f--k you

manning was garbage, even worse than in the afc title game

threw the f--king ball right into 94's chest

carolina's o line and receivers shit the bed. guy dropped the ball on the four yard line and they gave up a bizarre f--king return. newton wasn't good

f--k you you obnoxious simpleton
The reason you are always so angry is because you are usually wrong. Start listening to people in the know and you won't be wrong so often. I don't know where you picked up that I said Manning is currently a good player? It's as clear as day that the guy has been done for a long time. I said he needed to be a game manager and that's what they did. Broncos had no right winning that game but the Carolina's offense stunk up the joint and Cam was worse than not good, he was horrible
Why didn't the Broncos have any right winning that game? That's silly.

Clear as day to me that Carolina's offense stunk up the joint and Cam was horrible, because of Denver's top-ranked D

Wasn't pretty, but Denver earned that victory, mostly due to their D.
dirty, they certainly earned it, just saying just how bad the Panthers offense was. Mostly because of the Denver D but the Denver O was really bad as well.