Pet peeves - let's hear yours

standing water in a shower.

people who can't swim (regardless of race).

Good one - well played on my part - just like this shortstop
Had a side salad at lunch today (happened to be in Delaware for work). Rest of salad was fine (fresh crisp lettuce, good variety of green pepper and red onion, etc.) except they used those tasteless, flown in from wherever tomatoes on the salad. You know the kind, not quite red in color, overly firm flesh, hard white stem center, and NO TASTE!

That is outrageous for late summer, when there are high-quality locally grown tomatoes available within a 9 iron shot of the restaurant.

Eat a burger and fries like the rest of us........onions only on the burger.;)
You recently derided someone as poor for still taking taxis. This phone experience happens at another level down: public transportation. I'm a man of the people so I encounter this. Dimer was saying my foul experience with people playing music through their phone speaker could be avoided if I travelled in better circles.
Having the same people game after game arriving late for Pavilion games and disturbing a whole row. And, to top it off, it's usually in the middle of play. Get a friggin watch.
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You recently derided someone as poor for still taking taxis. This phone experience happens at another level down: public transportation. I'm a man of the people so I encounter this. Dimer was saying my foul experience with people playing music through their phone speaker could be avoided if I travelled in better circles.
In fairness, you live and work in a major city with a functioning public transit system. Therefore, Dimer could be wrong in this specific case. I'm a man of the people myself but my days of taking regular Amtrak and even the metro are pretty much over. Given your advanced age, there is an argument you should have a driver or uber to avoid these types of encounters. I think you're good but appeal to the board on this one.
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Totally understand. I didn't own a car my first 6 years in DC. Again, Chicago is a major city with a good public transit system. It's a way of life unlike in the CoP.
Had a side salad at lunch today (happened to be in Delaware for work). Rest of salad was fine (fresh crisp lettuce, good variety of green pepper and red onion, etc.) except they used those tasteless, flown in from wherever tomatoes on the salad. You know the kind, not quite red in color, overly firm flesh, hard white stem center, and NO TASTE!

That is outrageous for late summer, when there are high-quality locally grown tomatoes available within a 9 iron shot of the restaurant.
People who complain about EVERYTHING. If you're that unhappy, shoot yourself.
Technical support people you get on the phone who want to be your friend.
People who never shut up during mass.
Undisciplined kids who trash your house when they come for a visit.
People who think they are funny when they are really a bore.
Chewing gum.
"For English, press 1."
Nosey neighbors.
People who let their dogs shit in your yard and don't clean up.
People who spend their whole time moaning in a doctor's office/hospital waiting room.
Fat people who hang over their seat encroaching on your space.
Plumbers' ass cracks.
Dirty people.
Fat women in stretch pants.
Costume jewelry - Cracker Jack throw backs.
Movie theater popcorn.
Toll booths.
People who complain about EVERYTHING. If you're that unhappy, shoot yourself.
Technical support people you get on the phone who want to be your friend.
People who never shut up during mass.
Undisciplined kids who trash your house when they come for a visit.
People who think they are funny when they are really a bore.
Chewing gum.
"For English, press 1."
Nosey neighbors.
People who let their dogs shit in your yard and don't clean up.
People who spend their whole time moaning in a doctor's office/hospital waiting room.
Fat people who hang over their seat encroaching on your space.
Plumbers' ass cracks.
Dirty people.
Fat women in stretch pants.
Costume jewelry - Cracker Jack throw backs.
Movie theater popcorn.
Toll booths.

I hate "alts"
People who don't use a preposition before referencing their mom/dad. Eg, Dad would take us fishing every year... He's your dad, not mine.

Idiots who don't know the difference between possessive adjectives (my, his, yours) and prepositions (at, from, to, on).

Smarten up.
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Fans in my row at sporting events who refuse to wait for a stoppage in play before returning to their seats after a food/beer/bathroom run or when arriving late to the event in the first place. This requires the very MINIMUM amount of courtesy...just wait for a dead ball!
Your/you're. I'd bet 40% of people get this wrong on a consistent basis

I could care less. I'd bet 80% of people get this wrong.

Grown men wearing another man's name on their backs

Fantasy football douche giving a play-by-play to everyone in ear shot about every possible scenario. "I have both the QB an WR so I'll get points for both if it's a TD pass and my opponent has the defense so that will be points against him, but he has the kicker so he will get a point for the extra point...."
Fantasy football douche giving a play-by-play to everyone in ear shot about every possible scenario. "I have both the QB an WR so I'll get points for both if it's a TD pass and my opponent has the defense so that will be points against him, but he has the kicker so he will get a point for the extra point...."

