XC 2013


Diaper Dandy
Apr 11, 2010
Over on "Villanova Running", VU men are rated as #23 in some pre-season poll. Whether it is right or wrong, I have no idea. The season will play out and we will find out. However, the discussion or analysis seems limited. For one, does anyone know what the team will look like in the Fall? We don't even know who the new recruits are. Yes, there is Tiernan and Malone. Is there anyone else? VU is a bit sloppy in this area. I believe they are still showing the 2013 indoor roster.. Actually the whole site is a mess. [Note: G'town announced their incoming class in mid May.]

For another, the analysis seems somewhat limited. Yes, Tiernan will be a major factor. But Malone? What about the redshirts from last year - Corbusier, Lampron, Warnick?

The top six seems about right: McEntee, Wiliiamsz, Denault, Tiernan, Morin & Tully. But what come after that? Or will someone surprise - e.g., Solis, Pickhaver, Trainer?
Villanova rarely puts anything on the site about recruits, and it's usually long time before the rosters actually get posted.

Villanovarunning usually has more information then the official university site. I was hoping someone on there would compile a list of the men's and women's recruits for this year.

Some of the other men's and women's fall rosters have been updated. Maybe it's a function of when the coaches choose to submit rosters rather than sports information taking an active role. Whatever the reason, the process should work better at a university like Villanova.
This post was edited on 8/3 9:41 AM by excattyguy
The top seven will be something along the lines of McEntee, Williamsz, Denault, Tiernan, Tully, as the top five with Morrin, Basili, Warnick, Trainer, Corbusier, and possibly Malone and Lampron fighting it out for the sixth and seventh spots. I have my doubts as to how well Malone and Lampron will do in the races above 8K though.
Summer Cook has decided to continue her training and not return to Nova for her final year of eligibility.

Whitecat, I don't think we'll see the rosters any time soon if the coaches and SI follow the usual pattern. Nova xc and track rosters are almost always late.
Can't say that I disagree with Summer's choice. While I would love for her to come back for another XC season, she seems to have a great opportunity in a sport that's growing by the year.
So Villanova now has the American sons of two of the four members of the Irish 4xMile relay world record team.
I guess one can interpret this (Colin O'Mara) anyway one wants, but I find it interesting that Frank O'Mara attended Arkansas, but sends his kid to VU to be coached by Marcus. Also his niece, Amy Donoghue (IRL), is a scholarship runner at Arkansas. Just completed frosh year. But the son goes to VU ...
I mean he's clearly not a prodigious runner, but maybe he wanted to go somewhere that wasn't in his back yard where his legendary father's shadow would loom large. There's also the matter of Villanova being a far better school than Arkansas.

This post was edited on 8/21 8:50 PM by TheFoyeEffect
TFE, after I posted my comment, those were my thoughts as well.

Clearly Marcus and Frank are friendly and Frank was looking for a good school that would take care of his kid and advance his dreams of running. And VU is a much better school. Also I think Tully's progress speaks volumes about the VU program. And you are also right that the kid would not have to face the pressures of following his dad. Kid can just be a kid and might even have some fun.

How long has Colin been running?

Wonder how Chris O;Sullivan deals with it? Beautiful runner - nice form - but doesn't seem strong enough ...

Note that Vickie Huber's daughter, Alyssa Rudawsky (PA), chose NC State. Maybe she didn't want to face the pressure of being a legend's daughter ...
This post was edited on 8/23 9:51 AM by sebastianc
U. Arkansas is an athletic factory no question. But they have a chicken problem. You raise hundreds of millions of fowl have environonmental dead zones which make alergies (like O'mara's) worse. Not a good place to train.
This post was edited on 8/22 9:00 PM by Or1on

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