Game of Thrones - Spoliers Inside


1. Game of Thrones is becoming predictable, you knew Arya was going to that place in the dark to kill the weirdo girl.

2. I am really looking to see what happens next episode. I dont think the Battle of the Bastards is going to go as planned, its the kind of episode where there are a few wrenches dropped in. I will go back to my original prediction, the white walkers cross the board and go HAM on all.

3. Cersei is about go nuts and the Mountain is going to kill a whole lot of people. Again we are getting closer and closer to the Hound vs the Mountain.

4. Lots of reference to the Starks and Leinesters being enemies in this one, in the end both sides have their backs against the wall, something tells me weird type of alliance is going to be formed soon between them, with the White Walkers lurking, the crazy religous people and Danerys coming around.
So, last night they made mention to no more Trials by Combat. However, I saw something suggesting that Ceresi gets one. Of course, she opts for The Mountain. The High Sparrow pucks her son Tomen. Not sure of this is even possible, but I heard that all of Ceresi's children die.
I wish they would've shown Arya kill that waif bitch..I would've enjoyed that

the final 2 should be good. I believe the same guy who directed the Hardhome episode (White Walkers vs. Night's Watch/Wildlings) is directing both.
So, last night they made mention to no more Trials by Combat. However, I saw something suggesting that Ceresi gets one. Of course, she opts for The Mountain. The High Sparrow pucks her son Tomen. Not sure of this is even possible, but I heard that all of Ceresi's children die.

It would be one of the greatest scenes in television history if Tommen really believed in his inner paladin and just got ripped in half by the mountain in front of cersei. And I don't even mind Tommen that much
I saw something suggesting that Ceresi gets one. Of course, she opts for The Mountain. The High Sparrow pucks her son Tomen. Not sure of this is even possible, but I heard that all of Ceresi's children die.

Sparrow picking Tommen would have to be one of the more crazy things to happen in the show (I guess you're thinking some David vs Goliath type thing)... but can't see it.
Sparrow picking Tommen would have to be one of the more crazy things to happen in the show (I guess you're thinking some David vs Goliath type thing)... but can't see it.

Nah, not really thinking that. But more so, is Ceresi so far gone that she allow it to happen? Considering that Tommen was so weak to get duped by the Sparrow, would her love for him diminish?
I was hoping for the Clegane Bowl pairing up the Mountain for Cersei, and the Hound representing the sept since he looked like he may have found religion. But doesn't seem like much of a chance of that now...
I think next week will be dominated by Snow vs Bolton. With maybe a few scenes of Yara's ships wiping out the Masters ships so they win favor with daenerys.
I think next week will be dominated by Snow vs Bolton.


Who do you think is on their way out. Here are my picks/calls:

-Brienne of Tar, time for her to go.
-Ramsey is killed by a White Walker then wait for it comes back as a White Walker
-The Wildling who creepily stares at Brienne
-Ricon is as good as dead
-Robin the annoying cousin dead
-Davios sacrifices himself to save Jon Snow, dead

If they show anything outside of the battle I full expect for Tommen, Sparrow and Margery's brother to be dead.
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I think I am on board with Jamie killing Cersei as she tries to burn the city to the ground using the wild fire. He is technically the younger twin so this fits the prophecy.
I enjoy the show much more without the white walkers. my guess is the Battle of the Bastards would be too easy a storyline. there has to be a twist.

a storyline that hasnt been addressed since the first or second episode are the ladies of Dorne. the woman was pretty set on revenge and then nothing for the whole season.
I enjoy the show much more without the white walkers. my guess is the Battle of the Bastards would be too easy a storyline. there has to be a twist.

a storyline that hasnt been addressed since the first or second episode are the ladies of Dorne. the woman was pretty set on revenge and then nothing for the whole season.

they killed Cersei's daughter Myrcella, wouldn't that be their revenge?
It's not too often in this series where you get the outcome that you want, but tonight was that time. Sansa stepped up.
Did eve one like it because something good happened to the Starks (minus the kid who did nothing dying)?
For me, it was more about Ramsey getting it, and less about the Starks getting winterfell back.
really incredible battle scene. maybe the best since the opening scene of Gladiator.

based on next weeks clips, little finger wants to marry Sansa. girl cant catch a break.

the Starks have Winterfell, the Lannisters have Kings Landing and Daenarys is still across the world. seems like we are right back to where the show started less the death of many characters.
I liked it because i was sick of Ramsey but part of me was a bit frustrated with how dumb Snow was. Good on Sansa for getting schit done though.
so whats next for the finale?

the king and queen turn on the faith? Daenarys has to take the Iron Islands before she invades kings landing. is that this season or next?
you kind of knew Rickon was a goner, but man how dumb do you have to be to die like that? just wait until he shoots the arrow and move sideways a few steps
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reminded me of the same scene from Apocalypto. Sansa new he was a gonner before it even happened and the plan was to have Jon Snow attack on his own which he did and kill their leader. Ramsy was a good character and a pretty good leader/tactician. sad to see him go but am glad he got what was coming to him.
are the animal activist out? thinking horses actually died in that scene?

there was an article that said it took 25 days to shot the episode.
you kind of knew Rickon was a goner, but man how dumb do you have to be to die like that? just wait until he shoots the arrow and move sideways a few steps

Not sure the kid could hear the arrow going from a distance while running (or even that snow could've seen/heard/let him know while riding), but he should have been running evasively, not on a line, that is the dumb part.
When Jon Snow was punching Ramsey's face in, I was really hoping he was going to ask Sansa if she wanted some. Was so happy when they showed that Ramsey was still alive and would get a much more painful death.
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The part of the battle scene where Snow almost suffocated under the pile of bodies, people pressing together was intense. Almost felt like I was suffocating watching it. Agree, fantastic episode all around.
Episode was so damn good. Outside of the Giant none of the main characters died which to me was the huge shocker of this season. Not only was it a battle but it sets some interesting future conflicts. Davos vs the Melassandra, Sansea vs Little Finger, Snow vs Sansea.

The last one intrigues me. The last line Tormund gives before battle is I will fight for Jon Snow because he is not a King. Sansea whats power, she craves, she has no idea what lies over the wall like Jon. The conflict for next season is going to be will she ignore her brother or help him. There are many clues that Sansea is carrying Ramsey's baby which makes sense. Think in the end she is going to have to marry Littlefinger as my guess is she doesnt want to admit she is carrying Ramseys baby. Which then sets up the battle Littlefinger vs Snow, with Sansea torn. That story line will be pretty awesome.
I also think the scenes from next week seem to show a little Sansa/Snow tension. Feels like she will do something dumb pretty soon.

The finales have always seemed a step down from episode 9. But if there are only ~11 episodes left shouldn't there be some more action next week?

Dany is finally at least doing something, but I still would sign up for her death next week
I don't think the Snow-Sansa conflict will amount to much. I don't think Jon cares about "being the man' at Winterfell in the long term. In short term, it will hard for him to be that mad at Sansa because she was proven right at every step about the battle with Ramsey.
As far as kings landing, I'm sure they won't have another walk of SHAME so something has to give there. Margary will somehow resist further brainwashing even though Tommen is still under control by the faith militant. I don't think we will see much of Dany this episode. Seems like her plot line has reached a resting point.
I think it's 13-16 episodes left but next season will be a short one, only 7 episodes.