I am frustrated for a lot of reasons, one of the top being that it is not possible to cancel my monthly membership because the only channel to do so (chat) is unavailable. This can't be legal.
However i want to be open minded to Mike Craven.....however there are a few problems.
Did you really begin by calling us a mid-major? Not only was this the opposite of what you might do to endear yourself to the members, but you also must not understand what a mid major is. Mid-major is a conference affiliated term - not school specific. The characterization began when the dominant basketball conferences (Big East, ACC, Big 10, SEC, etc) had such a stronghold on credibility but there were some other slightly smaller conferences that had 1 or 2 worthy teams in them but couldn't break into the same stratosphere.....such as the Atlantic 10, Missouri Valley, etc). The media began calling them Mid Major conferences.
....as a school in the (old) Big East we (nor any team in conference) were never a mid major. In the new Big East, one might have feared 3 years ago that the conference could evolve down. It did not. I wont share the stats. But simply look at the number of Tourney bids by conference in the past 3 years - the Big East remains a power conference. Not a mid major.
If you were wrongly applying mid major at the school level then you are even more misguided. Were you aware that we won the National Championship a few weeks ago? As a member of the Big East conference? This is our second. .....and there are volumes of other stats that put our individual school performance in the very top tier of all time programs.
Also, you keep mentioning that you plan to get a 'local' beat writer. I'm not sure we need a beat writer to provide value from Rivals. We have those in the Daily News and Inqy, and most of us on this insiders website do not get anything but day old information targeted at a casual fan. We need an engaged resource with insider information- who is enthusiastic about Villanova.
The vusports site is actually filled with insiders to coaches, players, staff, national columnists, and others with deep real time information (so we do not think that we lost 3 front court players because we understand that 2 of them were walk ons)
If you want to maintain a meaningful fraction of subscribers (since most will follow the community to Scout), then promising a beat writer and comparing the program to 2nd tier conferences and teams is not the right start. You may want to do some more homework on the program, the conference, and the content that was valued on vusports.