Everyone talks about Hillary's pro women stance but in reality polls show that she is really only popular among the 50+ y.o. women. Moreover, her pro abortion stances aren't a big draw among younger women either. Finally, if you want to play hard ball with Hillary, Carly is the right attack dog. It is much easier for a woman to attack her without being labeled a bully and generating sympathy for her than it is for a male to attack her on the same matters. Also, Carly should draw some women's votes to Cruz in the remaining primary and even among delegates at a contested convention.
Wait until Carly starts attacking Hillary for her responses to Bill's rape victims! Cruz couldn't do that anywhere near as effectively. Carly is a much better example of a women's success in the work place than Hillary is. Hillary got there on Bill's coat tails, and is still riding on them. That is why she has to put up with his infidelity and protect his reputation. Carly began as a secretary and worked her way up the ladder the right way.