Recruiting for 2014 - General

There are are more and more signings of people from VU's prime recruiting region - East, primarily from Connecticut to Pennsylvania.

On the surface, G'town men are doing really well. They recently signed.Christian Alvarado (CT) - state XC champ by a whisker, but a decent miler.

The real loss, though, was Joe White (NJ). Do a Google and you will see why. This would be the 400/800 guy the team needs to replace Ellison. What is out there are mostly 800/miler types. Nothing wrong with that if you can find an outstanding 800 guy. And that is not so obvious. Charles Jones (MO) has very nice numbers, but went backwards as a junior. Whitecat suggests that Matt Murray (NY) may have grade problems. I like Sean Kelly (NY - Chaminade), but rumor has him going to Duke and he really is an 800/miler type.

I am less concerned with the "loss" of the Brent Kennedys of the world. Nice addition to the XC squad but they are not adding anything to Penn Relays. Losing a guy like Sean Kelly is more impactful.

Megan Wilson (DC) just committed to Stanford. Rich do keep getting richer. Figured she was definitely coming to VU since mom had run for VU. Stanford is a fine institution and can totally understand the appeal - nice location (near SF), academics, nothing but alpha types, weather. What is there not to like. Still think she would have been better off going to VU. She would have developed better under Gina. Suspect she will get lost at Stanford. Just a gut reaction. There is a real sense that Marcus - and by extension, Gina - really care about their scholar-athletes and help you become the best that you can be - as a person and as an athlete. Have met Marcus and really like him.

Josette Norris (NJ) signed with North Carolina. Expected that. Another gut feeling.

I really like Maddy Berkson (RI) for lots of reasons - speed, range, guts, athleticism - but I have to give a nod to Or1on's assessment that she will probably go to Harvard. But the word is "probably." Harvard is not for everybody, but when Harvard calls, people come running.

Rumor has Elise Cranny (CO) going to Colorado. Aside from Cain, she is probably the best U.S. mile / XC prospect. VU has recruited well in Colorado recently. Like the fact that her parents are tri-athletes.

Penn State is getting stronger. They have finally begun to leverage their state institution advantage in distance as well as sprints. Signed top female (Barrett) and top male (Russell) from PA.

Some good news though: Rumblings have it that VU is making major moves towards signing some real talent - far better than anything signed by anyone thus far. Not trying to be coy; just do not know how much of such info should be revealed. Remember, several years ago, runner from upstate NY was set for VU, but had a break-out senior indoor season and signed with G'town. So just be content with knowing that VU is actively pursuing some exceptional talents. Noticed I used plural. Does not guarantee anything, but remember" it is not over 'til its over." Great catcher and brilliant man that Yogi Berra - and I am not even a Yankee fan.
" Megan Wilson"

Stanford has got visits from all four standout kids in NewEngland (Claire Howlett commit).
They the Ivys and a few ACC schools have become real problems. The days of assuming
things are over.

No question it's got more difficult and new areas have to be found to
get latent. I also have to say it will bother me to be too foreign dependent but you do
the best you can.
Or1on, who are the four standout girls from New England you are referring to? I get Maddy Berkson. Katrina Shepard? Not concerned about Howlett.

For those closer to what is going on in Pennsylvania, what happened to Kennedy Weisner at states? Thus far, Weisner has been VU's best chance at quality U.S. talent. She seemed to have enjoyed her visit. Was she sick or hurt? Did she just have a bad day? She fall? She looks rather sad in the picture of her with her 3rd place medal.

Not aware of any commitment from girls up north - i.e., Canada. Interesting that probably the best girl coming out last season was Gabriella Stafford, who chose to attend U of Toronto. Seems the family has history there including her father, who ran there. Seems her favorite runner is Sheila Reid.

It would seem that VU should be able to capitalize on that adoration of Reid amongst Canadian girls.

On that same subject, it is puzzling that VU does not seem to be able to capitalize on any of its successes - not the XC stretch of two championships recently nor the two Penn Relay golds, this past season ...Find it interesting that G'town is of interest even from kids in California.

Or1on, you are right about the difficulty in recruiting - even from areas that once were VU's prime territories. Penn St has begun to focus more on T&.F Bright kids from northern NJ are heading to Columbia. It is Manhattan. Can understand that. The Upper West Side is very cool. But VU has Marcus & Gina ... That should mean something, but it apparently does not resonate with U.S. kids. The Blake Haney's are not considering VU.. So VU has to look elsewhere and that means foreign.

Need to pay more attention to England and even Germany or France. Aren't there any academically oriented runners in Kenya? Canada is really not foreign - sort of a northern suburb. Aren't there any academic achievers in the Caribbean - e.g., Jamaica, Trinidad? Besides Maree, wasn't there a 400 man from So Africa some time back?
Besides Maree, wasn't there a 400 man from So Africa some time back?

