Chris Christie

Adp is making completely valid points and as usual ND plays the contrarian cheek just because it's his "thing". You can not agree with something without being a bigot. People can have values/opinions which lead them to disagree that something is acceptable, or even something that should be applauded without affecting the way they treat a person in said demographic. However, as adp alluded to, the culture today is that if you speak out against the position that the media/masses are pushing, you are a bigot and deserve a public stoning. Many clueless/uneducated people out there enjoy being offended and joining an angry mob on social media, decrying "shaming" while turning around and doing the exact samething to the target de jour. You can not agree with trasgender lifestyles while still being completely respectful of a Caitlyn Jenner's right to live the lifestyle that she see fit to live and her basic human dignity.

Solid post from a solid poster.
When I first saw Obama speak, I said that guy is going to be the next president, I didn't even know who he was at the time. I just knew he was going to be the guy. I never voted for him either.

Right now my gut is telling me Rubio will be the Republican candidate. Young, very smart guy, very good speaker, will get the Latin vote, etc. If I had to put my money on anybody it is him. Not saying he will be the next President, but he will end up the Republican candidate.
People can have values/opinions which lead them to disagree that something is acceptable, or even something that should be applauded without affecting the way they treat a person in said demographic. However, as adp alluded to, the culture today is that if you speak out against the position that the media/masses are pushing, you are a bigot and deserve a public stoning. Many clueless/uneducated people out there enjoy being offended and joining an angry mob on social media, decrying "shaming" while turning around and doing the exact samething to the target de jour. You can not agree with trasgender lifestyles while still being completely respectful of a Caitlyn Jenner's right to live the lifestyle that she see fit to live and her basic human dignity.
This is true as long as the principles you noted are adhered too in terms of the way others are treated, but that has often not been the case. See rates of violence against trans people as an example. There are many groups that have been treated in real life as somehow less than because they fit into a said demographic. So the PC police take the other extreme with the thinking that words without action can somehow effect change.... and because its easier than doing something.

But back to the original point of this thread. To suggest Christie isn't a dyed in the wool politician because he is a blowhard and to take Trump as seriously because, "he tells it like it is" is scary and funny .
What I think is amazing is that Christians bear the brunt of the backlash for any perceived intolerance. You often will see Christians demonized by the LGBT bunch for being "intolerant". The irony of course is that they are demonizing an entire group and being "intolerant" themselves. What makes this more funny to me is that Islam probably hates and condemns the gay lifestyle more than Christianity does but we don't hear a peep about that because naturally our political correctness instructs us to tread lightly when it comes to that religion for fear we'll piss off more terrorists who will kill us. So instead the religion that doesn't cut people's heads off becomes the sole target of gay ire.

And you are shaming us for shaming you for having contrarian viewpoints.

I am highly offended by all of this and I demand an immediate apology.
i dropped a politically incorrect awkward bomb on my foot this past weekend. was heading towards the stage where dan deacon was about to play, walking against the herds of sheep going to sam smith, when a couple of bro'mies who were headed the oppo way yelled my name and enthusiastically asked what's up. i didn't recall them but that's not unusual, apparently i leave quite the impression on people at music festivals without ever realizing it.

as they were still walking the other direction i asked, "where you headed?"

"to sam smith," they replied.

"why, are you guys gay?!" <super awkward pause, we continue walking in opposite directions> "no offense."

everyone in my group was like "wtf are you doing?" you know what? i don't apologize for it. don't care if they're gay it's irrelevant, i didn't call them f^ggots, to me if something is gay it's lame. always has been. homosexuals, however, are not lame. they can be as homo as they want all day long and i'll think that's awesome for them. so i asked a couple of gay guys if they were going to sam smith because they were gay. you know what, the answer was yes. move on.
i dropped a politically incorrect awkward bomb on my foot this past weekend. was heading towards the stage where dan deacon was about to play, walking against the herds of sheep going to sam smith, when a couple of bro'mies who were headed the oppo way yelled my name and enthusiastically asked what's up. i didn't recall them but that's not unusual, apparently i leave quite the impression on people at music festivals without ever realizing it.

as they were still walking the other direction i asked, "where you headed?"

"to sam smith," they replied.

"why, are you guys gay?!" <super awkward pause, we continue walking in opposite directions> "no offense."

everyone in my group was like "wtf are you doing?" you know what? i don't apologize for it. don't care if they're gay it's irrelevant, i didn't call them f^ggots, to me if something is gay it's lame. always has been. homosexuals, however, are not lame. they can be as homo as they want all day long and i'll think that's awesome for them. so i asked a couple of gay guys if they were going to sam smith because they were gay. you know what, the answer was yes. move on.

Agree with this. Also when I compliment a guy on something, I make sure to say "no homo".
Regarding both Christie and Trump, they aren't your typical politicians, the "yes" men that tell folks what they want to hear whether it is good or bad for the country. Both Christie and Trump are ass kickers and ball breakers, something the country has never had enough of..

Really? All Trump actually does is tell a segment of the population what they want to hear. It's all still political speak. People just latch on to whatever tickles their emotional fancy of the current election cycle. Trump and Christie are both versions of Jesse Ventura.
I believe "yinz" is the correct term. Pittsburgh natives are so odd.

