Why do college kids suck so bad today?

Would all the laid off govt employees take the deported illegal immigrant criminals' jobs in this plan?

Doesn't lowering the tax rate also provide incentive not to invest in tax free govt bonds thus crippling state and local govts?
My economics days are way behind me, especially macro, so why would giving individuals more money to spend/invest disincentivize individuals to invest in tax free government bonds later on in their careers/lives when protecting their portfolios is of utmost importance?

Bonds are debt. I'd rather let countries like China set up/take over businesses in the US and pay the corporate tax rate vs. offshoring business to them and borrowing their money to fund US needs while they hold the US hostage.
The thing that strikes me as so contradictory are that most of these millenials and liberals (same thing I suppose) fancy themselves as progressive, open minded people who advocate tolerance etc.....except tolerance of any idea that opposes theirs. And when confronted with a little resistance, the idea of tolerance is thrown aside and they will quickly become fascist and try to shut down any opposing view. So in essence they are no better than the very people they claim they are fighting against.
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And as an aside, seeing more and more of this stuff makes me think twice of sending my kid to college. They really have become nothing but breeding grounds for this type of horrible behavior. Plus if Rubio is elected, he can take up a trade and be on easy street.
And as an aside, seeing more and more of this stuff makes me think twice of sending my kid to college. They really have become nothing but breeding grounds for this type of horrible behavior. Plus if Rubio is elected, he can take up a trade and be on easy street.

Applications at welding schools have tripled this week. You may need a great SAT score to get in now.
Open minded as long as you agree with their enlightened views. Thats the new world.
Its easy to blame the "left" and "libtards" but have all these kids been raised by liberals? I read an interesting article about a concept they called "parenthood religion" and how many parents have made it unacceptable to say anything bad about their children and essentially hold to the belief that human life is at its peak value at birth and only decreases with age. It spoke to a culture of shame from parents who do not ascribe to the exact same beliefs and ideal. I feel like as someone without children yet its hard for me to judge but is it simply a problem of the left?

On a similar front look at the starbucks red cup nonsense. The internet and social media has fostered an outrage culture, where a company's choice of cup color is equated to a war on Christmas (despite the company selling Christmas ornaments, Christmas gift cards and Christmas blend coffee) with threats of boycott.

As in the current state of politics, there is no longer room for civil discourse and disagreement. Hyperbolic rhetoric rules the day. Those with dissenting views or seeking similar rights (e.g., the student photographer) are bullied an intimidated by group's presenting themselves as victims of bullying and intimidation. An email I read as empowering for students creates a completely outsized backlash, a red cup turns into a war against your religion.
Its easy to blame the "left" and "libtards" but have all these kids been raised by liberals? I read an interesting article about a concept they called "parenthood religion" and how many parents have made it unacceptable to say anything bad about their children

If anyone is subscribing to that BS model of parenting, then they're pretty liberal I'd say.
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Open minded as long as you agree with their enlightened views. Thats the new world.
Are we still talking about social media witch hunts in regards to things like Mizzou racist incidents and transgender issues?

I wouldn't say that they're close-minded of others' views. They just demand tolerance of others. They expect everyone's default view to be acceptance and protective of less powerful classes. That's how I would frame it.

Of course, doing dumb I-net thuggery things is no way to express that ideal.
But why can't they be tolerant of intolerant people. Why am I not allowed to hold the viewpoint that fags marrying is wrong without be condemned, shamed, fired from my job etc...all the bullying tactics these people love to employ. Is that not what they're preaching anyway???? Tolerance of everyone? Or just tolerance of like-minded liberals?
I still don't understand the Missouri thing. So because some kid took it upon himself to go on a hunger strike the president goes down? I read the list of demands and they were not realistic. I don't quite understand the specific issues but heard a lot about feelings. Can someone, bgranc02 is usually good here, provide the specific issues the caused the initial hunger strike and subsequent protests?
As best as I understand it, a few racial incidents happened on campus. Someone called someone the N word. A swastika written in feces etc. Rather than accept that one-off incidents like this happen everywhere (see what I did there), they demand the president step down because clearly he is the evil white guy in charge ultimately responsible. Like a coward, he bends over to their demands thus enabling them even more.