Sebastianc, you are thinking of Edwin Modibedi who ran on the same team as Chip Jenkins.
"Katrina Shepard? "
Yes: Dis (Howlett and McNulty) MDis (Berkson and Shepard for Stan visits (only 3000 miles away).
This post was edited on 11/8 10:45 PM by Or1on
From what I am hearing, it's down to Villanova or Georgetown for Kennedy Weisner. At States, she came 3rd in what she described as an off day. The frosh girl who won that race had run times equal to Weisner in the lead-up to the state race. Weisner said that she just didn't have her normal finishing kick that day. I'd not read too much into that one race.
LSU -Nit,

Could Angel P. be a help in Kennedy's recruitment? The appear
to be friends.
I get a little uneasy when the object of VU's affections is considering G'town. On one hand, VU can point to Malone (2013) and Piccirillo (2012). But on the other hand, there is White (2014), Southerland & Keenan (2013), Pierce & Nadel (2012). I know they really wanted White and thought they had succeeded, but ... Get the picture?

Agree with Whitecat. Get the impression that Weisner likes (even admires) Piccirillo. An overture by Angel might be persuasive.
I read somewhere that Jaskot was only running something around 40 miles a week... Villanova isn't a high volume program, but I'd have to imagine that she could improve if she's only running that much.
Huber ran even less miles than that. When she tried to ramp the miles up after leaving Nova, she couldn't handle it and was hurt for the next decade. Sometimes, less miles is the best for certain runners.
I think that FoyeEffect is right. Huber had a hard time in cross country -- at first. Here are her finishes as NCAA XC Nationals:

1985: 75th
1986: 29th
1987: 9th
1989: 1st
She played field hockey in high school and if my memory isn't gone I seem to remember stories of her at nova only doing about 35-40 miles a week.
Let's Run (recruit thread ) says K.Weisner to Gtn.

Surprised but not a shock.

Things are going to pick up quickly this week. Some schools are taking talent that's a bit risky? I don't know whether everyone's getting a full ride or not but when top schools (like one ACC school did) bring in talent that's rated as #20 in a large state I think it says something. Like there's not that much Sr. talent out there now.

Everyone wants to see commits but you have to be careful. I'm interested to see what goes on in NJ/Ny this weekend.

This post was edited on 11/14 10:51 PM by Or1on
Surprised about Weisner. Her report of her visit to Villanova suggested that would be her school. Obviously G'town appealed more to her. It is what it is...

Some part of me wonders just how much VU really wanted her. It might be a two way street ... This is all supposition. I do not claim to be right. Jaskot says VU gave her the most $. Clearly VU wanted her. Something to think about.

The losses of Weisner and previously Norris are not good, but they are hardly devastating. There are better runners still out there. Question - as always - are any of them interested in VU? And remember, this is a crucial recruiting year. Jaskot is not enough. Need a lot more.
Some relatively more positive news on the recruiting front ... Brian Cook won the NY Fed in an outstanding time. Hopefully he is still considering VU. Looks to be strictly distance and maybe outside chance at leg on 4xmile.

NY Fed
My sources tell me that Villanova did/does in fact want Weisner as much as ever, and had/has not cooled on her. So, the decision (if it indeed has been taken) was not mutual (it's not on MileSplit's signing page).

On Brian Cook, Villanova is still in a good position with him, I think.
Kennedy Weisner has indeed committed to Georgetown, as per her Penn Track/XC journal entry from 11/16:

The following day I visited Georgetown, which I had been waiting to do since September! It was my first time in Washington, D.C., and it was nothing like I expected it to be! It was interesting how Georgetown is right in the city, but at the same time it feels like it is in its own little world. I went into the visit with the intention of having an open mind, but honestly I thought that I was simply going to solidify my decision to go to Villanova. Instead of making my decision easier, however, my visit to Georgetown made it much, much, much harder.

I stayed overnight in Kennedy Hall with one of my hosts, Sam Nadel. Sam, my other host Rachel Paul, and all of the other girls on the team were so nice and welcoming. They were all very focused and motivated to run not just for themselves, but to compete for each other and for Georgetown. As hard as I tried (and I tried pretty hard!), I could not find anything to dislike about Georgetown. When I got home, I felt like my head was spinning.

a few days of my Georgetown and doctor visits, my head finally started
to clear. Everyone always says that when it comes to making the college
decision, you just know. If you really just think about it, deep down
inside you'll know where to go. I never really believed this, but now I
know it is true. As much as I liked Villanova - the coach, the girls on
the team, and the school itself - I feel like Georgetown is the right
place for me. I am happy to announce that I will be a Hoya next year!! I
am so excited for this wonderful opportunity; it is everything that I
have always dreamed of. I loved the girls on the team, and I completely
trust Coach Mike and Coach Stephens.

