We will have so much winning if I get elected

Military is granted an exception
So ordered. I am sure others will be awarded as well. However, you get the point. My job out of college on Capitol Hill was not the real world experience. Awesome, but hardly real world.
So "real world" is actually a collection of people with certain jobs? Not a place?
I assume you'll grant police and firefighters an exemption, too?
Can you give me a precise definition of "place". We are talking about experience so I don't understand what you mean by "place".
Depends as not all mooch are created equal. You own your own business, yoy are not mooching. You work as a mooch for the teachers union that is two strikes.
I'm happy with your definition. Works for me. I just figured "real world" would be a place as opposed to a collection of people with certain jobs.
It is pretty cool that those of us from different worlds can meet up on this forum and chat.
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Absolutely. Edit, my job is not the real world but the experience is one someone working a real world job. So I'm a hybrid.
Are children and the elderly part of the real world? I apologize for belaboring this.
Real world experience. Say it with me, experience.
Lizzy in ON FIRE.

I have a good teacher friend who has been working without a contract for 3 or 4 years in a top 10 public HS in NJ and probably makes less than what ADP spends on Italian driving shoes in a year. So with two kids and a wife teaching at the same school with a similar salary.. they don't live in the real world? Trump however is all real world?
Again, real work work experience. We all live in the real world. And I don't buy thay story. The NJ teachers union is allowing someone of their teachers in the schools without a contract? What is the union doing for their cut? I can't believe they'd allow such a thing to occur. Must be more to this story. Please explain.
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I have a good teacher friend who has been working without a contract for 3 or 4 years in a top 10 public HS in NJ and probably makes less than what ADP spends on Italian driving shoes in a year. So with two kids and a wife teaching at the same school with a similar salary.. they don't live in the real world? Trump however is all real world?

Entitled gripes like your teacher friend's that you describe are why people can't stand teachers, especially the teachers that feed at the public trough. No contract? Ok, that makes them like almost all other W-2 employees in the United States. Regardless, they still have a union and all the legal protections that go with it, contract or no, so having a contract in place doesn't mean much. And I'm sure a defined benefit pension plan and lifetime health care as well after they retire with full pension after a long 20-year career, richly funded through generations of "negotiations" between the school board and the union officials that get them elected.

Kudos to that town's current elected officials for trying to take a stand, even if the flash point is, as it usually is, getting the teachers who historically pay essentially nothing for their grossly out of market benefits to maybe contribute 2% or 3%.
Again, real work work experience. We all live in the real world. And I don't buy thay story. The NJ teachers union is allowing someone of their teachers in the schools without a contract? What is the union doing for their cut? I can't believe they'd allow such a thing to occur. Must be more to this story. Please explain.
Entitled gripes like your teacher friend's that you describe are why people can't stand teachers, especially the teachers that feed at the public trough. No contract? Ok, that makes them like almost all other W-2 employees in the United States. Regardless, they still have a union and all the legal protections that go with it, contract or no, so having a contract in place doesn't mean much. And I'm sure a defined benefit pension plan and lifetime health care as well after they retire with full pension after a long 20-year career, richly funded through generations of "negotiations" between the school board and the union officials that get them elected.

Kudos to that town's current elected officials for trying to take a stand, even if the flash point is, as it usually is, getting the teachers who historically pay essentially nothing for their grossly out of market benefits to maybe contribute 2% or 3%.

Just to clarify, when teachers say they are working "without contract", they are working under a contract. When a contract expires, the terms of the final year automatically roll over to the next year. They just generally don't get pay raises or seniority step increases. Public policy WONKS like adp know this though.
Amazing. We all live inthe real world. We don't all work in it. Not to hard to put together. Beholden to shreholders/employees/board of directors, making payroll, turning a profit,all real world management/executive situations. Working in academia, media, government all allow for a hell of a lot of "liberal artists" to earn a buck while doingtings like publishing thought pieces no one will ever read
They also can't get fired and have union protection. However, bg is a massive liberal and I wanted him to actually have to try and put this sob story on paper. My brother in -law married a teacher in NJ, when he had a kid they didn't owe a penny at the hospital. I remember telling him to put some money aside for the hospital. "So-and-so is a teacher, we don't pay co-pays for healthcare". He was right.
Ok so we all live in the real world but only some of us work in the real world... Do some of us not live in the real world but work in the real world?

ADP believe it or not.. gr8 nj suburb home to the man in charge.I think since the 2013 school year no contract. I know they are the greedy ones in a town with a median income north of 150 and certainly some of the older teachers are more than fairly compensated but I know what my friends make and you wouldnt get out of bed for their combined salary.
I get it now. Originally, the discussion was about definition of "real world" but then we goalposted to "real world experience". This has been informative.
No, it was always real world experience. Thankfully you teach math.
and let me make it clear one of the things i most lauded christie for was taking on the teacher's union in NJ. this bleeding hear liberal (that never voted for obama) loved The Cartel. I just find it hilarious in a world loaded with bloat how much teacher seem to upset this board.
Ok so we all live in the real world but only some of us work in the real world... Do some of us not live in the real world but work in the real world?

ADP believe it or not.. gr8 nj suburb home to the man in charge.I think since the 2013 school year no contract. I know they are the greedy ones in a town with a median income north of 150 and certainly some of the older teachers are more than fairly compensated but I know what my friends make and you wouldnt get out of bed for their combined salary.
So, the "real world" result of this is what? He doesn't get paid? He has not pension? His benefits aren't the gold-plated teachers benefits? He has no union protection or he just likes to bitch about not having a "contract". Welcome to the real world buddy, most don't have contracts.
So, the "real world" result of this is what? He doesn't get paid? He has not pension? His benefits aren't the gold-plated teachers benefits? He has no union protection or he just likes to bitch about not having a "contract". Welcome to the real world buddy, most don't have contracts.
Yeah, we are not all porfessional baseball players.
No, it was always real world experience. Thankfully you teach math.
So when I clearly asked for a definition of "real world", you defined "real world experience". Got it. That's why I was confused about it not being a place.
No, I precisely defined real world experience.
So, the "real world" result of this is what? He doesn't get paid? He has not pension? His benefits aren't the gold-plated teachers benefits? He has no union protection or he just likes to bitch about not having a "contract". Welcome to the real world buddy, most don't have contracts.
so you do believe that its true but now the attack is about their benefits? You asserted i made up the story.. I did not. I will tell him next time I see him about my job in the real world so he better understands how his job is not in the real world.
Make sure to bring a box of kleenex with you.
Make sure to bring a box of kleenex with you.
actually he had a pretty terrible sales job that was very much in the real world before teaching so he doesn't really complain or cry much about that stuff comparably speaking to others.. ill just remind him of that real world experience.

but are you still suggesting its a made up sob story?
So, the "real world" result of this is what? He doesn't get paid? He has not pension? His benefits aren't the gold-plated teachers benefits? He has no union protection or he just likes to bitch about not having a "contract". Welcome to the real world buddy, most don't have contracts.
So was this gentleman not in the real world, but now that he doesn't have a contract he is, despite being a teacher? I know you've focused on "real world experience," but I think you've dipped your toe in the "real world" debate now. Please advise.
Dan, it's a saying. The guy having a contract is basically meaningless. Which was the point of me asking the real world impact. To which I'm waiting an answer. Still have all protection and benes. Only someone with a contract would bitch about not having one when it has practical impact. You have a contract at your firm that guranttees your salary without any stioulatuons? If so, cap tip to you. And let's not get confused here, it has nothing to do with real world experience running anything which was the debate.