Predictions for Super Tuesday

Right. you guys are stuck with HRC and half the Democrats don't even like her. We suffer from a lack of good candidates period. The difference is most Republicans aren't in denial about this fact.

I don't know why you say that... she is leading in all the polls and is endorsed by virtually every major democratic politician. It is just your vitriol hatred for her that gets in the way of seeing things rationally.
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I am a complete independent. I would say I have pretty liberal views on social issues and then more conservative views on economics. That being said the candidates from both parties suck. Hillary and pretty much everyone else on both sides but Trump and Sanders are the same old crap repackaged. If you can't see that you are clearly partisan in one direction or the other. Oh, and Trump and Sanders suck too. Both are jokes and while their "radical" platforms may gain them favor as being anti-establishment, their platforms stand no chance of ever becoming policy.
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I don't know why you say that... she is leading in all the polls and is endorsed by virtually every major democratic politician. It is just your vitriol hatred for her that gets in the way of seeing things rationally.
Yes, she is endorsed by every front running elected democrat in elected office because they fear Clinton retribution. The actual voters clearly want someone else, which is why herb 50 point lead has all but left against a guy who wasn't even a dem 6 months ago.
A wake up call to put themselves in positions to not have the every day person feel this way about our government/politicians. I'm not lauding Trump for anything. I find it amusing that our country has come to this. I mean really, Donald Trump could really be the next president? The "real" politicians need to be better, do better, and be more open-minded. Obviously, someone like Trump is in this position today because a lot of people are tired of the same old nonsense. People are tired off the pissing contests that come from both sides. Just do things to make the country better, find a middle ground, and agree from time to time.
Awesome post and I agree.
Trump resonates w the average person because the average person doesn't care about the establishment GOP positions on things like the capital gains tax. They don't care about the capital gains tax, it's meaningless to them. They want their jobs, a secure border, and don't care to go into other countries attempting to instill democracy at the point of a bayonet. Nobody cares about Israel either.
A wake up call to put themselves in positions to not have the every day person feel this way about our government/politicians. I'm not lauding Trump for anything. I find it amusing that our country has come to this. I mean really, Donald Trump could really be the next president? The "real" politicians need to be better, do better, and be more open-minded. Obviously, someone like Trump is in this position today because a lot of people are tired of the same old nonsense. People are tired off the pissing contests that come from both sides. Just do things to make the country better, find a middle ground, and agree from time to time.

First off, I would say we are all in agreement here. We all amused at the situation. We all agree that Trump is a wake up call to politicians.

But remind me again how or why Donald trump has encouraged anyone to do any of the things I have bolded? He isn't open minded whatsoever. He pisses on everyone, and he does not compromise.
First off, I would say we are all in agreement here. We all amused at the situation. We all agree that Trump is a wake up call to politicians.

But remind me again how or why Donald trump has encouraged anyone to do any of the things I have bolded? He isn't open minded whatsoever. He pisses on everyone, and he does not compromise.
He just wins bro.. no need to compromise. So much winning. This is how you get it done in the US of fking A bro.

What would President Trump do? So I’d call the head of Ford, or whatever company, but I’d call the head of Ford. I’d say, “Congratulations, I understand you’re building a massive plant in Mexico and you’re taking a lot of jobs away from us in Michigan and other places. Now, I don’t like that. I don’t like it. I just don’t like it.” And he’ll say, “Well, Mr. President. It’s wonderful, wonderful for the economy. Oh, great, just great.” It’s wonderful for whose economy? Not for our economy. … So, what I’d say is the following: “I don’t want you to do that. And if you do it, you’re not going to have any cars coming across the border unless you pay a 35 percent tax.” That’s it. That’s it. No, that’s it! And they’re going to say — they’re going to say to me, “Mr. President, please, please, please.” Now, I guarantee you. Let’s say I make this call at 9:00 in the morning, by 5:00 in the afternoon, I think the deal is done, they move back to the United States.

