I can't wait to have Eric pull up all the negative posts on what will be the #1 college basketball league - top to bottom in America very soon. We will look back at our BET title this year very fondly like the programs at Cuse and GTown look at theirs. Take a look at this league...
Nova - clearly a top 10 program in America the past two seasons and for the forseeable future - Brunson, Spellman, Booth, Paschall, Hart, Jenkins, Bridges, Donte and the beat will go on...
GTown - will be a handful next year. DSR - and then young guys like Copeland, Govan, Peak, Derrickson, White... Get some guards and we'll have a huge challenge. Top 20 program for sure going forward. Too much talent not to be.
SJ - Mullin will get them going with that group of assitants. Will be a Top 20 program as well - at least.
Marquette - Wojo looked solid last year. Add Ellenson and Cheatum with other pieces like Carter and they look like they will be a Top 25 caliber outfit very soon.
PC - With Dunn, they will be Top 25 this year. Dunn, Lindsay, Bentil, Chukwu, Owens - all Top 100 pedigrees and Cooley can coach.
X - great young talent. Will be a Top 30 group going forward and dangerous always in March
Butler - have another year or two at least with existing talent - an NCAA tournament team/program
SHU - Freddie will be challenged by Slice and the guys in Queens - will be interesting. Current talent is NCAA worthy next year - Gibbs, Whitehead, Delgado - surrounded by Carrington, Rodriguez, etc.
Creighton - have a Top 50 big coming in according to Rivals - transfers - etc. Will be solid, but league around them looking too good...
DePaul - DOA with Leitao - need some team to be lousy
Next year I see the following NCAA teams:
Locks: Nova, GTown, PC, X, Butler
Threats: SHU, Marquette
Not Ready Yet: St. Johns
Not there: Creighton (still tough though) and DePaul (have some guys)
Top to Bottom - the best conference in America - and getting stronger at the top each year.
Going forward - 8 legit NCAA threats every year. This is a six bid league for the forseeable future - with only 10 teams.
UCONN - come on down!