Mali Attack

Can't wait for the big WWE style heel turn by Barry Hussein, where he reveals himself the attacker Isis threatened against DC.
Can't wait for the big WWE style heel turn by Barry Hussein, where he reveals himself the attacker Isis threatened against DC.

Wouldn't surprise me. All part of ISIS' grand plan to plant a suicide bomber deep cover posing as an American politician from Hawaii.
Nickel Dimer & Rstrick swear that western forced Regime change in Libya had no effect on chaos in Mali..
Then shut the F up around here,about world wide Islamic terrorism. because you know nuthin.

& don't want too know

People care about Africa now? We routinely ignore the terrorist events down there. Not even sure why this one generated news. 3 people killed? Boko Haram killed 50 yesterday in bombings.
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Median age of Malian population: 16

(Cleanwave inspired me to dust off my World Almanac.)
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Looks like Obama is way overdue for another apology tour before he leaves office....this time though he needs to tour this country when doing so.
He was right about his 47% comment. When 47% of the country collects a benefit from the government of some fashion, whether food stamps, welfare, or even social security and those same people pay little to no taxes, then his tax plan, which he was discussing, would have no impact on those people. They coul care less about his ideas and policies on that front.

That was what he was discussing. He was asked about how to reach those people that would not be paying taxes and he said, "you can't, you have to forget about them and talk to those that are affected"

Of course the media ran with it to paint him as someone who didn't care about the 47%. They demonized him throughout that campaign, from killing some guys wife who had cancer to Harry Reid saying he knew he did not pay his taxes, which Reid later admitted he lied.

Certainly the media would never point out that Romney donated several millions to charity every year, 13M in one year alone. Nah, just demonize and mock and lie, anything to drag the democrat a cross the finish line.
wasn't half of mitt Rodney's "47ers who don't give a damn" his senior citizen voting base?

Seniors vote Democrat more. They're scared evil republicans will cut their Medicare and their orthopedic back brace will no longer be covered. Dems pretty much have a stranglehold on the voting populace. Immigrants, minorities, young people, educated academic types, hipsters,working women all vote democrat. And to top it off, the media pulling for them at every turn.

Republicans only really have disgruntled white men aged 34-60 and stay at home moms (an almost extinct thing) so I honestly don't think you will see a republican ever elected president again. The problem is all the groups I mentioned above for democrats are usually highly motivated to vote. The republican base of disgruntled white people love to complain but can't be bothered to vote. So even in an election year where a republican should win, he won't because of voter apathy among whites.

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