You think Prez Trump needs to know about the difference between a Sunni and Shite??? Hell no bro.. they are all muslims. Any we think are up to no good:

Don't tell me it doesn't work -- torture works. Okay, folks? Torture -- you know, half these guys [say]: 'Torture doesn't work.' Believe me, it works. Okay? Waterboarding? Some people say it's not actually torture — let's assume it is. What are you going to do on waterboarding?' Absolutely fine, but we should go much stronger than waterboarding. That's the way I feel.
I am sure that Bernie Sanders cares about Israel.

He just wins bro.. no need to compromise. So much winning. This is how you get it done in the US of fking A bro.

You think Prez Trump needs to know about the difference between a Sunni and Shite??? Hell no bro.. they are all muslims. Any we think are up to no good:
What's the difference, Hillary is a joke. Prove to me that she is not? I am no Trump supporter but you say all this crap and act like Sanders, Clinton, Rubio, etc... are special. People are tired of the same old political BS. This does not mean Trump will win.
No WE have not earned DT......the REPUBLICAN Party has earned DT by not having the balls to stand up to the tea party group and getting in bed with them in order to win elections....the party establishment always thought they could control them...remember John Boehner and his attempts to quell them. Like it or not the jackasses are out of the box and you are stuck with has nothing to do with I's or D's who I suspect DT will get zero support from rendering the November general election meaning less.

Those crazy Republicans from the New York Times Ed Board disagree.
First off, I would say we are all in agreement here. We all amused at the situation. We all agree that Trump is a wake up call to politicians.

But remind me again how or why Donald trump has encouraged anyone to do any of the things I have bolded? He isn't open minded whatsoever. He pisses on everyone, and he does not compromise.

I didn't see anything you bolded. I really don't care about politics all that much. Tho, the beginning of this primary season has been entertaining and additional popcorn has been ordered.

I can't remind you about anything concerning Trump. I'm not saying he's open-minded, or that he doesn't piss on everyone, or that he doesn't compromise. I'll take your word on it.

I'm not referring to him. I'm referring to "real" politicians. Begin to have an open mind, compromise, work together, give and take, develop some reasonableness, and then there will be no need to worry about someone like Trump.

The reason we see what's going on with him is because people are tired of what career politicians give us time and time again. They're self-serving individuals whose #1 job is to look after the lobbyists, special interest groups, and the wealthy donors that fund their campaigns.
I love how much people despise candidates. Hearing either side talk about Bernie or Trump is high comedy.
I don't know why you say that... she is leading in all the polls and is endorsed by virtually every major democratic politician. It is just your vitriol hatred for her that gets in the way of seeing things rationally.

Ahem, not sure much.
"Public interest in these speeches is legitimate, and it is the public — not the candidate — who decides how much disclosure is enough," the Times wrote. "By stonewalling on these transcripts Mrs. Clinton plays into the hands of those who say she’s not trustworthy and makes her own rules. Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House."

Read more:
Ahem, not sure much.
"Public interest in these speeches is legitimate, and it is the public — not the candidate — who decides how much disclosure is enough," the Times wrote. "By stonewalling on these transcripts Mrs. Clinton plays into the hands of those who say she’s not trustworthy and makes her own rules. Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House."

Read more:

Let he amongst us who has not been the target of a NYT's attack piece cast the first stone.....
Cruz is owned by Wall Street because he got a million dollar loan from Goldman.

Hillary is owned by Wall Street because they gave her a higher than usual speaking fees.

TRUMP and his companies have millions upon millions of dollars of debt with dozens of Wall Street banks. Yet somehow they do not influence him.
What's the difference, Hillary is a joke. Prove to me that she is not? I am no Trump supporter but you say all this crap and act like Sanders, Clinton, Rubio, etc... are special. People are tired of the same old political BS. This does not mean Trump will win.
So since we are tired of the same old crap we turn to a guy who has no platform?

