Drinking tap water, taking questions.

Did you come back because gdog called you out in recent thread. I believe it was along the lines of "how can someone just quit a message board, I can see not posting as much"
Actually considering this today as I sit with the ashes on my forehead. Severe cut down is probably a good idea. I won't miss me.
Originally posted by NickleDimer:
I did. Not see where gdog called me out. Haven't been reading threads about the same old pissing match topics. Just dead celeb, news and product recs.
Have you purchased a squatty potty?
Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:
Actually considering this today as I sit with the ashes on my forehead. Severe cut down is probably a good idea. I won't miss me.
Don't do this to me DMill.
Is this TQ still open?

If yes, do you use the words "ni**ger or fa**ot" in casual conversation?
Never used a squatty potty. Would be uncomfortable on the knees to squat like a catcher while depositing some brown. Need to work on my leg flexibility and strength.

I do not use slurs casually. Homophobic words were a big part of shite talking while growing up though. Its incredible how much my personal and the collective mindset has changed for the better since then. We've still got a ways to go.
Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:
Actually considering this today as I sit with the ashes on my forehead. Severe cut down is probably a good idea. I won't miss me.
Ur sitting with ashes at 12:45 AM? Did you find an 1130 PM service? Jeez. I went to church at 730 and those things had rubbed off by dinner at 9 PM.
How many 3's do you think you would hit if you participated in the NBA Three Point Contest? (6 racks of 5 balls, forget about the money balls, also you only have 60 seconds)
Which skill would you rather have - dunking a basketball or throwing 90 mph?
Have you ever attempted to kick a FG?
How fast could you run 1 mile going all out in your prime? How about today?
Bigger waste of money - vitamins or ATM fees?
Who will be the R and D nominee for President? If it's Hillary and Bush who do you think wins?
Who will be the Eagles starting QB next season?
Who is your Final Four right now?
Originally posted by NovaHoops2002:
How many 3's do you think you would hit if you participated in the NBA Three Point Contest? (6 racks of 5 balls, forget about the money balls, also you only have 60 seconds)
5 for 30, maybe. I would be the worst at straight away threes. Played all 4 positions except PG, so I'm not comfortable at that spot on the floor. I was scheduled to be a practice shooter for a dress rehearsal of the NBA All Star game festivities in the CoP in 2002, but would have had to skip some physics classes that I was struggling in so I bailed.

Which skill would you rather have - dunking a basketball or throwing 90 mph?
90 mph. I could dunk in my early 20s.

Have you ever attempted to kick a FG?
Yes. Used to mess around with friends kicking FGs when throwing the ball around or after flag football games. My longest is from 47 yards (off the cross bar and over), probably not with enough trajectory to clear a block attemp though.

How fast could you run 1 mile going all out in your prime? How about today?
Never tested this much. I could probably do 5:30 in my absolute prime. Today? 6:30 i guess. That's 4 - 1:45 laps on a track. I did some sub-7 miles in the broad street run last year, so I don't think that would be a stretch.

Bigger waste of money - vitamins or ATM fees?
ATM fees. Bank fees are ridiculous. I rarely carry cash. If I do, it's usually a result of cash back transaction with the debit card at a pharmacy or grocery store.

Who will be the R and D nominee for President? If it's Hillary and Bush who do you think wins?
Dem: Hillary has a huge army of haters, but no one else resonates yet. I would like Biden to give it a run just to see him out there shmoozing. He is a national treasure.
Rep: Bush. Christie botched his window.

A Clinton v. Bush race will either destroy politics in this country once and for all or it will be healing and finally settle all our differences. I think Bush wins it unless Obama is able to get enough illegals in the voting pool before he's done.

Who will be the Eagles starting QB next season?
Nick Foles. Would like to see them plug some other holes rather than using a high pick on a QB.

Who is your Final Four right now?
I have watched so little hoops this year outside of Nova that I wouldn't really know. Lousville always impresses me. Kentucky is an NBA team. Nova for the brightsiding opportunity. I'll line up Iowa State next. I like Fred Hoiberg.
47 yard FG is incredibly impressive. Cap tip. I couldn't hit from 30.
"I was scheduled to be a practice shooter for a dress rehearsal of the NBA All Star game festivities in the CoP in 2002, but would have had to skip some physics classes that I was struggling in so I bailed."

