Looking for a new job


Diaper Dandy
Jan 27, 2005
So it turns out that looking for a new job is basically a full time job. How does anyone do any work when they are sniffing around?
So it turns out that looking for a new job is basically a full time job. How does anyone do any work when they are sniffing around?
Do emails at night. Do interviews at off hours. ie: If your company most people get in around 10am, you could have an hour interview before that. Usually companies will move the schedules around if they want you as a candidate.
narrow your filter and don't waste time on fringe opportunities

shouldnt take all of your time, if it is, you're likely casting too wide a net. are you entry level or experienced?
Experienced. There is just a ton of time that goes into preparation, the actual interview, and then downloading afterwards. I had an interview today that was only from 2-4. But I spent the entire morning preparing, a half hour on the subway to get there, and a half hour back to the office. Then I spent a half hour on the phone with my recruiter afterwards. Finally started doing work at 5pm. Another interview on Wednesday, same thing. Brutal.
I actually had this same thing happen recently and not even for a new job at a new place. A new position at existing place. Current manager knew and was supportive on the surface but I swear he piled work on me during that whole process making it almost impossible to focus on getting the new job. I got it anyway but I agree that it's like having 2 full time jobs. #whitepeopleproblems
I actually had this same thing happen recently and not even for a new job at a new place. A new position at existing place. Current manager knew and was supportive on the surface but I swear he piled work on me during that whole process making it almost impossible to focus on getting the new job. I got it anyway but I agree that it's like having 2 full time jobs. #whitepeopleproblems
Call out sick or take a personal day for an interview?

Maybe this makes me an ahole, but I've never taken a sick day in my life. I work a desk job, can't imagine being too sick to come into work. I'd be embarrassed to make that call.
Maybe this makes me an ahole, but I've never taken a sick day in my life. I work a desk job, can't imagine being too sick to come into work. I'd be embarrassed to make that call.
+1. These types of perks don't really exist in my industry. The only time I "called in sick" is when I was in the hospital for a week. If you're sick, you work from home. I had norovirus once and had to pull an all-nighter to get something done in between trips to the bathroom.
I used to manage a guy who averaged about 1 sick day a month. Almost always a Mon or Fri. I'd get in and there'd be the same old email from him around 6am. And he would say things like "I'm gonna try to sleep this thing off." Translation: I'm not working from home today either.
+1. These types of perks don't really exist in my industry. The only time I "called in sick" is when I was in the hospital for a week. If you're sick, you work from home. I had norovirus once and had to pull an all-nighter to get something done in between trips to the bathroom.

Thank God it wasn't parvovirus.
I used to manage a guy who averaged about 1 sick day a month. Almost always a Mon or Fri. I'd get in and there'd be the same old email from him around 6am. And he would say things like "I'm gonna try to sleep this thing off." Translation: I'm not working from home today either.
Can't you just fire the asshole?
I used to manage a guy who averaged about 1 sick day a month. Almost always a Mon or Fri. I'd get in and there'd be the same old email from him around 6am. And he would say things like "I'm gonna try to sleep this thing off." Translation: I'm not working from home today either.
Frequent absenteeism is a sign that he doesn't like his job and is probably not working very hard when he is there either. Either that or he's just a young bro having too many Sunday Fundays and will grow out of it.
Tried. Discussed it with my boss a few times and went to HR once. Both times they just told me to accept it. I think technically, the company allowed like 20 sick days a year so him taking 1 per month didn't come close to abuse. But it was a million other things too. Always saying he needed to come in late for this, leave early for that. Dude actually took 2 days off for Halloween. Had more family funerals to attend (in another state) then most people have in a lifetime. These were separate from the actual sick days.

But you are correct - he didn't like his job. What do you want from me.
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Working from home is a great perk to have with your job. But if you have the ability to do that you better not be calling out sick unless you are on your death bad. Unless you have a deliverable all you really need to do is answer emails.....
Working from home is a great perk to have with your job. But if you have the ability to do that you better not be calling out sick unless you are on your death bad. Unless you have a deliverable all you really need to do is answer emails.....
Because all jobs involve producing deliverables.
Because all jobs involve producing deliverables.
No, but you could get away from actually doing work and just play catch up when you are back in the office. Are you really busy all day everyday at work? (Doubtful if you are reading/posting on BW) It's all about budgeting your time properly and getting done what needs to get done. So if you WFH you should be able to get by with minimal effort. That is all I am saying.
Haven't most places transitioned to PTO vs. ye olde Sick/Vacation/Personal setup?
My company only has vacation days. You still can put in for a sick day but it doesn't count against your time off, just is officially recorded for HR purposes.
My company only has vacation days. You still can put in for a sick day but it doesn't count against your time off, just is officially recorded for HR purposes.
The way I use mine is I just keep a PTO log, I don't take sick days (we get 6) and when I go on vacation, I put down sick days first because you can carry over vacation days.
The way I use mine is I just keep a PTO log, I don't take sick days (we get 6) and when I go on vacation, I put down sick days first because you can carry over vacation days.
That is what I do with floating holidays. Technically you are only supposed to use them on holidays which we don't have off for but my boss always advises us to use those first since they cannot be carried over.

