El Salvador Game Watch

Fortunately, due to the way my deployment schedule worked, I was able to be off today 's anti-drug flight operation down here in Central America (I feel guilty - not that guilty though). Thus, upon the buzzer sounding, I lied face down in my El Salvadorian hotel room, Bahia beer in hand, and screamed at the top of my lungs "I love life." In retrospect, me yelling those words probably was a bit confusing to the residents in the rooms near mine, but that is what my illogical mind thought at that moment. Go Nova. I'm lucky to be a Cat. I'm blessed to be an alum.

Is Villanova a legit national program?

You can only laugh, because yes, Dana ONiel just said that we need this win to be one. Maybe...maybe...this is not ESPN who has an ax to grind with Nova and the BE....seems unlikely that they wouldn't be steering this. But if not, then DPO really REALLY has an ax to grind.

Mack and main liner and mvp...thoughts on needing a win to be legit? Lol.