I think the biggest beef with these idiots is their failure to accept that stupid, bad shit is bound to happen but they refuse to see that. To them it's always this corrupt, white supremacist machine behind it all that makes it possible. So someone high up needs to take the fall because some drunk college kid acted like some drunk college kid. Same reaction with the church shootings....let's ban the flag rather than accept that some crazy cheek was responsible for his own actions. Basically I think they're all conspiracy theorists at heart. Assuming that every single bad thing no matter how small is all orchestrated by some vast white supremacists conglomerate trying to bring down minorities.
It seems crazy to me that we have that as a specific demand but yet don't ask on what grounds these types of demands are being made. Again, these kids might have reasonable grounds to call for the removal of the President. What I read was a lot about hurt feelings and demands that seemed questionable or not very enforceable.
I still don't understand the Missouri thing. So because some kid took it upon himself to go on a hunger strike the president goes down? I read the list of demands and they were not realistic. I don't quite understand the specific issues but heard a lot about feelings. Can someone, bgranc02 is usually good here, provide the specific issues the caused the initial hunger strike and subsequent protests?
No help i finally read the yale email and that situation was made even less comprehensible to me. The mizzou thing seems pretty soft on specifics but more about macro issues brought to the forefront after a few different incidents involving race. THe protests became absurd... intimidating and physically confronting a student photographer while suggesting he is the one being threatening is ridiculous.

On the other hand.. when it comes to their issues, I don't know what its like to be a minority on a predominately white campus. There could have been some real reasons for those students to want more from their president in terms of response to those incidents... and it seems like it was his responses (or lack there of) that created the real firestorm. Something about his driver revving his car engine when students tried to engage him and then a pretty poorly worded response to a question about oppression. Enough for him to step down? no idea. right way to engage in a discussion about their issues? maybe not but I don't know enough about it.
So basically you've got nothing on Mizzou either and it remains as much a mystery to you. My argument is that neither side went the right way to engage in a discussion because neither side was interested in a discussion. The list of demands did not come from people interested in any discussion. Yet no one seems to point out that fact and two people resigned. I don't think this is something to celebrate because it's unclear what was won? But hey, we're playing football on Saturday so F'ing A.
My favorite demand was to accept a list of demands for 1969.

I agree. They make it sound like the president wanted the charter to say "All black people must stay off the sidewalks." The only thing I read that he was directly involved in was not getting out of the car he was riding in during a parade to make these kids feel better. Again, they thought they had the right to shut down a parade and everybody would respond exactly as they thought. Wolfe didn't, and the kid goes on a hunger strike.
Initially I listened and thought there was some awful thing that happened but it still has not been revealed to me. What we really learned is that the money football brings in moves the needle on college campuses that play big boy football. To me, that's a big part of the story. We care more about football.
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Just read this. Is this the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton campaign platform or student protests. I'd love to know what percentage of the protester's tuition is paid for in aid. I would also like to understand who is responsible for the "rape culture". Given that line we know the football teams won't join in this protest.

Student demonstrations are set to engulf the U.S. today in the ‘Million Student March’, as activists from campuses around the country stage a day of protests against tuition fees and student debt, further inflamed by recent social justice protests at Yale and Missouri.
A statement from the activists reads: “We are people of all colors, genders, and sexual orientation, and we are united to fight for education as a human right.” Protesters are calling for tuition-free public college, cancellation of student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for college workers… plus a lot of other stuff about “straight white male patriarchy” and rape culture on campus.
But hey, we're playing football on Saturday so F'ing A.
Speaking of their football game saturday, its a "White-Out" against BYU. Can't make this stuff up
Nice strawman. Lot of runway between this list of demands and racial incidents. What were the specific incidents that warrant the list of demands being met? We've asked a bunch of people and no one seems to have an answer. Specifically, what incidents occured? I've heard about a lot of hurt feelings. You know how many italian slurs I heard at Nova? Loads, I was in Pike.
Right. What specifically happened at missou? No one seems to know? You have not offered anything but rhetoric. You thinking of moving to dc? Specifics please?
Only upside at Mizzou is we have left on left crime. Storming the ivory tower of higher ed.

U of M breakdown. With all that was going on I thought the white/black #s would be reversed.
Duke lacrosse? Amazing even after rolling stone-uva, duke lacrosse no one ever asks real questions.
Such a crock of shit.

This nonsense is going to start happening weekly now. Someone called the N-word (allegedly)... the Prez has to go.

Amazing how these tensions supposedly started because of the extremely justifiable killing of Michael Brown.
So what I've gathered is that all of these protests everywhere seem to all be rooted in race. and they know they can bully people with made up stories to get their way. dangerois precedent. Just cry wolf and get what you want because no one will dare challenge you.
They should have let the millionaire at Mizzou starve himself to death. He may be black, but he grew up more privileged than probably any white person he goes to class with.

Also, the person who did the poop swastika is far more likely to be psychotic and unmedicated than violently racist.
Only if your school plays football

Seriously, I know some people in sports media have touched on this, but I think the football team is the only reason Wolfe stepped down, and if they were having even a half worthwhile season none of this would have happened.
I'm gay. I also think transgender people are weird and likely mentally ill. There, I said it. Now hunt me down, shame me, revoke my medical license. Start a hashtag. Run me out of the business. I'll end up having to use my training to fill the vacuum left by Gosnell.
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