As a general rule I hate carrying vacation days over. If you have them use them. I try to keep about 3-5 days banked to use at the end of the year around Christmas time. I have plenty of vacation that I never really run out. It would be different I guess if I was getting married and a had a honeymoon planned or something like that, but my company has great work/life balance that I would be able to work something out if needed.
We don't do sick days or vacation days. We go by the hour. So if you wake up and aren't feeling that great, just send an email to the boss and say you are going to be in around noon or whatever and take a couple sick hours. I love it.

And it's not like you are blowing off work. If you show up at 7 am with the irish flu how productive would you really be? Sleep it in for a little bit, show up at noon feeling refreshed and finish the day strong. Most of us also go in on the weekends or stay late enough where it doesn't raise any flags about lack of commitment if you sleep in once in a while. And we get the equivalent of 21 sick days per year, almost 2 a month. Why wouldn't one use them?
Isn't ball still a public defender? I wouldn't be surprised if the Hawaii PD's office didn't invest money in a Citrix connection for its attorneys.
That is what I do with floating holidays. Technically you are only supposed to use them on holidays which we don't have off for but my boss always advises us to use those first since they cannot be carried over.

As a general rule I hate carrying vacation days over. If you have them use them. I try to keep about 3-5 days banked to use at the end of the year around Christmas time. I have plenty of vacation that I never really run out. It would be different I guess if I was getting married and a had a honeymoon planned or something like that, but my company has great work/life balance that I would be able to work something out if needed.
Understand what you are saying, but my company closes down between Christmas and New Years, so I don't need to do that. I also try and go for 2 week long jaunts at some point before June, so I like the carry over.
I go into the office on weekends. I don't live far from the office and I pass it even if I am out and about running errands. The bar with the NFL package in town is also in the same parking lot as my office, so that is convenient too if the pats are not on local TV and I have to go out. Monday is usually a busy court day for me, so when I go in it is usually just to make sure I have all my files set and am prepared so when I arrive Monday I am good to go.

I try not to work from home or on off hours anymore, except staying a little late now and then or going in on a weekend to prep for monday. No point in it. However I do usually listen to a Supreme Court oral argument of some sort on the weekend. Hawaii has audio archives dating back for several years and hawaii is very progressive on the issue of rights of the accused, so there are tons of good ones to listen to. There are not as many U.S. Supreme Court criminal cases available, but sometimes I will do a U.S. Supreme Court caSe. Also, reading the local newspaper is almost like working from home because in small towns everyone who is arrested gets a mention so it keeps me on top of what cases are coming down the pipe.

I have no idea what a Citrix connection is. I have the Internet, we have a shared server, and a lexis account, and a cjis criminal background check account.
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Tried. Discussed it with my boss a few times and went to HR once. Both times they just told me to accept it. I think technically, the company allowed like 20 sick days a year so him taking 1 per month didn't come close to abuse. But it was a million other things too. Always saying he needed to come in late for this, leave early for that. Dude actually took 2 days off for Halloween. Had more family funerals to attend (in another state) then most people have in a lifetime. These were separate from the actual sick days.

But you are correct - he didn't like his job. What do you want from me.

Sounds like an entitled pathological liar.
Biggest pussy excuse has to be when guys use the "My wife is sick or my kids are sick" and can't come into work.
My guy used that one all the time too.

sick wife makes no sense - unless she is in hospice.
sick kids can't go to day care / school - so that is legit - but in that case you can work some hours from home while your kid is sleeping.
I went home sick from work today at interviews, just actually sick and didn't feel like vomiting on my co-workers.
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I went home sick from work today at interviews, just actually sick and didn't feel like vomiting on my co-workers.

Did you ever get sick on your sabbatical world tour, and if so, did you have to call into notify anybody?
Did you ever get sick on your sabbatical world tour, and if so, did you have to call into notify anybody?

I was generally healthy throughout my travels. A bout with food poisoning in South Africa was quickly alleviated by taking a course of Cipro. (brought along a great many tablets)

On the island of Vanuatu, I sustained an infected wound in one of my feet. Fearfully went to a there said he had practiced for decades in CoDB. (Note: The Vanuatu Health Clinic does NOT accept Blue Cross...but they do accept Visa/Mastercard)
If I take a sick day I usually couple that with going out to see a movie.
I called out a dude who has had to go to the Dr. with his wife 5 times in the last month. I said in front of his boss, "I would have fired his ass weeks ago".

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