How is trump's BS any different? Because he curses? Because he attacks immigrants? The guy is more full of shit than any of the candidates... he just spouts populist talking points he knows mouth breathers will eat up. How does that ford bullshit story work if he is really president??? How about the pig blood bullshit story he made up?? How about the torture thing?

So I'm not going to do your research. Look at his website and his position pages. Then compare that to to Rubio or HRC or even Ted Cruz. Talk about an outsider... He is loathed by insiders. All of them are infinitely more qualified than trump.... Yet When trump speaks nonsense it means something because he was a reality star.

If you want someone different and anti establishment why not Gary Johnson? Why not Cruz?? The notion that a born rich New York City real estate mogul is some friend of the poor and down trodden is a joke but lap it up if you want.
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Lap it up because he comes out against "free trade", puts America's interest over Israel's, doesn't care about any kind of social issues, thinks it doesn't help the country to have illegal, illiterate Mexicans coming across the border
Cruz is owned by Wall Street because he got a million dollar loan from Goldman.

Hillary is owned by Wall Street because they gave her a higher than usual speaking fees.

TRUMP and his companies have millions upon millions of dollars of debt with dozens of Wall Street banks. Yet somehow they do not influence him.

To be fair, he treats his banks like shit.
So since we are tired of the same old crap we turn to a guy who has no platform?

How is trump's BS any different? Because he curses? Because he attacks immigrants? The guy is more full of shit than any of the candidates... he just spouts populist talking points he knows mouth breathers will eat up. How does that ford bullshit story work if he is really president??? How about the pig blood bullshit story he made up?? How about the torture thing?

So I'm not going to do your research. Look at his website and his position pages. Then compare that to to Rubio or HRC or even Ted Cruz. Talk about an outsider... He is loathed by insiders. All of them are infinitely more qualified than trump.... Yet When trump speaks nonsense it means something because he was a reality star.

If you want someone different and anti establishment why not Gary Johnson? Why not Cruz?? The notion that a born rich New York City real estate mogul is some friend of the poor and down trodden is a joke but lap it up if you want.

Agree, it's similar to a woman with a history of trying to destroy victims of sexual assault as a champion of women?
Lap it up because he comes out against "free trade", puts America's interest over Israel's, doesn't care about any kind of social issues, thinks it doesn't help the country to have illegal, illiterate Mexicans coming across the border
Explain to me know how his stance on China trade works.. that is about as deep as he gets on policy and its basically all wrong. If you actually believe we are bringing non-automated manufacturing lines to the US then Trump is your man. His interventionist approach would be a disaster for the US consumer. I hope you don't have an iPhone because in Trump's world you are helping China WIN. He is like a left wing Union man with his approach to trade. So many mexicans.... so many that the illegal immigrant population from mexico is at its lowest levels in 10 years so yeah lap it up. And I wont take a stance on if this is good or bad, but by % illegal immigrants over index in the work force... so really most come to work even if they are illiterate like you say.
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Agree, it's similar to a woman with a history of trying to destroy victims of sexual assault as a champion of women?
you are obsessed with HRC man. she sucks you get no defense from me if that is what you are trying to infer but I think your perspective on this whole race is being blinded by your hate of her.
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you are obsessed with HRC man. she sucks you get no defense from me if that is what you are trying to infer but I think your perspective on this whole race is being blinded by your hate of her.

ADP is to HRC as Novacat94 is to TJC
you are obsessed with HRC man. she sucks you get no defense from me if that is what you are trying to infer but I think your perspective on this whole race is being blinded by your hate of her.
Who do you like?
Rolling Stone had one of the better articles I've ever read on Trump and politics in general. Long, but I read it and liked it. Favorite line:

"He turns these things into WWE contests, and since he has actual WWE experience after starring in Wrestlemania in 2007, he knows how to play these moments like a master."

The Rolling Stone piece is pretty entertaining....but so too is the 1990 Playboy interview with Donald:

Then what does all this-the yacht, the bronze tower, the casinos-really mean to you?

