Putin rubbing Obama's nose in it again

FYI - we are energy independent today

BTW, this is why I hate politics. We have every right wing nut watching fox news blaming the situation on Obama and every left wing nut watching MSNBC blaming it on Bush. We're where we are. Both parties have made horrible decisions since 9/11. That's OK, we're learning. What's best for our country moving forward
Hey tjc.

If the Ottoman Empire was still in business we would not have these problems.
E, I think we can all agree a nice Ottoman is underrated.
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Not going to work w/Pope vs Russia. Putin is heavily aligned with Russian Orthodox Church.

Whereas Soviet Union was Godless.
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Christians/ Catholics were getting slaughtered by almost all "rebels" groups, some of which our CIA has been helping.( Iraq & Syria)

Putin & Russia are actually now protecting the Christians & have 100% backing from Russian Orthodox Church.

(That's also why he was extra vengeful when "pussy dolls" rebeled in church.
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I think Putin’s actions in Syria are really being used to 1) deflect attention away from the Ukraine (where he has “won”) 2) deflect attention away from him stealing his citizen’s money again.

So perhaps he is “winning” and achieving those “objectives.” But are you a legit superpower when you are stealing your own people’s pension money? I think the Putin wins, Obama loses” rhetoric reflects a very partisan view and to view Syria through that lens is to miss much of the complexities. Russia will not be clearing Syria anytime soon or ever IMO. I saw a great quote today (maybe yesterday?), “his people want butter and he is giving them guns.”

That also doesn’t suggest I think Obama has made the right moves... I don't. I just think that its really hard to discuss Syria without getting into the history and impact of Iraq on what is going on now. This isn’t a Bruuuuce song with clear winners and losers.
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I saw a great quote today (maybe yesterday?), “his people want butter and he is giving them guns.”

That also doesn’t suggest I think Obama has made the right moves... I don't. I just think that its really hard to discuss Syria without getting into the history and impact of Iraq on what is going on now. This isn’t a Bruuuuce song with clear winners and losers.

He's done a GREAT job of screwing his people over AND making them love him.
I'd argue we didn't even learn from our own original afghan experience... Let alone the Russian experience. For the very reasons you illustrate in your second paragraph. Exact scenario that helped create the environment for al Qaeda and 9/11

I'd argue we didn't learn anything from our experience in Vietnam.
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"He's done a GREAT job of screwing his people over AND making them love him."
Now, if only the US leaders could learn how to do this.
There still is a decent % of the U.S. Population that doesn't acknowledge we live on a planet with other Nations that can be our equal.

Obama admin was never serious about fully going after ISIS & every serviceman I talked to echoed this.

Putin is serious about keeping Syria intact & don't be surprised when China helps out.
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