They also like to call people "jagoffs." Very weird.
Jagoff is also popular in Chicago:

I come into the ****in' office
today, I get humiliated by some
jagoff cop. I get accused of...I
get this shit thrown in my face by
you, you geniune shit, because
you're top name on the board...
No, not at al . We shouldn't insult people period. However, look at this exchange. One side goes offense and says the world is a better place because we're not hurling insults. Who is talking about hurling insults, certainly not me. I have no idea what to think. What people object to is the exact tone you are taking, if we don't share a certain point of view we ate wrong. One agenda is pushed with out any regard for questions.

You also think my side is wrong. You want things to be one way and I want it to be another. I don't get how mine is more oppressive than yours.
What I think is amazing is that Christians bear the brunt of the backlash for any perceived intolerance. You often will see Christians demonized by the LGBT bunch for being "intolerant". The irony of course is that they are demonizing an entire group and being "intolerant" themselves. What makes this more funny to me is that Islam probably hates and condemns the gay lifestyle more than Christianity does but we don't hear a peep about that because naturally our political correctness instructs us to tread lightly when it comes to that religion for fear we'll piss off more terrorists who will kill us. So instead the religion that doesn't cut people's heads off becomes the sole target of gay ire.

Christians are 70% of the United States and members of the political party which typically oppose these social fronts fully willingly endorse themselves as the christian values party.

It wouldn't make much sense to oppose islam when there are no visible members of the religion in this country who drive public perception - it would be like taking down the pawn in chess and declaring yourself the victor
After reading snotties post, I rest my case.

You are so oppressed ADP. Can't imagine what it's like to live in this country as someone who doesn't worship Caitlin Jenner - there's only like 50% of the population who feels the same way you do.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness too. Almost every social progression since the renaissance has followed this same pattern. From slavery to women to civil rights to gay rights. Same exact story in terms of justification for the oppression to resistance to normalization to eventual acceptance. Merit it however you want, but I choose to try to treat transexuals with an equal amount of humanity as I do any other group. I know it won't win me any tough guy contests or dane cook joke awards, but if it means it makes life easier for some people who struggle why not be more careful with my words.
And to clarify - i know you don't insult transgender people. I know you don't dislike them. But this discussion started with you saying people can't say negative things about them without consequences. I am addressing that directly. Do not mean to put words in your mouth - just saying why I think there's no real reason to say them in the first place.
I didn't insult anyone or anything in this exchange. Given the time of the last few posts must have been alcohol induced to take anything I said in this manner. I'm not oppressed in the least or claim to be. Seems you guys are a bit confused. I'm for all people and their rite to have their own opinions. Even those who don't agree with all of my views.
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And to clarify - i know you don't insult transgender people. I know you don't dislike them. But this discussion started with you saying people can't say negative things about them without consequences. I am addressing that directly. Do not mean to put words in your mouth - just saying why I think there's no real reason to say them in the first place.
Let's examine this for a moment. Again, I uttered so such thing. I stated you should not insult anyone. It's not alright to say negative things about anyone. The very point I made in regard to the unelected PC police, is that's no longer not enough to even say "I don't know" but you have to agree with whatever agenda is being pushed. That's dangerous. I'd suggest you do a better job of reading and then comprehending the words before making leaps that were not written. This might be why you seem confused. However, I have understanding and see in this case you simply messed up. It happens and I have forgiveness/understanding towards you.
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You are so oppressed ADP. Can't imagine what it's like to live in this country as someone who doesn't worship Caitlin Jenner - there's only like 50% of the population who feels the same way you do.

Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness too. Almost every social progression since the renaissance has followed this same pattern. From slavery to women to civil rights to gay rights. Same exact story in terms of justification for the oppression to resistance to normalization to eventual acceptance. Merit it however you want, but I choose to try to treat transexuals with an equal amount of humanity as I do any other group. I know it won't win me any tough guy contests or dane cook joke awards, but if it means it makes life easier for some people who struggle why not be more careful with my words.

Interesting point. Any predictions on what the next oppressed group will be?

Or are we running out of them?
Overheard a group of young men, cursing & making fun of a person they heard on the news who likes to suck alligater dicks while dressed up as a sheep.

Don't know why that group had to be so hurtfull & offensive towards an individual who was excercising his right to live
No alcohol involved was just not able to sleep on my brothers couch (heading on a family vacation today).

Not gonna see eye to eye here clearly. I don't think you're a bad person in any way. I think in a few years you might feel differently about this topic, but me ranting about it won't help
I still don't see what topic you believe I'll feel differently about?
@SnottieDrippen - You are jumping on @adp98 as if he is expressing the opposite opinion of yours, which he clearly is not. I typically don't say this because it sounds so condescending, but I think you should re-read his posts in this thread. The way you've jumped all over him is kind of his whole point. If he doesn't jump on board the wave up acceptance right away, then he is talked to as if he is a bigot. (You didn't call him that) He said he doesn't really know how he feels about it right now. There is nothing wrong with that.
I agree that my posts make it out to be an attack on adp when my intention is to address the people who say hateful things. Apologies for that.

What i don't understand is how it's only possible for people who defend the caitlin jenners of the world to jump on others. Inherently, if you react to someone making such a statement, you are reacting to them jumping on transgender people. I disagree with the angle that the progressives are the only ones capable of showing things down throats.
Dont you just feel like we aren't getting the talent we should to make a run for president. Look at both the Republican and Democratic side no one really stands out. Trump absolutely has the most business experience and has hit a nerve. Look at the other side Hillary and the self proclaimed socialist. Its just an utter shit show.

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