Pretty Cool Cat

Nothing like a good walk.

Have a pair of these things so I don't have to evacuate if it gets icy out there...

just get yourself some slip on grippers for curling. easy to store in a bag and work great.

So I took these things on a test drive Sunday (Hillsound FreeSteps6). Really nice product. Trail was covered with an inch or so of dusty snow over ice, parking lot was all ice. Don't miss a beat with the FreeSteps, feels like you're not wearing anything. They are a little awkward on bare pavement, kind of like golf spikes, so I wouldn't recommend them for shoveling the driveway, just recreational outdoor activities.

Hillsound offers a few other versions. I didn't think I'd need anything BEEFier, and am happy with this selection. The only "complaint" is that my boots are 10's, which overlaps with the medium/large, so the large is fractionally loose, and the medium fractionally small. In theory, I do like the simplicity of the plain band versus the Velcro strap on the next model up, but haven't tried it.

The competitors I saw were Yaktrax and Kahtoola. Gr8 reviews for Yaktrax, but not durable (comments were usually something like I love these and go through a few pairs each season because they br8k).

Running versions too...Anybody use these? Low profile. Something like this might be better for icy pavement.

e"t" in Kah"t"oola


This post was edited on 2/17 7:09 AM by spg109876ers
Plus, this is not only right in the 4.6 wheelhouse, it's "value" added to boot (get it?)

1. Multiple snowless storm-of-the-centuries this season
2. BustaNutter closing anything he can get his hands on
3. Some crazy Alaskan walking 46 miles in -35F
4. 2Decks taking his kids skiing
5. me going for a walk on Sunday

You can go outside and not die.

Who knows, maybe somebody on here has actually done something, like climbed a mountain?
Seems like someone is paying you to post this garbage on the board. Considering you have previously identified yourself as a "blogger," I wouldn't put it past you. Using your inet persona for profit is not looked upon kindly here. Just look at what happened to Randiculous.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Villanova U:

Seems like someone is paying you to post this garbage on the board. Considering you have previously identified yourself as a "blogger," I wouldn't put it past you. Using your inet persona for profit is not looked upon kindly here. Just look at what happened to Randiculous.
Hesus Christo…THIS IS THE BLOG.

Do I really come across as the type to sell shit on Rivals?? Are you supposed to type in "SPG" for the Promo Code??

I was stirring the pot about me, as always. I did 3 hours (10+ miles) solo in the woods on Sunday (high 15F, WC -2F). Those trail crampons were "essential" gear.

Jesus…doesn't anyone know how this works?
Originally posted by spg109876ers:

Who knows, maybe somebody on here has actually done something, like climbed a mountain?
Not sure about a mountain but BuckinSF def climbed and mounted that amazon tall softball player.
Originally posted by Villanova U:
Seems like someone is paying you to post this garbage on the board. Considering you have previously identified yourself as a "blogger," I wouldn't put it past you. Using your inet persona for profit is not looked upon kindly here. Just look at what happened to Randiculous.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
For the record, Randiculous is alive and well on the pay board. Was he excommunicated from 4.6?

That being said, I can't comment on spg109876ers' motive for posting on this board. Calls for speculation.
Originally posted by OldManYellsatCloud:

Weirdest poster ever. Can't follow most of the shit he posts.
Have you ever gone out on ice, hiking or running? It's pretty good. There's nobody else outside. I went Sunday. Felt a sense of accomplishment. Thought I'd try to steer the 4.6 to some more winter "outdoor" conversation besides skiing. No cooperation. Banned from 4.6 for hocking weird foot accoutrements.

Edit: if you're an avid runner, tell me you wouldn't feel gr8 if you slapped those things on and were flying along icy roads? Real ice. Bet you'd feel like Steve Austin (Six Million Dollar Man, not Stone Cold, but it would be cold, it's icy).


This post was edited on 2/17 2:09 PM by spg109876ers
94.6% of the time I have no clue what you're posting. Maybe that's my fault? Regardless, I like your style and implore you to carry on.
Originally posted by adp98:

94.6% of the time I have no clue what you're posting. Maybe that's my fault? Regardless, I like your style and implore you to carry on.
Now that's validation.

Suck it, 6ers.
I typed Running on Icy Roads into the puter, and this is the first thing it spat out…

The first item discussed is traction devices.

Second was RunnersWorld…

Nobody has any of this crap?

You all stay inside because of ice?

Originally posted by spg109876ers:

Originally posted by Novacatt94:

Calls for speculation.
You're supposed to have my back?
That was my attempt to stay "fair and balanced," or "neutral," if you will.

For the record, I like your tone. I just don't understand most of it. I feel dumb after reading it.

So it's a relief to know that I am not alone in that sentiment.

You may need to dumb it down a tad for us nitwits.

edit: "just sayin"
If someone had posted a thread looking for advice on how to run or hike in the winter, I could understand it. But to just randomly start a thread about a bizarre niche product, including several links and advice about sizing, absolutely reeks of paid content. Nobody "gives a damn" about your running crampons or whatever.

Is this the new natto? Can't wait for you to start spouting off about that stuff again.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Villanova U:

If someone had posted a thread looking for advice on how to run or hike in the winter, I could understand it.
What if I'm giving the advice?

I'd wager there are a few "dams" out there. Could be an outdoor enthusiast, could be somebody interested in emergency gear, could be SRs trying to avoid shattered hips.

Knew there had to be a solution out there, looked it up.

Why not bring something to the table?

Edit: same-day-shipping
Originally posted by RW_Prescott:

Originally posted by spg109876ers:

Who knows, maybe somebody on here has actually done something, like climbed a mountain?
Not sure about a mountain but BuckinSF def climbed and mounted that amazon tall softball player.
Was it softball? Thought it was volleyball or chick hoops player...