Start to finish, how long did the whole proceedings take?
What are the top line outcomes? Custody, alimony, child support, home possession, etc.
Are you going to have a divorce party?
What did you learn from this?
How do you feel?
1. What is your favorite cookie made by your ex-wife?
2. How many girls have you banged since you split up?
3. How many squirters?
4. Do you regret getting that silly arm tattoo?
5. What do you think of Trump as President?
Pick the most applicable to your current situation:
A. I want to stay single for a while and bang young chicks
B. I want a girlfriend but not be tied down
C. I want a girlfriend to move in with me
D. I want to get married again
What was the worst thing said in the divorce?
Why do people get married?
Can you now explain more in detail about what led to the divorce? I know she got fat and may or may not have cheated.
Does cheating get someone more money in negotiations?
Have you taken your son(?) to get a pumpkin pie blizzard yet?
Can you now explain more in detail about what led to the divorce? I know she got fat and may or may not have cheated.
Does cheating get someone more money in negotiations?
What are some things that can get you more money in a divorce?
Difference in income, length of marriage, and what each brought to the table financially. Had we gone to court we could have argued she brought very little to the marriage "table." But it wasn't financially worth it. She purposefully stayed unemployed, besides her cookie business, to keep the income gap as large as possible. She now has a part time job at a country club, even though she could be a full time retail store manager making 50k a year, like gdog.
The person you marry (or getting married) is the most important decision, financial and personal, you'll ever make in your life. Very sorry it didn't work out. However, don't beat yourself over it and sounds like you learned a lot about yourself and life. Best of luck in your next phase.
How much did the lawyers cost? Always wondered why one lawyer couldn't handle things. Especially since your wife used your money to hire a lawyer to fight you. Good times.
She made a couples therapist CRY???? Good God. That's some kind of combination of depressing and impressive.
Sounds like you are moving forward and have a new perspective on things. Good Luck to you.
Glad to hear you're well down the road of putting this behind you. 50/50 split with no alimony and reasonable child support sounds like a solid outcome for you. What are the aspects you feel are unfair to you?
When's the last time you banged her? Anytime well after the separation?
Name some things you still liked about your ex even after things went south.