What is the biggest check you ever wrote? - I thought about writing a check for my Lasik, but I paid cash. $4100. My most recent apartment ($1475/month). So it was 1.5 Months and security. Think it was just under 4k.
Ever tried anal? - Nah, disgusted by it.
Rank these acts in terms of how angry they make you-
A) People mindlessly throwing their cigarette butts out of a car window; - Hate this, and people who throw them on the ground.
B) People leaving shopping carts in the parking lot to smash into other parked cars; - Disrespectful, but some people are just lazy. I also don't drive so this doesn't bother me that much.
C) People talking loudly on their cell phones when in a check out line, or some other public place. - I was a cashier when I was 16-17. It pissed me off, but I realize I do it now so I can't get too mad at it.
What did you have for dinner last night? - Chicken thigh (garlic salt, everyday pepper and red chili flakes), coleman mustard from Norwich England and mixed vegetables. Had chili that my girlfriend made yesterday for lunch today.
Name one thing that you would change about your physical appearance if you could. Probably an extra inch or two of height. I think I'd be better at sales if I was taller.