The difference between people pretending to have guns and this - is that those people pretended to have guns. This kid made a damn clock. His intentions are pure.

The only lesson he learned is that it sucks to be a Muslim

Even Muslims need to exercise some common sense.
A middle eastern kid builds a home-made wired electronics gizmo that many may think is a suspicious device then randomly takes it to school - and I'M the idiot??
And like Trump said, the people who flew airplanes into the WTC and Pentagon weren't from Sweden.

So if I'm a Muslim I would 1) Exercise caution when considering the possibility of bringing a suspicious device with wires protruding from it into a school, or frankly anywhere else and 2) Be pissed off at my fellow Muslim brothers who decided to fly planes into buildings which is what causes people to overreact (in hindsight, of course)
So if I'm a Muslim I would 1) Exercise caution when considering the possibility of bringing a suspicious device with wires protruding from it into a school)

So everybody should carry all their actions out with consideration for the atrocities which members of their race have committed? White people should never" carry blankets because of what we did to Native Americans? Should we not use armbands because of what white people in Germany did? I'd even say we shouldn't wear long jackets which can conceal weapons to movie theaters or schools considering how many times members of our race have shot them up in the past.

This kind of thinking is just confusing. How can you expect people to respect your culture when all your culture does is tell them how to live. If you weren't white, you'd be just as narrowminded as the worst of their's - no desire to understand why white americans act the way they do, only to hate them for being white americans
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The bottom line is if a white kid brought a device like this to school, teacher would also rightfully call the police. Teachers today are told better to overact to everything than possibly be the one who ignores warning signs that could lead to a catastrophe.

So the fact that he's Muslim is not what made the teacher call the police. However the fact that he is Muslim has made this a national story.
So everybody should carry all their actions out with consideration for the atrocities which members of their race have committed? White people should never" carry blankets because of what we did to Native Americans? Should we not use armbands because of what white people in Germany did? I'd even say we shouldn't wear long jackets which can conceal weapons to movie theaters or schools considering how many times members of our race have shot them up in the past.

This kind of thinking is just confusing. How can you expect people to respect your culture when all your culture does is tell them how to live. If you weren't white, you'd be just as narrowminded as the worst of their's - no desire to understand why white americans act the way they do, only to hate them for being white americans

No, I'm suggesting that people exercise some common sense.

But that's too much to ask for nowadays.

Now a report comes out indicating that this kid's sister did the exact same thing in 2009, brought a stupid crazy ass device with wires sticking out of it to school which caused a shitstorm (but apparently not to this degree).

Everyone wants to be an attention whore and a victim and apologists like you enable their stupidity.
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Sounds like this cheek knew what he was doing and basically was trolling the school and the media. He knew being a Muslim this would cause a controversy. Very calculated.
I'd even say we shouldn't wear long jackets which can conceal weapons to movie theaters or schools considering how many times members of our race have shot them up in the past.

I 100% assume anyone weird white dude wearing a duster is concealing and automatic weapon. Not even kidding.
You didn't address the reality:

White people do not have to adjust their actions to compensate for atrocities committed by members of their race.

However, 14 year old islamic kids are attention whores if they fail to do so.

Why the double standard? Why should they be subject to judgment which you are not?
From my perspective and what I believe to be reality is that Islam has a very broad range. There is radical Islam, which is where religion is used to do awful things. We should acknowledge this fact and call these people. Now turn the light on Catholics of which I'm one. I call out my people for using the Bible to practice what I believe is caveman attitudes towards gay people. So from my perspective there is no double standard. You have idiots everywhere. Just call them all out as idiots and the world would be a better place. Why do we have to be so PC? If the shoe fits, wear it.
From my perspective and what I believe to be reality is that Islam has a very broad range. There is radical Islam, which is where religion is used to do awful things. We should acknowledge this fact and call these people. Now turn the light on Catholics of which I'm one. I call out my people for using the Bible to practice what I believe is caveman attitudes towards gay people. So from my perspective there is no double standard. You have idiots everywhere. Just call them all out as idiots and the world would be a better place. Why do we have to be so PC? If the shoe fits, wear it.

