
Originally posted by Helen&HouseDicks:
For issuing a BB2N? That's a crime now? Maybe I should have had my snow mexican do it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Didn't say it's a crime.....just moronic......and the snow removal crew is off for the season....but, the landscapers are here now
The BB2N is a staple of the BWs community. Personally, I've ised on it occasion and been guilty of it. All
In good fun.
Originally posted by wcburrs87:
The BB2N is a staple of the BWs community. Personally, I've ised on it occasion and been guilty of it. All
In good fun.
burrs...we both posted at 6:48p, so I could've BB2N'd you!
Originally posted by rb nova:

Originally posted by wcburrs87:
The BB2N is a staple of the BWs community. Personally, I've ised on it occasion and been guilty of it. All
In good fun.
burrs...we both posted at 6:48p, so I could've BB2N'd you!
After posting there was no Tebow thread on my board, so it probably happened seconds later. No big deal either way and BB2Ns aren't worth getting upset about.
BB2N is fine, pet of the fabric of what makes vusports what it is.

What I find amusing is that after being out of football for almost 3 years 1) this guy hasnt found a real job and 2) it warrants "breaking news" on espn.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
At this point I think Chip Kelly is baiting the North and West Philly Eagles fans.
Eagles ESPN coverage about to from 0 to 60 in zero seconds. They should sign Tiger and give LeBron a tryout - just own the network.
I will say Tebow's OT playoff win vs Pitt was pretty awesome. 2 TD O INT & a run TD. Dude had one moment, when it mattered.

Apparently he has been working with new QB coach, hope Iggles get something good out of him
Originally posted by Helen&HouseDicks:
Yeah he brought in a white QB. So unheard of. Really pandering to white fans.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Tebow isn't just a white quarterback. He's a golden boy. He's the football equivalent of American Sniper.
"He's a golden boy."

Kind of true. But he gets just as much, if not more "HATE"

Dude has 2 Collegiate National Championships & a Playoff Win in the books. Not too shabby.
He's not a starting caliber NFL QB. Probably not even an average #2. With that said, I have no issue with him being the #3 and he probably could be better in this system than Barkley, but that's not saying much.

The moron meter on talk radio today will probably reach an all-time high and that's saying something. People for some unknown reason are just going to blow this up unnecessarily.
It's easy to discount him because he plays an ugly game, but he ripped off like 6 straight wins with the Broncos, including at least 2 legitimate miracles and then won an OT playoff game on an 80 yard bomb. It was riveting to watch.
"It's easy to discount him because he plays an ugly game, but he ripped off like 6 straight wins with the Broncos, including at least 2 legitimate miracles and then won an OT playoff game on an 80 yard bomb. It was riveting to watch."

Agreed, I watched & wins were awesome. Guess that's why I'm a fan. Saw too much magic/mojo to dismiss contributions
Originally posted by NickleDimer:
It's easy to discount him because he plays an ugly game, but he ripped off like 6 straight wins with the Broncos, including at least 2 legitimate miracles and then won an OT playoff game on an 80 yard bomb. It was riveting to watch.

Oh for....

Denver won those games in spite of Tebow's play. "80 yard "bomb?" The ball was barely thrown 25 yards.
Not rooting against him. He's never bothered me. I just don't think he's good enough.
Very tough to be an NFL QB when you cannot throw the ball much. But hopefully this can bring back "Tebowing", which is sorely missed.
Hilarious from Deadspin.

4. Roger Goodell and/or ESPN paid the Eagles to sign him
"...what better way to distract the general public from all that ugliness than to bring in the ULTIMATE distraction? Tebow is like an atomic mushroom cloud … his media presence could blot out of the fu*king sun."

Why The Hell Is Chip Kelly Signing Tim Tebow?
someone explain to me why tebow is a distraction? cause he is part of the god squad? so was reggie white but because he was so good he wasnt a distraction?

all in all tebow seems like a good dude. much more so than say Michael Vick who the eagles started at QB.
Michael Sam gets an nFL job just because he's gay and Tim Tebow is persecuted for being an outspoken Christian! What is happening to this country
Being a good dude doesn't win you football games. Vick was nothing special, but is five times better than Tebow. Also, Vick has been fine as a human being and a teammate since the Eagles signed him. Probably time to move past that.
Originally posted by novabball2:
someone explain to me why tebow is a distraction? cause he is part of the god squad? so was reggie white but because he was so good he wasnt a distraction?

all in all tebow seems like a good dude. much more so than say Michael Vick who the eagles started at QB.
White didn't play most of his career during the internet era. That's the problem. This Tebow signing and the subsequent reporting every time he takes a dump will generate more useless hype and internet traffic than all other NFL news during the off-season combined (unless something truly extraordinary happens - like Johnny Football being charged in a triple-homicide).

It's annoying. Tebow has been out of the NFL for two years. He threw 8 passes in 2012. The Jets cut him. The Patriots cut him. This is barely news, a 3rd string QB - at best - who will struggle to make the Eagles' 53-player roster. Derek Jeter could come out of retirement tomorrow and it wouldn't be as big as the Tebow news.

I've read just a sample of the reactions and you'd think Kelly has already named Tebow as his starting QB.
so basically its ESPNs fault he is a distraction? best case he ends up a third string QB, good for him. he gets a nice check and has a place in the league.
Originally posted by SnottieDrippen:
Michael Sam gets an nFL job just because he's gay and Tim Tebow is persecuted for being an outspoken Christian! What is happening to this country
the difference is Sam is out of the NFL now because he wans't good enough. just like Tebow wasn't good enough.
Chip Kelly and Tebow share the same agent. maybe Kelly was throwing his agent a bone. maybe he likes tebow. maybe he likes to mess with eagles fans. maybe he wants to help local radio sports talk get better ratings.

either way this will have no impact on the field of play. its a non story.
This is Kelly's way of taking the focus and attention off who is actual starting QB is. They can just go out and play. Everyone will want to talk to Tebow and look at Tebow - whom will never play aside for a rare inches to go situation - if even makes team which I have doubts about.
I think it's Chip Kelly doing his best to continue giving the finger to the establishment. He wants to do things just to keep them guessing. He's pulling a Belecheat here and I love it. Chip Kelly is such a bad dude he's just messing with people.

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