This post was edited on 11/18 10:35 PM by LSU-Nit

Kennedy Weisner Journal entry 11/16
Speaking of Oregon -- Sarah Baxter (Simi Valley, CA) just committed. She's a 3x California state XC champion, a 2x Nike XC national champion. She's never lost a high school cross country race. She's Gatorade's prep National Runner of the Year.
She picked Oregon over Washington and Colorado.

Sarah Baxter to Oregon
A couple of things ...

Read Weisner's journal entries of her visits to Villanova and then to G'town. Compare the two. One is expansive and filled with a certain joy and excitement (VU); the other is short, almost cursory or perfunctory - there is no lilt in the entry (G'town). So I question the rationale for the choice. Yes, VU might have wanted her, but not at the price say G'town was offering... I know VU is pursuing someone that will cost probably a full ride and is a whole lot better than Weisner and there may be yet a second that falls in the same category.

Female distance runners are tricky. Like TFE, I would be wary of someone like Baxter, who has been running at a championship level it seems since before HS. What does it do to a maturing, young female body? In addition, I do not believe Hasay (similar background) progressed as expected while at Oregon.
Female distance runners are tricky

Very much so. My feelings have changed on the types I'd go after. I look at some kids going to top schools and can't believe it but it's the school's choice.
One girl I know of who just got a full-ride --to an East school-- is about 5'9,128 (without Weisner's speed). She's good but ...not that good. And some students will take a full boat over a school they'd really want to go to, that's offering 60-70%

I'd take Baxter in a heartbeat (so would any program). I'm not saying she'll go on to 4-time AA status but she's going to be good, at minimum.

I don't know if Tom O'Neill (NJ) visited? He might be one to keep an eye on.
I just don't think Baxter possesses the speed necessary and hasn't really progressed all that much. Similar thing with Weisner.
Weisner may not have enough "speed" to be a champion miler, but she will probably be a strong leg on a 4x1500. As things stand now, it would appear that G'town will have a better 4x1500 than VU beginning in 2015 - and possibly DMR and 4x800. Will be a depressing Penn Relays. Once again, a lot is riding in how well VU recruits this season.

Just a thought ... Elise Cranny (CO) is rumored to be going to Colorado. If not, is VU a realistic possibility? Yes, VU has had three runners from Colorado recently - Summer Cook (Boulder is near Niwot), Dusty Solis, Sydney Harris - and that should mean something, but I cannot recall any premier performer from the West coming to VU recently. Would be a great addition and stop the slide towards mediocrity.

This post was edited on 11/20 1:01 PM by sebastianc
Took a look at that thread on Let's Run. Geez, some of it is interesting and maybe we discuss this intelligently here, but the sophomoric nonsense over there boggles the mind. But there are more important matters following the NCAA XC championships. See my post on "NCAAs." Who can VU recruit who will seriously improve their XC chances? Remember, VU is also trying to compete at track and there is always the Penn Relays. The Penn Relays of this Spring clearly demonstrated that importance. The joy of watching the women win the 4x800 will resonate for a long time.

Right now, the only talk we have heard is Brian Cook (NY) - and I think he is "limited" to distance (no legs on relays). There are no rumors of VU looking at any other U.S. XC talent for men. There might be something coming out of Australia, but that has always been something unexpected. But note that VU has recruited one outstanding Australian talent for each of the past three years ... I knew something about the possibility of Williamsz coming , but nothing about McEntee or Tiernan. Could be they are awaiting the results of the Australian school national track championships, in December. I believe their school year ends in December.

I have been disregarding the young men in Ireland, but maybe one should look more closely if one wants to find that XC / mile talent. Sean Tobin was supposedly going to Mississippi St., but decided not to apparently because some recruiter from Ireland took a new position at some Big 10 school? Tobin - 1:50.2 (800), 3:45.7 (1500) - won the schools XC at beginning of year and won the junior inter-county XC championship, last weekend. Born in '94. Is he someone to pursue? Is he an answer - i.e., an incoming freshman who will have an immediate impact on the team's fortunes?

The same thing applies to Ruairi Finnegan, who appears to be a little faster - 1:49.6 (800), 3:44.6 (1500) - and finished 2nd to Tobin, last week. Also born July 1994.

The chance of the women getting an outstanding talent that will have a marked improvement on the XC team and be an asset at Penn Relays is much higher. Siofra Cleireigh-Buttner just won the aforementioned junior inter-county XC championship, last weekend. She finished 2nd to Sarah Collins two years ago. Collins is a soph at Providence and finished 39th., this year, and 10th, last year. Siofra C-B would be quite a catch. Jaskot might not be ready yet and will probably be red-shirted. Another outstanding talent has to surface. Who?

