
The University of Texas fan base just watched as its team got embarrassed by a top 15 opponent while its little sister Texas A&M beat a top 15 opponent by three touchdowns. Texas is also 0-2 vs independent BYU over the last three seasons, being outscored by over 50 points in those games.

Longhorn Nation will do everything it can to avoid this scenario becoming a recurring theme.

The Texas administration will realize that the Big 12 won't allow Texas the opportunity that it needs to outshine A&M.

No conference is big enough for Texas' ego (and even if the SEC were, it wouldn't be economically or practically feasible to add them).

Texas football will be independent within five years.

need a 4th for the 21 Sept Villanova golf outing ...

... at Canoe Brook Country Club in Summit NJ.
The event it on a Monday:
10:30 Registration
11:00 Lunch
12:30 Shotgun Start
5:30 Reception and Dinner
6:30 Program (Jacket Required)

... looking for someone who meets the following:
a) passionate Villanova basketball fan
b) interested in learning more about the $600 million campaign for the Greater Great / Ignite Change Campaign
c) willing/interested in supporting Villanova athletics/hoops financially moving forward

If you or someone you know fits this description and wants to join me, Boog and JBW in our foursome - please email me at

Way, Way OT: Board Business Help/Advice needed

I know it’s a long shot but any help from the Nova community would be greatly appreciated! As a few on here know I owned three different restaurant/bars in my past life. When I sold my last place a couple of years back I started a new company selling very large 12 to 30 Seat Bamboo Tiki Bar kits which are a unique niche in the US market. See first two pics below and here

We were very fortunate recently as our 12 Seat Es-1 was on CBS’s “The Price is Right” showcase and garnered us a ton of publicity. The company is growing nicely and we have our own factory overseas and a warehouse in NJ.

Looking to diversify I recently partnered up with a company that produces a Tiki-Bar-In-a-Bag (last pic below) which is the perfect tailgating item. When looking through the recent Villanova Bookstore Collection mag sent to my house I saw a tailgating beer cooler with the Nova “V” on it. It got me to thinking that this item would be a perfect bookstore item in every college bookstore if we were to stamp it with the college logo.

Anyone with experience/ knowledge in this area? Is there one company that handles all colleges nationwide or would I have to contact each college individually? Preliminary googling left me more confused then when I started. Any help with any of this would be greatly, greatly appreciated! Thanks!



Where has tjc been? I haven't seen a post from him in quite some time. I vaguely recall that he was in the process of relocating to be closer to his treatment center.

Out of concern for his well being, I did a quick search and saw that he sold his house in Greensboro, NC on 8/7/15 ($117,000 for those interested) so this would seem to make sense.
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Reactions: kjbert

Noah Locke 2018 G McDonogh School

He is not among the 4 guys from Fishes and Loafs territory in those rankings I posted couple days ago but he and Sticks (Jalen Smith) would be the 2 guys I focused on from the area.

Noah is a perfect fit for Jay. A fundame tally sound, elite shooter from all over the court. He will probably top out at 6-2, 6-3 height wise. Not an elite athlete but the kid can fill it.

Right now he has only 1 offer and that is NC Greensboro where his brother Kayel stars. 3.7 GPA, Nova Kid, all that good stuff.

With no other offers, now would be the time to bounce hard!!!

  • Poll
Which player will lead Villanova in scoring this season?

Which player will lead Villanova in scoring this season?

  • Daniel Ochefu

    Votes: 15 6.9%
  • Josh Hart

    Votes: 114 52.8%
  • Kris Jenkins

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Phil Booth

    Votes: 24 11.1%
  • Ryan Arcidiacono

    Votes: 37 17.1%
  • Mikal Bridges

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Jalen Brunson

    Votes: 20 9.3%
  • Darryl Reynolds

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Donte Divincenzo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tim Delaney

    Votes: 0 0.0%

Which player will lead Villanova in scoring this season?

Our new AD Mark Jackson

I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Mark Jackson last night at a Villanova function in Santa Monica. I came away impressed with Mark. He is quite personable and seems very competent. Before he was with USC, he spent some time with the Raiders and Syracuse. Although he obviously has a lot of football background, he did not give me the impression that he a "football" guy. He seemed very well versed in other areas and from what I could tell, understands the business side of athletics. I got the impression that he sees challenges and changes coming in the world of college sports and all but the very top echelon of sports schools ( the USCs, Ohio States, Bamas etc) will be effected. There is a lot to think about from "cost of attendance" to Title IX to TV contracts and agents.

All in all, I enjoyed meeting him and came away with the feeling that Villanova has a real winner in Mark Jackson!

Darrun Hilliard sighting

Was watching last night's lame UFC card. The camera shows a bunch of tall black dudes in the crowd - Darrun Hilliard front and center. Announcer dude says "Detroit Pistons in attendance tonight".

The fights were in Vegas, so first thought was LV summer league, but quickly realized that was long over. Did a quick search this am and learned they had some MMA training class at the UFC headquarters for some team building type thing.

Just thought it was promising he was included in something like that. Quick shot of DH trying to throw punches in vid below.


I see Fordham won tonight. Nice win for them although sadly Army is 1A in name only. I heard at the Barbecue in August that Army won't schedule VU. I can see why. Fordham will be licking their chops next week for the best team on their schedule. Last time we were at Fordham, 'Cats weren't ready and were beaten by a fired up and good Fordham team by 3. 5 TOs for the Cats that game. I think VU is in a bad mood after Friday's game and I think they will be ready. Looks like Fordham can be scored upon. The D will have to come to play. Last game against the Rams for foreseeable future. Looks like UCONN will have an easy time next week against Army.
