Taking Questions for 2 Hours

have you spoken to dmill about his confounding one post return in g-dogs fractured rib thread? - I sent him a text welcoming him back. He wouldn't confirm or deny that he is permanently back -- though I suspect he never left. I'm on a Nova game thread with him and another family member who went to 'Nova, he watches every minute of every game.
Name the way in which you are becoming most like your father which you never thought would have happened
have you spoken to dmill about his confounding one post return in g-dogs fractured rib thread? - I sent him a text welcoming him back. He wouldn't confirm or deny that he is permanently back -- though I suspect he never left. I'm on a Nova game thread with him and another family member who went to 'Nova, he watches every minute of every game.
Can I be a part of this game thread? I think your uncle likes me.
Name the way in which you are becoming most like your father which you never thought would have happened? I sit at home and watch way too much Law and Order. I liked it as a kid, didn't think I would ever sit and watch by myself at any point. None of that SVU crap, just straight Law and Order. I also sometimes have a short temper when I'm getting jerked around on stuff like canceling my cable. I used to get mad at my dad for being rude to people, now i I try not to do it.
What is the biggest check you ever wrote?

Ever tried anal?

Rank these acts in terms of how angry they make you-
A) People mindlessly throwing their cigarette butts out of a car window;
B) People leaving shopping carts in the parking lot to smash into other parked cars;
C) People talking loudly on their cell phones when in a check out line, or some other public place.

What did you have for dinner last night?

Name one thing that you would change about your physical appearance if you could.
IUDs - Under. My girlfriend has one, there's no going back.
Toronto - never been. Going to Montreal for a bachelor party in July though.
the bible - old, over. New. Under.
putting vegetables in scrambled eggs - put spinach in my omelette every time. Rarely anything else. Sometimes an onion.
President Ted Cruz - probably the biggest cheek to run for president.
the ignore feature -- Over, Free speech is what makes america gr8.
Why do people like the 2nd amendment so much?
What was your last donation to Nova and why that amount? And why give?
Will Nova FB decline sharply without Talley?
How else has your temper emerged lately?
Describe your best meal in last 2 months.
What is the biggest check you ever wrote? - I thought about writing a check for my Lasik, but I paid cash. $4100. My most recent apartment ($1475/month). So it was 1.5 Months and security. Think it was just under 4k.

Ever tried anal? - Nah, disgusted by it.

Rank these acts in terms of how angry they make you-
A) People mindlessly throwing their cigarette butts out of a car window; - Hate this, and people who throw them on the ground.
B) People leaving shopping carts in the parking lot to smash into other parked cars; - Disrespectful, but some people are just lazy. I also don't drive so this doesn't bother me that much.
C) People talking loudly on their cell phones when in a check out line, or some other public place. - I was a cashier when I was 16-17. It pissed me off, but I realize I do it now so I can't get too mad at it.

What did you have for dinner last night? - Chicken thigh (garlic salt, everyday pepper and red chili flakes), coleman mustard from Norwich England and mixed vegetables. Had chili that my girlfriend made yesterday for lunch today.

Name one thing that you would change about your physical appearance if you could. Probably an extra inch or two of height. I think I'd be better at sales if I was taller.
What is your go to move to turn down center city beggars? - I give to beggars once a week. I don't give to beggars I see smoking cigarettes or really look terrible. One guy loves cinnamon toast crunch so I bought him a box last weekend. He followed up with a thank you and if I could go back into CVS and get him so milk to go with it.

Which CoP sports team is most hopeless? The 76ers. They suck at everything and for some reason think 20 second round picks will make them gr8. Just a pathetic franchise.
Since your gf is on IUD do you use a rubber?
If no, how long did it take to convince her?
Where did the dmill in jail come from?
Why do people like the 2nd amendment so much? - Watching too much television, think the world is extremely dangerous. Some people probably just have small weiners, I think the others genuinely think they are protecting themselves. It's a shame that a toddler accidentally shoots someone (or themselves) every week in America because of this.

What was your last donation to Nova and why that amount? And why give? I give $25 to 'Nova every 6 months. I give it to the campus ministry. Not sure where all the money goes, but I would hope that money donated there goes to helping underprivldged people somewhere -- whether it's in west CoP or abroad.

Will Nova FB decline sharply without Talley? -
Will anyone notice? Dismantle the team and the BE becomes basketball only.

How else has your temper emerged lately? -
It definitely emerged canceling Comcast. I try not to lose it on people in public, but when I'm talking to someone in India it really pisses me off. Makes me want to vote Trump.

