Dmill vs. adp, post a pic


All Team
Feb 15, 2016
Nothing like these two benchwarmers heavyweights going at it to get us through the off-season.

Not posting a pic, but considering we are NFC's I thought this nonsense would have commenced in August.
I want to be tom Brady and dmil can be peyton.
Too lazy to pull up a pick but kinda picture ADP as DiCaprio in the Wolf of Wall Street boat scene throwing money at the fed (DMil) as he kicks him off his yacht.
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Except he's throwing money at congress as he massages them to approve some "opiate addiction treatment" spending for his clients.
My client makes the only product that is not an opioid and actually gets people off drugs. Vivitrol. Life-changing product and proud to be part of it.
My client makes the only product that is not an opioid and actually gets people off drugs. Vivitrol. Life-changing product and proud to be part of it.

What's not to be proud of?!
  • blurred vision or eye problems;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • wheezing, difficulty breathing;
  • mood changes, hallucinations (seeing or hearing things), confusion, thoughts of hurting yourself;
  • nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
  • ear pain, ringing in your ears;
  • feeling light-headed, fainting;
  • skin rash or itching; or
  • pain, redness, bruising, itching, swelling, oozing, skin changes, or a hard lump where the medication was injected.
  • Suicidal thoughts in some cases
Man you guys are tough. Let me tell you what happens today. Docs give opioid addicts bupe, which is an opioid. They keep patients on it forever and it's a cash business. So the docs have created this massive revenue stream where they never actually cure anyone but keep them on a step therapy of opioids the rest of their lives. Many just take bupe and divert it to get heroin. It's pretty sick. And the Gov helped create the entire system. It's been a really interesting thing to work on and see how the addiction community operates.
What happened to its original purpose as an alcoholism treatment? Not able to bake that into legislation?
product never took off for that indication. Our goal has been to get docs to offer all treatments. Right now they don't even let many patients know Vivtrol is available. There is no money in the cure. They want to keep them coming back for their $200 each month in cash/bupe. Been an interesting learning process to see how this world works. It's like a Chris Rock skit.
How long is this Vivitrol treatment? And when it's done, the patient is no long an addict?
So... Vivitrol is a cure?
How many $1300+ monthly treatments (on average) until cured? What's the doctor's cut of that?
Usually about 6 shots. It's a long acting injectible and each shot lasts 30 days. Also, no one actually pays $1300. I don't know how much the doc makes but that's a good question. Also, Gov usually doesn't pay for it. Private pay. The people who take it are those who really want to get clean. You have to actually detox. Where you are seeing the gov is in the drug courts and prison. You get people clean and give them shots before they re-enter society and then keep them on a 6 month treatment plan. It's actually an amazing product and program. I'm very proud of the work we're doing to help people get their lives back.
So the oral version of Vivitrol was found by studies to be no more effective than bupe? I guess the injectable version rebranded as Vivitrol will be magical.
There is no oral version. That's the genius of it. Think about drug addicts. The hardest part is to keep them on a regime. It's one shot every 30 days.
Usually about 6 shots. It's a long acting injectible and each shot lasts 30 days. Also, no one actually pays $1300. I don't know how much the doc makes but that's a good question. Also, Gov usually doesn't pay for it. Private pay. The people who take it are those who really want to get clean. You have to actually detox. Where you are seeing the gov is in the drug courts and prison. You get people clean and give them shots before they re-enter society and then keep them on a 6 month treatment plan. It's actually an amazing product and program. I'm very proud of the work we're doing to help people get their lives back.

Sounds like something that the FDA approved on the back of overwhelming success in reputable studies, not on a Russian study involving 250 addicts with HIV/Hepatitis, right?
You would need to ask the FDA that question. However, been used here for a while so they have addition data if there is an issue.
Funny how opiate addicts need all these "treatments."

FDA Ad Com voted to approve implantable bupe a few weeks ago. Think they plan to price under ADPs boyz injection.

Good thing we are still fighting the war on drugs. Been a real success.