Super Bowl


All Team
Oct 2, 2009
Anybody going to watch?

Heard this might be the first pick 'em super bowl ever.
Go Pats, Hawks were damn lucky yesterday. Wilson looked like a third string QB for most of the game yesterday.
Can anyone argue againts Tom Brady being the GoaT if he wins this game? Or will the h8ers say he can't come up big after winning his 6th AFC Title game.
Looking forward to Brady joining the three-time-loser club with Elway, Kelly and Tarkenton.
Wilson also won the game with the 2 TD drives in regulation and the long pass to win it. And that made his record, what, 10-0 against SB winning QBs? I know, crazy to laud wins over Eli, but that's only 2 of them, the rest are Rodgers, P. Manning, Brady type wins.

If Sherman and Thomas were even close to 100% I would say Seahawks. Pretty significant injuries, apparently a dislocated shoulder for Thomas and maybe a dislocated elbow for Sherman. Guess we will find out more today but they are both about 6 week injuries ordinarily. My guess is both play but will be limited. That should even things up.

I would rather have the Hawks win for a 2nd SB than have the Patriots win a 4th.
Colts had no business being in the AFC title game. Patriots pull their typical win a weak division so they get a bye, win 2 playoff games at home, only 1 real contest, then on to another superbowl loss beacuse they backed into the spot. 3 super bowls won by 3 pts each time. Haven't won in a decade. Haven't won since Vinatieri left with his margin of victory leg. Haven't won since they were caught cheating. Yawn.
I will have a tough time figuring out who to root for in this one. Would have rooted for either Colts or GB if one of those teams made it. Really don't want Beli-cheat to win another one. And not a big Carroll fan either. Maybe I will root for Seattle so that I can see a few pics of a pouty Giselle after the game?
Originally posted by Villanova U:
Serious question: if tonights Georgetown game is on at the same time as this super bowl, which do you watch?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Watch the hoops game, TiVo the football.

Anyway, really looking forward to this super bowl. I will set aside some time next Sunday to watch. Should be an exciting game. Seattle is probably the better team, but you never know who will win (unless you are gdog), and that is why they play the games.
Originally posted by qwe015:

Watch the hoops game, TiVo the football.

Anyway, really looking forward to this super bowl. I will set aside some time next Sunday to watch. Should be an exciting game. Seattle is probably the better team, but you never know who will win (unless you are gdog), and that is why they play the games.
Methinks you might be disappointed come next Sunday night.
I am on the Brady bandwagon with ball, it's hard to believe, I know.
Originally posted by MakingLove2BeckyLobo:
The whole 12thMan seattle shit sickens me. Half that fan base started watching football 2 years ago. Plus many left stadium in 4th quarter and gave up. Gutless.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
the 12th man thing is the worst. it's a bunch of "fans" celebrating themselves moreso than the team --- and doing so by picking the most generic, least creative term for themselves/football fans possible --- while thinking they're revolutionary and original at the same time. you see more 12 flags around this town (you know, the symbol for the fans), than actual seahawks flags/etc. the majority of the fans are a joke with such a huge bandwagon angle. probably 75% bandwagon, 25% real fan.... in the stadium. on the streets, its more like 95/5.

the team though... can't knock what they've done over the past 3-4 years to get where they are. should be another good year next year too.
Originally posted by tomdudes:
I will have a tough time figuring out who to root for in this one.
Agree, these are both despicable teams, can't remember any SB where I despised both teams this much. Aside from NFC East foes, I hate these two more than any others in the NFL (and frankly I think I hate all of the NFC East foes less than these two today--rooted hard for the Giants in both of their Pats Super Bowls) -- have hated the Pats at least since the revelations that led to the tainting of the Super Bowls they played in but did not lose. Have hated Seattle since it became clear that they are mostly a PED-driven creation, the way the officials let them break the rules, and also due to my jealousy of them having Earl Thomas instead of the Birds due to an epic Andy Reid f--- up.

At the end of the day, I will root for Seattle but hate doing so. True lesser of two evils thing. More value in seeing Brady and Belichik continue on winless in SBs without access to videotapes of the opposing team's practices in the lead-up to the game. And I do like the way they handle themselves. Marshawn Lynch was awesome yesterday. Kudos.
Great prop bet at

Will Katy Perry have cleavage during the halftime show?

Yes -700
No +450

Books will be big time Seahawks fans Sunday.
I just have no rooting interest in this Super Bowl, very blah to me, havent really kept up with all the crap going on this week like I usually do, saying that I like to eat junk food and watch puppy beer commercials so Ill watch. As for the game itself I will cheer for a game that goes down to the wire besides that i really dont care who wins one bit, if the game is a blow out Ill probably turn it off and watch House of Lies.
Originally posted by Lowry45:
I just have no rooting interest in this Super Bowl, very blah to me, havent really kept up with all the crap going on this week like I usually do, saying that I like to eat junk food and watch puppy beer commercials so Ill watch. As for the game itself I will cheer for a game that goes down to the wire besides that i really dont care who wins one bit, if the game is a blow out Ill probably turn it off and watch House of Lies.
Aren't you from New England?
Grew up in CT and I am split of Boston/NY sports. I like the Giants, Red Sox and Celtics. Dont watch Hockey.

