You should check-out this article in today's NY Times - "Standing Out and Blending In at Stanford." Their PR people are out there selling the school. But if you read it, you will begin to understand why so many kids opt to go there - why Aislin Cuffe chose Stanford over VU - even though she would have been a national champion (XC) had she come to VU.
Found the article a little self-serving - look how wonderful we are - but still one cannot but be impressed.
Personally I like smaller schools. Been on the Stanford campus and it is huge. But it has the California girls ...and it is one of the top four or five academic institutions. But I question that when you have Rice as one of your representatives (but that is another whole political argument) and it is the home of the Hoover Institute (again another political view point). Still VU has Marcus. And he is a very good man. Should mean something. But then I sometimes feel that things like that aren't important anymore.
Either way, read the article.
This post was edited on 1/2 3:29 AM by sebastianc
Found the article a little self-serving - look how wonderful we are - but still one cannot but be impressed.
Personally I like smaller schools. Been on the Stanford campus and it is huge. But it has the California girls ...and it is one of the top four or five academic institutions. But I question that when you have Rice as one of your representatives (but that is another whole political argument) and it is the home of the Hoover Institute (again another political view point). Still VU has Marcus. And he is a very good man. Should mean something. But then I sometimes feel that things like that aren't important anymore.
Either way, read the article.
This post was edited on 1/2 3:29 AM by sebastianc