Props for the show.

And what is the show?

The show is “Trump” and it has sold out performances everywhere. I’ve had fun doing it and will continue to have fun, and I think most people enjoy it.

You don’t sound guilty at all.I do have a feeling of guilt.

I’m living well and like it, I know that many other people don’t live particularly well. I do have a social consciousness. I’m setting up a foundation; I give a lot of money away and I think people respect that. The fact that I built this large company by myself working people respect that; but the people who are at high levels don’t like it. They’d like it for themselves.
A perfect example of her foreign policy incompetence was support for the overthrow of Qaddafi in Libya, as well as a related interview in which she brags about killing him by saying: “We Came, We Saw, He Died.” Meanwhile, Libya has become a humanitarian disaster, a failed state, and a haven for ISIS. For example, take these excerpts from the post, Revisiting the Incredible Disaster That Is Libya:

In retrospect, Obama’s intervention in Libya was an abject failure, judged even by its own standards. Libya has not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it has devolved into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses have increased severalfold. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya now serves as a safe haven for militias affiliated with both al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). The Libya intervention has harmed other U.S. interests as well: undermining nuclear nonproliferation, chilling Russian cooperation at the UN, and fueling Syria’s civil war.?

As bad as Libya’s human rights situation was under Qaddafi, it has gotten worse since NATO ousted him. Immediately after taking power, the rebels perpetrated scores of reprisal killings, in addition to torturing, beating, and arbitrarily detaining thousands of suspected Qaddafi supporters. The rebels also expelled 30,000 mostly black residents from the town of Tawergha and burned or looted their homes and shops, on the grounds that some of them supposedly had been mercenaries. Six months after the war, Human Rights Watch declared that the abuses “appear to be so widespread and systematic that they may amount to crimes against humanity.”?

As a consequence of such pervasive violence, the UN estimates that roughly 400,000 Libyans have fled their homes, a quarter of whom have left the country altogether

you are obsessed with HRC man. she sucks you get no defense from me if that is what you are trying to infer but I think your perspective on this whole race is being blinded by your hate of her.

What is my perspective? I think we're seeing a lack of great candidates and that's why we might be faced with a pathological lair and potential crazy man as our nominees. I've been balanced in pointing out the flaws on both sides. Anyone disagree with that view? My issue is when you or others make a comment like Trump is going to BS people into electing him. Did you forget Obama? Trump at least has done something. Obama gave speeches for 3 years and BS his way to the same thing. Let's just keep it fair and balanced. Note, you can make the same comment about Rubio....and Democrats do. So my issue is this, just apply it across the board. Let's keep it intellectually honest. Which gets to the real issue. The election process has become awful. We've got Hillary and Sanders trying to see who can come up with a more unrealistic leftist agenda that cost 45 trillion to implement. The GOP has turned into the WWE in the debates. We are to blame for Trump and Sanders. We're the same idiots who elected the community organizer.... twice. Say what you want about Romney but he would have been a good President. We let the 47% comment taken at a private fundraiser elect a President. It's all so dumb. We now have a serial abuser of women running as the candidate of women, the first women President but we're all going to focus on Trump? At least he's on the level about his insults. He doesn't pretend to be something he's not in that regard. And people like it. It's really no worse than anyone else out there.
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Who was the last "great candidate" that received the nomination of his party?
Clinton was a great candidate and then he came in, worked with both parties and cut deals. IMO, he was a great candidate and did a great job while in office. I don't care about his extra-curricular activities. That's between he and his wife. It's clear they have a transactional marriage so it's not really my business. IMO, he was inspirational to people. I also think Romney was a great candidate and he got the nomination so those would be the last two on each side IMO.

I think Hillary will be a very good President. She'll do a good job. She's simply the most dishonest politician in history and we'll have the constant graft and scandels that come with the Clinton's if she wins. Which I doubt.