Describe your best meal in last 2 months.
I'm not really into fancy meals. I make 90% of my food. I know my girlfriend likes going out, so we'll go to nice places once every 2-3 weeks. Personally, I think the IHOP french toast special I got a few weeks ago was my favorite. Not even sure what was on it, just delicious.
Any Ed Rendell rubdowns in the steam room lately? - I've only seen him once in the last few months (I think it was last weekend). Haven't spoken with him in at least 2 months.
What do you look for in an ideal Uber driver? Same as a barber. Don't talk to me and do your job. I'm polite, but I just don't care.
What was the last over the counter medication you took? Besides Ibuprofen, probably dayquil back in 2013.
you have mentioned your girlfriend several times in this thread.

what stage is the relationship in?
do you think it has long term potential
if you two had kids, would they be good athletes?
Since your gf is on IUD do you use a rubber? - No, why would I? I had a few fire and ice ones, I guess that keeps things interesting.
If no, how long did it take to convince her? We did the first 2-3x then it was over.
Where did the dmill in jail come from? I have no idea. I asked it like 2 months ago and never got a good response. He's doing gr8.
Did you buy him milk to go with his Cin Toast Crunch?
One thing you've learned that's help you at sales the most?
Most embarassing childhood moment that doesn't involve your uncle stealing your gifts?
Describe your first 3 teenage relationships.
what stage is the relationship in? - Been dating for 8 months, but I'm sure she's the one. Always thought people were full of sh*t when they said that, but I actually believe it.
do you think it has long term potential. - I'm planning on asking her father in June when I go to London to see her parents.
if you two had kids, would they be good athletes? - I would consider myself a good athlete, she's less so but does go to the gym. She's not very coordinated, watching her play racquetball was amusing.
Did you buy him milk to go with his Cin Toast Crunch? No, and I don't really feel bad about it because I like my cin toast crunch without milk. It did make me mad because every cereal seemed to be on sale except CTC. Cost me like $5.49 when CTC usually only costs like $2.
One thing you've learned that's help you at sales the most? Keep pushing. Through the finish line, every day is a sprint. Sounds dumb, but that's the only way to look at it.
Most embarassing childhood moment that doesn't involve your uncle stealing your gifts? Probably having a few kids blame a really loud fart on me in Homeroom in 7th grade. They wouldn't let it go.
Describe your first 3 teenage relationships. First one I met the girl on our 8th grade trip to VA. She was from the other Middle school and we kissed before a roller coaster ride. I didn't have a cell phone and she did so it was really awkward when she would call my house. She also lived in the town over so I didn't really see her much. She's mega rich. Like triple comma rich. She linkedin to me a few months ago, she's looking good. what an IDIOT.
Second was in 10th grade, would just go to movies and make out. She gave me a handy once but that's it.
Third was before I graduated HS. We never banged either but I had known her since elementary school. We still text each other on bdays and xmas.
Will your kids be dual citizens? - Not sure how that works. She was born in England, does that automatically make them dual? Wish I had dual this summer so I wouldn't have to wait in customs line. Also going to Berlin on that trip.

Which Mets ace will be the first to throw a no-no? I would say Syndergaard because he throws the hardest. Might as well roll the dice on it. Besides Colon, any of the 5 can do it this year.

pesto - Under, why isn't it on more stuff?
nice bicycles - over, by a lot. Just walk places or use city bike. I canceled my membership for the winter but I fully intend to renew in Apil.
'85 Bears - NFL blows, I assume they were fun to watch because they hit hard before it was illegal.
puzzles - Boring.
the neighborhood play - I'd allow it, shouldn't be reviewable. Same as balls and strikes been going on for over a century.
water ice - Overrated. Never enjoyed it once. I didn't like Italian ice in north jersey either. Same sh*t.
Acela - Properly, but I never use it because of the price.
Just once? How does that happen? Was it a breakup handy? Or was once good enough for a 10th grade nn1188?

Once was definitely not enough for 10th grade NN118 -- but any kind of handy action was welcome. But just how it was, I didn't go out that much in HS 9th and 10th grade, was much more quiet.
How come people don't ask how someone's "prospects" are anymore? -- Not sure when they ever did. I ask about people's prospects when they are on the dating scene (tinder, hinge, etc..). Like hearing about those prospects.
How come people don't ask how someone's "prospects" are anymore? -- Not sure when they ever did. I ask about people's prospects when they are on the dating scene (tinder, hinge, etc..). Like hearing about those prospects.
Child please, they did all the time, think of when NickleDimer was a kid, women would say that she chose a man because of his "prospects".
I picture people saying it in the early 1900s, perhaps in The Glass Menagerie. So between that, and ND saying it occurred in the 50s, that's when.
What stereotypes of Brits are true? They are 10x more proper than Americans. The language sounds more sophisticated, partly because of the accent. But they also just don't curse as much.
Do you miss Nutter already? Yes. I've seen him walking around Rittenhouse a few times. He goes to the CVS on 19th and Chestnut. Not even sure what this new mayor has done except empower temple to get a new stadium.
Favorite union picket sign? (giant inflatable rat excluded - it's the obvious #1) -

Have you been mugged recently? No, I've never been mugged. I typically don't go outside of a relatively safe zone in the CoP. You probably think of it as a boring life, but I don't see the appeal of going north of Market.
What are the typical grooming habits of British chicks? - Wax every 3-4 weeks. Brush their teeth every 3-4 weeks. What you would expect.