
Favorite comment found so far:

Tim Tebow is a punk ass (seriously, who makes an anti-abortion ad to run during the Super Bowl? Do you think enough drunk dudes pumped their girlfriends with rubbers to make up for you looking like a schmuck on national TV?)
The problem with Tebow is that he only gets brought in in "special" situations. If he's in, he gets the ball in some fashion. Makes it much easier for defenses to read the play. His running abilities were only highlighted when you never knew if it was a designed run for him.
Originally posted by steve_vu9196:
The problem with Tebow is that he only gets brought in in "special" situations. If he's in, he gets the ball in some fashion. Makes it much easier for defenses to read the play. His running abilities were only highlighted when you never knew if it was a designed run for him.
So that's the problem? I thought the problem was in the passing age your QB must be able to effectively complete the forward pass.
Originally posted by YourBuddyRayhad:
Ol "Married to Football" Chip probably saw all those shirtless pictures of Tebow and wanted in
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Wouldn't be dificilt to design a few plays w/ Tebow & DeMarcus that gain some yardage
Originally posted by cleanwave:
Wouldn't be dificilt to design a few plays w/ Tebow & DeMarcus that gain some yardage
When would you like to use these plays? Three QBs are rarely active.,
"When would you like to use these plays? "

Mostly when you can ram it down the other teams throat. Tebow is one of the strongest QB's in league. You can also use him to block.

A Offensive minded coach like Kelly can make some things happen with this guy.
Originally posted by cleanwave:
"When would you like to use these plays? "

Mostly when you can ram it down the other teams throat. Tebow is one of the strongest QB's in league. You can also use him to block.

A Offensive minded coach like Kelly can make some things happen with this guy.
Like I said, teams rarely dress three QBs. Now, maybe that change some moving forward. I'm not sure, though. Are you suggesting they dress him as the primary back-up?
Originally posted by cleanwave:
Got options with the guy, chiefy
Oh yea. Please list.....

He's not better than Sanchez and teams rarely dress three QBs.

The guy has so many options that he hasn't been in the league for two years.
Originally posted by wcburrs87:
teams rarely dress three QBs.
Let's look at that assertion, for week one each season, # of QBs dressed:

[/B]2QB's[/B] [/B] 3QB's[/B]
2010 7 25
2011 7 25
2012 11 21
2013 12 20
2014 15 17

It's certainly becoming less popular, particularly since the rule change in 2011. But I wouldn't call it rare if half of teams do it.
ND, are you sure that's not QBs on the roster? Not the same as being game day active. Matt Barkley was inactive every game to start the season. Foles was inactive the rest of them after he was hurt.
Originally posted by wcburrs87:
ND, are you sure that's not QBs on the roster? Not the same as being game day active. Matt Barkley was inactive every game to start the season. Foles was inactive the rest of them after he was hurt.
It was unclear. However, unlike you, I do not expect all other newsgroup members to operate under the assumption that everything I say is the irrefutable truth.
Originally posted by NickleDimer:

Originally posted by wcburrs87:
ND, are you sure that's not QBs on the roster? Not the same as being game day active. Matt Barkley was inactive every game to start the season. Foles was inactive the rest of them after he was hurt.
It was unclear. However, unlike you, I do not expect all other newsgroup members to operate under the assumption that everything I say is the irrefutable truth.
Hey, I don't expect that.....Continue to check up on me, but next time be sure.
Originally posted by NickleDimer:
Side note: why are teams required to pay 53 guys, but allowed to only play 46 of them?
ND, I found this in an article...

"The reasoning behind inactives for games is due to competitive balance. If one team has all 53 players healthy and their opponent has only 49 players healthy enough to play, the team with fewer healthy players will be at a disadvantage. With teams having to make seven players inactive, healthy or not, teams will have the same amount of players eligible to play in the game."

Who came up the number 46/53? Yea, it's what was negotiated, but why do those numbers make most sense?
"When would you like to use these plays? "

Mostly when you can ram it down the other teams throat. Tebow is one of the strongest QB's in league. You can also use him to block.

A Offensive minded coach like Kelly can make some things happen with this guy.

The Patriots are the best at using situational players to their fullest capacity and they didn't keep Tebow. This madness needs to stop. He's not going to make it out of pre-season.
Maybe he could be a decent special teams player. Long-snapper? Or line up in the backfield on punt plays and run fakes a few times a season.