I like Cranny (COL) and Berkson (RI) a lot, but the odds of either of them coming to VU are very small. Again, where is the necessary talent going to come from? If not, VU supporters are facing an increasingly strong G'town women's team that will be better not only at XC, but also at Penn Relays. Not a pleasant thought...

This post was edited on 11/24 3:37 PM by sebastianc

This post was edited on 11/24 7:53 PM by sebastianc
sebastianc posted on 11/24/2013... Took a look at that thread on Let's Run. Geez, some of it is interesting and maybe we discuss this intelligently here, but the sophomoric nonsense over there boggles the mind.

the sophomoric nonsense is really the interesting part -- some of them like pac124life are always good for a laugh.
Unless you're recruiting in Eldoret, you're not going to find many people who can help you at the Penn Relays AND 10K cross country.
Ah, TFE, you are being a bit of a pessimist .... It is indeed possible and one needn't have to go to Kenya. There have been several non-Kenyans who have excelled at NCAA XC championships and done well at mile - even some guys from VU. Think Craig & Falcon (Arkansas) or Blincoe & Curtis (Villanova) and now Ben Saarel (Colorado), this weekend. Finished just a beat ahead of Tiernan and is a true freshman. Ran 1:51.1 (800) & 4:02.7 (mile) in HS and also won the Dream Mile in NYC.

Admittedly, such runners are rare, but it is possible and those are the ones you are looking for. VU is looking at such a runner now - 4:03.5 miler with XC championship pedigree and solid 800 time. Will it happen or, even if it happens, will it translate into that type of success remains to be seen. Besides Tiernan has run a 4:08 mile. Given time, maybe he is a XC champion and a leg on 4xmile...???

This post was edited on 11/29 1:06 PM by sebastianc
Northeast Regionals: Foot Locker & NXN

It is difficult to judge the merits of competing in either Foot Locker or Nike. Foot Locker is geared towards the individual and NXN is geared towards the team. Which produces better results? I suspect it would be Foot Locker. That being said, Erin Jaskot finished 5th in Northeast NXN Regionals. Brian Cook did not place in either. Has been sick, this past week.

Jaskot seems to be below average height, but cannot tell.
The layout Jaskot was on was pretty tough. She wasn't going to break 18 but she did very well to hold position and get to Portland (I think it's two teams and top 5 Indiv).
Some runners did poorly and I have to question some of them getting 'ships to quality schools.

The big surprise was at VCP where the Jr. from Pitt., Bri'Schwartz qualified in an excellant time and really hung in with a talented pack of 5 including Bri Gess. Barrett (PSU) apparently got to the front early and stayed there for the win.
This post was edited on 12/1 4:12 PM by Or1on
In one sense, TFE is right: Olivia Baker is not coming to VU; she is going to Stanford. That is quite a plus for Stanford. It is not usual for them to pursue 400/800 females. One begins to lose count of the number of outstanding scholar-athletes choosing Stanford. And they are probably still in play for people like Maddy Berkson or Katrina Shepard. For XC. they already have Steve Fahy, Patrick Perrier, Abbie McNulty and Megan Wilson. Imagine her hooking up with Weissenbach, Chapus, Cuffe, etc?

The rich do get richer. Inequality in the U.S. has a broad reach. That is why it is so satisfying to see VU beat some of those "richer" schools at Penn Relays. There is some justice in the world ... Didn't VU men beat Stanford at XC? Some consolation.

Since Baker is from NJ, have to believe VU was talking to her, but .... So far, the only good news is Jaskot and Marcus visiting Siofra C-B (IRL). They need a lot more.

Would Raevyn Rogers (TX) come to VU?

This post was edited on 12/7 11:43 AM by sebastianc

Baker College Choice
We have over 1000 Villanovans in Texas - over 600 of them in Houston! We have about 65 Texan undergrads on campus today and I believe that includes a few from her school. She might be very interested but we have to ask - something we don't always bother doing with Texas Student Athletes.
Planocat, thanks for the information. Did not realize Villanova had that kind of representation in Texas. And you may be right that Marcus and Gina do not cast a wide enough net in the U.S. and should pay more attention to Texas. But Texas is usually about sprinters and jumpers. Rogers might be a whole new species in Texas.

Several years ago, there was a VU alum from Ohio who complained a lot about this. Believe the football team has a broader U.S. net.

I believe the last time VU recruited someone of note from a distant part of the U.S. - i.e., not the east coast - was Ryan Hayden, Vancover, Canada. Canada is a northern suburb.

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