I agree ADP. But this kid is a well performing student, is well spoken, and appears to never have hurten a fly. His family has responded with class. Yet we have grown men on here continually attacking him and trying to paint him as some future leach on society.

Let's continue calling out caveman attitudes on both sides. This kid does not fall in that category though. I'm sure at age 14 everyone on here was perfectly rational in their actions.
Sure, but it seems today we're only allowed to call out the radical Catholics? Can't we just call people on their crap and move along? In this specific case from what was said on the Maher clip, the kid didn't do a very good job of communicating to his teachers. I wasn't there so I don't really know. Ferankly, I haven't given it any thought until reading this thread. However, all the people "standing with Ahmed" probably weren't there either. Seems he played a role in what happened as well. Clearly the fact that a bunch of radicalized Muslims are doing awful things all over the world also played a role. In a post Sandy Hook world where kids and schools are no longer sacred $hit like this will happen. Does it need to be a national story for a week? Can't we all just say, "good-good" and move along? No. However, good news is next week some guy will kill a lion or something. We'll be onto the next topic where we can create a hashtag and feel better about ourselves.
the kid was advised by teachers it wasn't wise to go around with that device to his classes. he did it anyway. we live in an age where a 7 year old chews a pop tart into the shape of a gun and gets in trouble, yet somehow we're all shocked a middle eastern kid carrying around a suitcase of wires turned into a big scene at a school?

if this kid wasn't brown he'd be just another story to shake your head at about how our schools have lost common sense in situations. now he's a martyr and politicized because we're all a bunch of ****ing miorons
You didn't address the reality:

White people do not have to adjust their actions to compensate for atrocities committed by members of their race.

However, 14 year old islamic kids are attention whores if they fail to do so.

Why the double standard? Why should they be subject to judgment which you are not?
No one ever said that life is fair.

If they choose not to adjust their actions then they may need to face the consequences of not doing so.

It's the world we live in.
I agree ADP. But this kid is a well performing student, is well spoken, and appears to never have hurten a fly. His family has responded with class. Yet we have grown men on here continually attacking him and trying to paint him as some future leach on society.

Let's continue calling out caveman attitudes on both sides. This kid does not fall in that category though. I'm sure at age 14 everyone on here was perfectly rational in their actions.

When was the last time you described a white person as being "well spoken?"
the irony in someone using the word "hurten" then describing someone else as well spoken should not be lost
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The difference between poptart kid and clock kid is that clock kid was arrested.

I describe any 14 year old who is able to stand in front of 25 media members and speak well as "well spoken". Many adults freeze up in that situation.

Maybe I think he's well spoken because I thought hurten was a word this morning
the kid was advised by teachers it wasn't wise to go around with that device to his classes. he did it anyway. we live in an age where a 7 year old chews a pop tart into the shape of a gun and gets in trouble, yet somehow we're all shocked a middle eastern kid carrying around a suitcase of wires turned into a big scene at a school?

if this kid wasn't brown he'd be just another story to shake your head at about how our schools have lost common sense in situations. now he's a martyr and politicized because we're all a bunch of ****ing miorons

Very few people at this point consider him a martyr. Most people were upset when the story first came out - and then when he was shown a massive amount of support it became a feel good story. I'd say as soon as he did his news conference, when we all saw the family smiling - we all had one of two reactions:

1. Aw its nice that things worked out and he's not in jail
2. This kid represents everything that is wrong with America
Bump. Clock-Med met Barry Hussein today at White House. Bet they yukked it up over how ****ing stupid our country has become.
Guarantee in 10 years this "smart kid" is directing a sleeper cell. Kind of rooting for it just to see how media spins that one.
this entire story is perfect. Welcome to 2015. Someone needs to create a new hashtag.
Hopefully Obama invites him back to the White House, apologizes and hands him a bunch of money.