I probably will cheer for the Pats in the end mostly because of all the annoying people in NY who call the Patriots cheaters because their sports teams are terrible.
I never understand when people say that they can't win a game without illegally taping another team when during their first 3 super bowl wins what they were doing was completely legal. Makes 0 sense. Also, this whole deflategate thing is such a joke and really shows how incompetent the NFL is again. They do this whole thing to set up the Patriots and they can't even record the PSI before the game to show how much it fell. And that the refs just do the squeeze test. Goodell has to be one of if not the most incompetent commissioner in sports history. Can't believe anyone ever had a worse year at least.
I'll be watching cycling, trimming my privacy hedges followed by a dinner party where my guests and I will mock poor and middle class people as we sip wine in our salmon colored khakis.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'll be at 6:30PM mass, maybe I'll check the score afterwards. I already saw the good commercials that leaked, not much else going on with this game.

Pullin for Brady in this one. Guy is close to GoaT (clinches it with a win tonight), would be fun to see everyone complain about it.
Very excited for the match up. Definitely the two best teams playing and a ton of great story lines here. If Brady and Belicheck win they probably become the greatest QB and Coach of all time. And can start to shake the winning a SB without cheating thing. Or will show the ball thing was behind them. The Seahawks going for the 1st back to back since the Pats 11 years ago. Cements their legacy and could start a huge run as they're the youngest team in the NFL and have pretty much all of their defensive stars signed to long term deals. Should be a great game but have the Seabirds pulling it out.
Originally posted by OldManYellsatCloud:
I'll be watching cycling, trimming my privacy hedges followed by a dinner party where my guests and I will mock poor and middle class people as we sip wine in our salmon colored khakis.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I think February is the wrong month to be doing all of those things.
Watching football for nearly 50 years and that may have been the single worst play call I have ever seen. The offensive coordinator for the Seahawks should be fired tomorrow unless Wilson changed the play which I doubt. That game was over once Lynch scored with 20 seconds to go. Belichick did an awful job with clock management on that last drive and got away with it because Seattle went brain dead. Unbelievable especially if you are a Seattle fan.
that might be the worst play call in NFL history.

I know, I know, its not a 100% guarantee Seattle wins the game or even scores right there. But its at least top 3.
Our man Foye is telling everyone that they didn't run the ball into the middle of the line because Vince Wolfolk is one the greatest DL ever. Well, maybe that's true, but it doesn't matter. You play the percentages there and your highest percentage play is giving it to one of the hardest runners in the NFL. If he gets stopped, then you call your final timeout and go from there.

With that said, the NE Db made an awesome play. Cap tip to him.
Seattle scores on that goal line pass 75% of the time in that situation, and the other 24.999% of the time it is an incomplete pass. Then they re-group and make a hard push for two tries with lynch.

the issue of whether that play call was horrible is over blown. Carroll knows his team, he made a decent percentage call there, and some random guy made a crazy play to win the game. Happens.

What a game!!
Disagree. Putting the ball in the air, in a tight space, is a lot more riskier. Even a bootleg with one of the most mobile QBs in the league, maybe a run/pass option on the edge, would have been less riskier.

Yes, it was a great game. Very entertaining. I had no rooting interest and picked the Pats to win 24-17.
Run or that pass were both high percentage plays. The run was less risky, and probably higher percentage, but it's not like that pass was a horrible call and you could see that butler was going to pick it off. Butler made a ridiculous play. Almost as freakish as if wilfork had stripped lynch (and I said almost, as lynch was a safer bet).
Originally posted by Sportsboss_ofnothing:
Awful throw and terrible WR play to boot. Also awful was butler not falling in end zone for touchback. Just bad football fundamentals all the way around.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How is it bad football fundamentals to not be able to accelerate extremely fast, focus on making the interception, absorb contact from the wide receiver and then stop on a perfect dime and fall backwards into the end zone for a touchback - all in the matter of about .3 of a second?

How was that throw awful? If was perfectly in stride. Wrong decision - sure. But throw was fine. The receiver could have been a little stronger but Butler got to the spot first- what else can you ask for? Amazing how everyone involved in that play is awful. Just because you can see that a player could have done something different in the replay doesn't mean they are bad. Things happen fast
How does a team, which didn't complete a pass until there were 5 minutes left in the first half decide its a good time to throw the ball on second down on your 1 yard line with 1 TO. Also, how do you manage to burn 2 timeouts on a final drive, neither of which stopped the clock.