Cruz Choosing Carly! Premature? Maybe! Shrewd? Yes

Everyone talks about Hillary's pro women stance but in reality polls show that she is really only popular among the 50+ y.o. women. Moreover, her pro abortion stances aren't a big draw among younger women either. Finally, if you want to play hard ball with Hillary, Carly is the right attack dog. It is much easier for a woman to attack her without being labeled a bully and generating sympathy for her than it is for a male to attack her on the same matters. Also, Carly should draw some women's votes to Cruz in the remaining primary and even among delegates at a contested convention.

Wait until Carly starts attacking Hillary for her responses to Bill's rape victims! Cruz couldn't do that anywhere near as effectively. Carly is a much better example of a women's success in the work place than Hillary is. Hillary got there on Bill's coat tails, and is still riding on them. That is why she has to put up with his infidelity and protect his reputation. Carly began as a secretary and worked her way up the ladder the right way.

GoP candidates

Looking back, Obama has been a complete failure:
- reduced unemployment from 7.8% to 5.8%
- S&P has doubled
- annual deficit has decreased each year
- consumer confidence index went from 35 to 94
- 10 million fewer citizens without health insurance

How much more of this type of failure can we take?
My rankings of candidates that can right this sinking ship:
1. Donald Trump
1a. Ben Carson
2. Rick Santorum
3. Ted Crux
4. Marc Rubeo
5. Scott Walker
6. Chris Christie
7. Laura Bush
8. Rick Perry
9. Jeb Bush
10. Ronald Reagan

Nova gets nice shout in Irish Independent

A family member who just got back from Ireland sent me this clipping from Eamonn Sweeney's article in the Irish Independent. Great to see an appreciation for Villanova's long connection with Ireland. Thought that UncleBill57 and some others would like to know.

Only question is - why did the article run with a shot of UNC??? Ha. Login to view embedded media Login to view embedded media
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Lady pooped in elevator

In hilton head for work and just got out of the elevator. As I was coming in some lady hurried past and hid her face, she shat all over the elevator l. I'm talking a good 3 feet in diameter with just two foot prints and a pool liquid crap all over the floor. Should have taken a picture but smell was too much. Thought this was the appropriate place to share.
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Running question

Broad Street Run coming up in just over a week and I have upped my running to try and beat my best time (Just under 1:10) - my question to the more experienced runners should I be running my all every time I pound the pavement? Basically my normal running consists of about a 4 mile run outside (around 30 minutes, pretty hilly) or if I am lazy I will run 2 miles on the treadmill. For the Broad Street Run I will add in a 5 miler 2 weeks before the race and then an 8 miler the week before. But pretty much every time I run I go all out and try to do better with my pace. It is going to be pretty tough for me to beat my best time, I am basically plateaued at 7 minute mile pace for anything over 5 miles. Would it be more beneficial to have maybe 1 run a week where I go at it easier?

How many Ballparks?

How many MLB ballparks (current ones) have people been to?

A buddy and I have made it a point the last few years to go to a new park each summer. We will likely be going to both Camden Yards and Nationals Park this summer. Any recommendations for a good trip?

I have been to 8:
BOS - Fenway
NYY - Yankee Stadium
NYM - Citi Field
PHI - Citizens Bank Park
CIN - Great American Ballpark
CHC - Wrigley Field
LAA - Angels Stadium
SDP - Petco Park
