Heading up to Philly area (Aston actually) for hockey for my oldest boy this weekend. Tourney schedule blows so that boys don't play first game until 9 pm Sat. night. So a bunch of us got tickets to the Lax Final Four games at the Linc, games 12:00 noon and 2:30. We're coming up from DC area Saturday morning'ish and don't especially care when we get to the games, maybe see some of 2nd half of first, most of 2nd game, something like that.
But I want to get good cheesesteaks first. I know Tony Luke's is closest, and I like Tony Luke's. But I've always loved Jim's on South and want to take my son there. I guess a logistics question. Do I park at the stadium and get a taxi/uber to South Street and back? Or do I do what I'm inclined to which is drive and park somewhere around South Street and then drive back to stadium and park? If it matters, I'll have an SUV loaded with stuff and while you'd have to be a friggin nose-dead idiot to steal hockey gear, losing it would wreck our weekend and cost me a couple grand. I'm not a ninny. I drive to and park in the city every day, just trying not to be a fool, so appreciate any advice.