Please elaborate. What Physics classes were you taking in 2002?
I think it was the second basic physics course - Electricity and Magnetism? I had 3 or 4 straight classes on MWF mornings starting at 8:30 and was getting my a$$ handed to me at the beginning. I think i ended up with a A- or B+. Mendel Doug would bust into our labs, do a summersault and scream at Joe Schick about the Chemistry/Physics intergalactic war.
Originally posted by NickleDimer:
I think it was the second basic physics course - Electricity and Magnetism? I had 3 or 4 straight classes on MWF mornings starting at 8:30 and was getting my a$$ handed to me at the beginning. I think i ended up with a A- or B+. Mendel Doug would bust into our labs, do a summersault and scream at Joe Schick about the Chemistry/Physics intergalactic war.
How man kids do you have? What is the break down of ages, boy/girl etc.

How did you arrive at choosing Villanova?
1 kid, another on the way.
Chose nova - got some decent aid and wanted to be near at least a 3rd tier city with an economic pulse. Also looked at Boston U, Rochester, Binghamton, Syracuse.

Never thought I was gay. Wasn't "born with it". I can see how people can have experiences that lead them that way though.
Congrats on the deuce. Hopefully you get a little girl. Every loving father deserves a daughter.
Why does tjc keep bringing up how many thread views he had in his taking questions when arguing with people?
Originally posted by nardibynature123:
Why does tjc keep bringing up how many thread views he had in his taking questions when arguing with people?
That thread was the most exciting thing that happened to him in the last 15 years. Old people and children crave attention because their everyday actions aren't worthy of any. Also, he is one of those people who brag about being a "techie" and being into technology but still only have a shallow understanding of it.

This post was edited on 2/20 10:18 AM by NickleDimer
Hypothetically speaking---Dmill, ADP, and Burrs get into a 3-way discussion. For whom do you root? Why?
Originally posted by LizReed:
Hypothetically speaking---Dmill, ADP, and Burrs get into a 3-way discussion. For whom do you root? Why?
Great question. It depends on the topic.
Non-Nova Sports topics - i would probably root for Burrs because he knows way more than the other two and likes the Phillies, Eagles and Sixers like me.

Politics - I would root for a nuke to detonate directly above the discussion, particulary if it were about the impact of NJ tax rates.

General topics - all 3 can be annoying, but I would probably root for Dmill because i feel like he's never completely serious and always makes his arguments with a sly grin.
Originally posted by NickleDimer:

Originally posted by LizReed:
Hypothetically speaking---Dmill, ADP, and Burrs get into a 3-way discussion. For whom do you root? Why?
Great question. It depends on the topic.
Non-Nova Sports topics - i would probably root for Burrs because he knows way more than the other two and likes the Phillies, Eagles and Sixers like me.

Politics - I would root for a nuke to detonate directly above the discussion, particulary if it were about the impact of NJ tax rates.

General topics - all 3 can be annoying, but I would probably root for Dmill because i feel like he's never completely serious and always makes his arguments with a sly grin.
Your return has run it's course. What would it take to get you back into hiding?
Originally posted by YourBuddyRayhad:

Have you ever seen an uncircumcised penis "in the wild"?

Describe the circumstance(s) please
Originally posted by YourBuddyRayhad:

Were you ever in a situation where you feared for your life?

If so, please describe
Not really. Never been attacked or in any significant fight. Never been seriously ill or in a war zone. Dangerous driving fear is always in hindsight, not while it is happening. Maybe the closest was on a fishing trip off the coast of Cape Cod when I was a teenager. Rough seas, waves coming over the side, out of sight of land. I thought we were never going to see land again. In retrospect and after watching hours of fisherman reality TV, it was probably a pretty tame conditions for seasoned fisherman.
Or maybe I don't take myself or any this as seriously as you think.
Were you really drinking tap water when your Taking Questions segment commenced?

Please discuss your level of skateboarding proficiency as a young'n.

What did you have for lunch today?

What is the one thing you wish you could change about yourself in terms of your physical appearance?

What is the one thing you wish you could change about yourself in terms of your personality?

What is the largest check you ever wrote and why?

What is your favorite animated TV show?
Has the recent bout of cold weather affected your life in any way?

Did you see the CoDB Times Op Ed today by some guy saying that Boston should be declared a federal disaster area because of snow? If that were to happen, would Boston be the new CoP?

Are you rich?

Do you know any poor people that ski?

Do you know any poor people?

What is the worst job you've ever had?

What sports positions will you push your kids to play? Why?

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