Ha ha ha
People who talk about their team choice like its a birth right.

Tattoos going mainstream. Used to be only for true 1%ers. Now it's just hipster AND meathead kitsch.

Corporate social responsibility.

People without perspective. Whatever they're experiencing at that moment should be the most interesting thing in the world.
Fans in my row at sporting events who refuse to wait for a stoppage in play before returning to their seats after a food/beer/bathroom run or when arriving late to the event in the first place. This requires the very MINIMUM amount of courtesy...just wait for a dead ball!

This at a college basketball game is the worst. There are timeouts every 4 minutes of game play on top of a million other stoppages. The view from the tunnel may be better than the view from your seat, wait 30 seconds.

People who slow down to less than 25 mph or worse, stop going through EZ-pass. These people shouldn't be driving and probably should be shot.
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Fantasy football and bad beat poker stories very high on my list
1. Cigarette butts out the window (previously noted);
2. People too fat and lazy to take their shopping carts back to the proper place;
3. Poor people;
4. Slow drivers in the left lane (typically people with CoDB license plates);
5. Loud cell phone talkers in public.
-People who chew with their mouths open. For some reason when people are chewing gum this does not bother me at all, but if it is food I find it to be rude.

-Living in NYC for 8 years, definitely slow walkers. The worst is when you have a group of 3 or 4 people walking side by side taking up the whole sidewalk who do this.

-I also work at a small office, we have a cleaning crew that comes on the weekend but during the week, we are the ones who replace the toilet paper and so on. The worst is when people don't replace the toilet paper, or paper towels to dry your hands after you wash them, or the soap. I work with a couple of young guys who still live at home (young being like 27 now) and you can tell their mothers are still wiping their asses for them.
People that don't just split the bill when its a group of friends and they try and itemize who had what.

These people should never be invited to a group dinner again. "Oh, but you were drinking vodka, I only had an iced tea". Get the f out of here. Great call on this one Nardi.
The worst is when people don't replace the toilet paper, or paper towels to dry your hands after you wash them, or the soap

Following on this, I work in a large office and some people who use the facilities are simply disgusting. I find this hard to understand when most guys I work with are college-educated professionals. And several are gay! Gay guys' outward appearance is always clean and neat. Of course, there are many blue-collar maintenance-type guys also around, maybe it's them. But pissing on toilet seats, not flushing, leaving massisve dumps? And there is one guy who leaves multiple pieces of gum in the urinals daily. I was so annoyed I put a sign up in the bathroom last week anonymously.
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leaving massive dumps?

some people are proud of their work?

i left a note before asking why engineers who can write algorithms to guide a supersonic missile to meet up in space with a supersonic flying object can't direct their own urine three inches without it hitting the floor ... it was taken down within hours.

i also get ticked when people put a sign saying "Not A Sink" on Water Fountains. I replaced one with "Not A Urinal" ... that too didn't remain up very long.
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Following on this, I work in a large office and some people who use the facilities are simply disgusting. I find this hard to understand when most guys I work with are college-educated professionals. And several are gay! Gay guys' outward appearance is always clean and neat. Of course, there are many blue-collar maintenance-type guys also around, maybe it's them. But pissing on toilet seats, not flushing, leaving massisve dumps? And there is one guy who leaves multiple pieces of gum in the urinals daily. I was so annoyed I put a sign up in the bathroom last week anonymously.
Following up on this.

I can't stand dudes who go into the stall next to you when there are open stalls.
That's my special time.
That's fine. But learn to zone out what other people are doing. And don't be afraid to treat yourself to another bathroom every now and then. Another floor. Down the block. Stop at Home Depot and unload on a demo toilet. Or switch up positions. Reverse, squatty, detonate from a few feet above the bowl. Make it special. Don't just expect special to happen.
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Before I had my own bathroom at work, I'd use the bathroom at the library on the floor where they keep the old medical journals from the early 1900's. There was never a soul there. It was practically Superman's Fortress of Solitude
You recently derided someone as poor for still taking taxis. This phone experience happens at another level down: public transportation. I'm a man of the people so I encounter this. Dimer was saying my foul experience with people playing music through their phone speaker could be avoided if I travelled in better circles.
Follow up, today drudge has a story about hoodlums in the CoP holding up cab drivers.
Shitting in the office deserves its own thread. It boggles my mind what goes on in my office, its one level about the port authority.

I walk about 10 minutes to get to my favorite spot in the building.